MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!


Well-Known Member
man that's just amazing abm. really makes me want to move to a house :)

where you been meta? haven't heard a word in ages, about one day lol.


Well-Known Member
Man, walked in my front door just now and got hit by the scent of dank...I've been around homie, I had to go to court before work and reschedule a court date, and worked my butt off tonight, now I'm home, exhausted, and about to get really really stoned...I woulda been on before work, but yeah, outdoor is awesome, we should move to some property out in the boonies...


Well-Known Member
Homer, outdoor could get crazy! If you check out my last years grow I had 5 clones out from July 17th to the first week of October and pulled 7 oz..... Yeah.. Outdoors. :D
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Serious ass nuggets..hel I really dont think nugget fits colas the size of a 20z bottle. Much respect agb!


Well-Known Member
Man, walked in my front door just now and got hit by the scent of dank...I've been around homie, I had to go to court before work and reschedule a court date, and worked my butt off tonight, now I'm home, exhausted, and about to get really really stoned...I woulda been on before work, but yeah, outdoor is awesome, we should move to some property out in the boonies...
Nice !!! dont we all love that smell
its actually my cologne lol ;)

Me and my friends were just talking about moving to tracy
to grow pounds upon pounds but we had just smoked a few blunts
and you know how us stoners like to day dream lol i wish we could tho

Hope everthing goes good with court even if it is just a parking ticket or something man


Well-Known Member
I think we should all pitch in and buy an island together and get blittzz off natures gift.

Be careful about growing monsters. The other element you have to worry about is the thieves. I have seen it many times where someone has gone through all the pains of growing all summer only to have it taken a week before harvest by some assholes. I plan on growing mine no taller than about 5 ft and keep em bushy. :D
Ya my buddy lost about a half pound a week before he was gonna chop to either his ex girlfriend or his ex roomate. He was having financial issues (just got out of jail) so he was really banking on the plants to get him back on his feet.

Anyways angry black man, how much those large nugs end up yielding? if you remember. Also +rep for the close pins hanging through stem idea. I hate taping my nugs up haha.

Anyways meta, DAAMMNNNN!!!!, those are some fire ass looking nugs, I haven't been around lately and damn man, if you make hash or butter, you are gonna be destroyed. Such frosty leaves. Also goodluck in court, never fun.....ever.


Well-Known Member
Serious ass nuggets..hel I really dont think nugget fits colas the size of a 20z bottle. Much respect agb!
Yup, thats why outdoor is awesome, clipped this one 2 weeks before Christmas, long flowering sativa dom

Nice !!! dont we all love that smell
its actually my cologne lol ;)

Me and my friends were just talking about moving to tracy
to grow pounds upon pounds but we had just smoked a few blunts
and you know how us stoners like to day dream lol i wish we could tho

Hope everthing goes good with court even if it is just a parking ticket or something man
Right on! I often thibnk about moving to the middle of nowhere...I'm a homebody, so I could live in the middle of the desert with nothing else around, as long as I have my grow, my girl, and my PC with internet I'm happy. But all my friends are like "I don't wanna live in Lancaster, there's nothing to do out there", but yeah, I just wanna live somewhere cheap that gets full sun exposure from sunrise to sunset. And yeah, thanks for the good wishes for court, my date is Jun 20th...Manslaughter, wish me luck!

P.S.-I'm kidding man, it's for an expired license, and I missed my date on Tuesday so I re-scheduled for be in and out with a couple hundred dolla fine(I hope not too much more!)

I think we should all pitch in and buy an island together and get blittzz off natures gift.

Ya my buddy lost about a half pound a week before he was gonna chop to either his ex girlfriend or his ex roomate. He was having financial issues (just got out of jail) so he was really banking on the plants to get him back on his feet.

Anyways angry black man, how much those large nugs end up yielding? if you remember. Also +rep for the close pins hanging through stem idea. I hate taping my nugs up haha.

Anyways meta, DAAMMNNNN!!!!, those are some fire ass looking nugs, I haven't been around lately and damn man, if you make hash or butter, you are gonna be destroyed. Such frosty leaves. Also goodluck in court, never fun.....ever.
I'm down, I got an island in mind, the only thing I depend on my plants for is free smoke, and if I get jacked karma will come back on that person, but I'm hoping it doesn't happen. I keep my nose pretty clean, and I don't talk to or know a lot of people, not to mention my neighborhood is kinda rural. Anyway, I have various security measures I'll be trying once they get close to flowering...And yeah, I make BHO and butter, and picking up bubble bags for fall once my outdoor is ready.


Well-Known Member
Anyways angry black man, how much those large nugs end up yielding? if you remember. Also +rep for the close pins hanging through stem idea. I hate taping my nugs up haha.
You know I knew someone would ask that question sooner or later... LOL I was actually so excited about how big it was that I never weighed it before cutting it up.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Yeah outdoors really is where its at.. No hps can beat mother nature.. My first plant was a strain called PPP (pure power plant )..I vegged it under cfls and brought it outdoor to flower.thing was only 20 inches tall but she yielded just under 2 smoke I've ever had


Well-Known Member
Yeah outdoors really is where its at.. No hps can beat mother nature.. My first plant was a strain called PPP (pure power plant )..I vegged it under cfls and brought it outdoor to flower.thing was only 20 inches tall but she yielded just under 2 smoke I've ever had

There should be a disclaimer that all outdoor results are typical. :D


Well-Known Member
Wish I could grow outdoors here!!! Thats a Fat ass cola!!
Yeah, outdoors is awesome, fatty buds and free lighting!

You know I knew someone would ask that question sooner or later... LOL I was actually so excited about how big it was that I never weighed it before cutting it up.
I'm with you, I didn't even weigh my entire yield last till it had like a month cure.

Yeah outdoors really is where its at.. No hps can beat mother nature.. My first plant was a strain called PPP (pure power plant )..I vegged it under cfls and brought it outdoor to flower.thing was only 20 inches tall but she yielded just under 2 smoke I've ever had
Amen bro!


There should be a disclaimer that all outdoor results are typical. :D
Haha, totally...I'm way stoked that I live in an area thats condusive to growing outdoors, as well as on property that seems to be working out for it as well. Nothing set in stone, and I'll take it as it comes, seeing as all grows have their challanges and difficulties. But I just love growing!


Well-Known Member
So with all the action of Lefty budding and the clones and new sprouts in the veg cab, I've just been leting the DWC plants do their thing, and do their thing they have! So today is time for rez change, like 5 or 6 days I figured they needed to soak in the veg nutes a while since they were growing alot in the first week or so in 12/12...Anyway, lets get started with some tools of the trade...

The plants were in a mix of veg and flowering nutes since last change, this time it's 100% DynaGro, which I'm diging cause it was like 15 macronutrients already in it, so no need to add micro(for the hydro guys)


And on to the plants..wait, somebody wants to say hello...It's the Solar Friends Club!! The first pic they're next to Behemoth, middle pic next to Little Sprout, and the 3rd pic Little Sprout on the left, Behemoth on the right.


Some top view shots, 1st pic LS on left, Behemoth on right, 2nd pic LS, 3rd Behemoth, and 4&5 are LS side shots


Anyway, I didn't want the DWC to feel left out with all the updates I've been doing, and it IS kinda shoved back into the far corner of my flowering tent, but thats where it fits, and MAN it's sorta a bitch to do a rez change, but once again, it's what ya gotta do! Keep 'em green, folks!


Well-Known Member
very nice, meta. i like the top view shot of Cat in the first pic of the last set... you can kind of see her bald spot! LS and B are looking green as fuck, my friend, green as fuck. whatever you're doing with the dwc, it's working!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Behemoth was mutilated badly when I chopped 18 clones of her, but she's coming back strong, and LS isn't letting me down. It got fucking hot down here today, and I can see why I will have to retire the DWC for summer, but I already have ideas of what I wanna do to make it better for Fall when it starts to cool down again!


Well-Known Member
no shit, i had to leave my uhaul box open and the closet open and the windows to the room open today, and turn two of the cfls off, and the temps were still getting to 90!! damn it was hot today.

by the way, how are all those clones doing? still making right turn at ceiling? i guess it might take another 5-7 days to fully root, but just figured i'd ask.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what you mean Meta. I went out to my cab today and saw that the temps were up near 100. I can see it getting really hard to keep using it as the weather gets even warmer. Tomorrow will be the test as it's supposed to get close to 80. If my cab temps stay up I am going to move a fan and shut down a side until I can get the little ones in the sun and rebuild the cab.

Your ladies are looking awesome! :D


Well-Known Member
no shit, i had to leave my uhaul box open and the closet open and the windows to the room open today, and turn two of the cfls off, and the temps were still getting to 90!! damn it was hot today.

by the way, how are all those clones doing? still making right turn at ceiling? i guess it might take another 5-7 days to fully root, but just figured i'd ask.
Good looking plants Meta, nice and healthy looking tell the solar friends i said wassup lol

My grow space is at 88 degrees right now (Usually at 73-79)
i can only imagine what it would have been if i was running my lights while the sun was out .
It was hotter than hell on Mars today !!

EDIT: Make that 90 degrees just checked again FML


Well-Known Member
no shit, i had to leave my uhaul box open and the closet open and the windows to the room open today, and turn two of the cfls off, and the temps were still getting to 90!! damn it was hot today.

by the way, how are all those clones doing? still making right turn at ceiling? i guess it might take another 5-7 days to fully root, but just figured i'd ask.
No roots yet, but no drooping either. Everyone standing up straight, no leaf wilting, so we'll see, still trying to raise the roof!

you may have answered this earlier but is it easier to do soil or DWC??
Um, I dunno, probably soil but DWC grows faster...they're both pretty easy/difficult, just different in their own right. I like both.

Yeah I know what you mean Meta. I went out to my cab today and saw that the temps were up near 100. I can see it getting really hard to keep using it as the weather gets even warmer. Tomorrow will be the test as it's supposed to get close to 80. If my cab temps stay up I am going to move a fan and shut down a side until I can get the little ones in the sun and rebuild the cab.

Your ladies are looking awesome! :D
Dude, and I don't have an AC either, not that I wanna pay the extra on the bill to air condition plants. My cab got to like 95 today, and I said "fuck it" and let 'em sweat it out. They're not really showing heat stress, and if it slows their growth, thats cool, no I have to sweat it out, so do they!