The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
an auto ph'ing machine would be awesome, it really is a ballache. especially if you go over the ph you need so you have to get the other ph adjuster out, what a hard fucking life it is!

I've had mixes for over a week and it's never done any damage. I just stir it up once a day to keep it oxygenated.
Will do, cheers mert.


Well-Known Member
hi de hi campers! back again, drink and drug depression is almost at an end. thats 5 days i think since i had anything...apart from 1 little blue the plods missed when they raided and only had that last nite to assure afull on sleep. ive stopped itching , jingling and hearing the whispering voices.....its really quite nice...................feel like getting fuckin blitzed now.....but no....i will be strong....back on the anti drink pills and got the docs tomorrow, gonna demand to be signed off on depression, these fuckin jobcentre cunts are driving me round the fuckin bend!!!there ARE no jobs!!! havent been any in my area since the fuckin 80's!


Well-Known Member
I feel like a dick calling up tech support cause they are all based in third world countries.

It's like "Hey, if you're not too busy fighting a civil war or washing your clothes in a puddle, I downloaded a bunch of porn and now my computer is totally froze up.... Yes... I understand you are dying of malaria, but I have white people problems."


Well-Known Member
I was texting this girl I met on the internet

I text her saying 'Get naked. Now.'

She wrote 'How do you know I'm not already...?'

I replied 'Binoculars.'


Well-Known Member
I feel like a dick calling up tech support cause they are all based in third world countries.

It's like "Hey, if you're not too busy fighting a civil war or washing your clothes in a puddle, I downloaded a bunch of porn and now my computer is totally froze up.... Yes... I understand you are dying of malaria, but I have white people problems."



Well-Known Member
im not a 7 day a week drinker but im a full on binger, will go for days using lots of white just to keep me standing, ahll be the guy tapping his foot outside the pub at 2 mins to openin time and ahll be the last man out at closing, then when im either totally skint or completely physically destroyed i'll lie in bed for 2,3 sumtimes 4 days sweating and feeling suicidal. this is not a good way of life over a prolonged period of time. so i think this is it lads, im not stopping growing weed becoz i truly love watching the growing of a plant and knowing that i'm the guy that 'created' it (sorry god but i'm taking the fuckin credit!!) but im giving up the white and those fuckin crazy blue pills!! i know im gonna drink again, ive already got festival tickets booked so i WILL be gettin wasted at that but i need to break the cycle before it breaks me. just need to get my head and body a little more a few of you who have read my posts will know i'm a sorta boom or bust kinda guy ...last week it all went tits up so i think i got a hefty wake up call.....from the fuckin cops when they dragged me oot the front seat, mite also have been done wi dangerous driving as well( according to my local newspaper although they got a few other facts wrong and they are prone to crap reporting), dunno yet, checkin wi ma lawyer maybe tomorrow or early next week.


Well-Known Member
Man i need something to put me to sleep i just lay there till like 4am watching tv whilst the mrs snores away , sigh

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't really get me, i'm absolutely and utterly fine until about 8pm every night when i suddenly lose all will to live or do anything and drink myself to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Man i need something to put me to sleep i just lay there till like 4am watching tv whilst the mrs snores away , sigh
a fat stinkin indica joint is what you need! Ive got real bad insomnia at the minute and my lemon haze is anything but useful for that lol.

saying youll give it up is one thing dura and doin it is another so if you are thinkin about binging think about your kids or anything that'll give you reason not to. people have come back from a lot worse (scousers 3-0 at half time champ league to name one!)


Well-Known Member
dura screw the drink man , i replaced my drinking and fighting with smoking a good old joint :) improved my life a shit load , only thing i find hard is the hiding bit , i didnt have to hide jack he was legal :/

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Chalke and cheese in my opinion. When smoking was all very new i was able to swap out alcohol for smoke. But that was a long while ago, i just can't replace one for the other, they're too different.