2x2x5 Gl60 Tent, 250w Hortilux MH/HPS, Tangerine Dream


Active Member
They are looking crazy bushy Verde yeah they stretch like mad mine did the same as it transitioned to 12/12 but it was only a temp slow down mine is still stretching about 2" a day all bud now though.

I will say TD is one crazy mad high maintenance bitch strain very deceptive i by dumb luck started flower 2 weeks after veg start about 8"s tall and the cal/mag usage increase is insane with this strain.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Sooo.... how much larger are they than they were in veg? (like 2x, 3x?) And what day are you on

I'm going to have to do some measurements...

Think I could be seeing tighter nodes, and less node spacing than you an mcgyversmoke? I've been training mine down, keeping the light as close as possible & simultaneously cooling the canopy.... thats gotta amount to something right :lol:


Active Member
can only hope so I am at like day 35 or 40 havent had time to keep track much the td is keeping me very busy along with my BBG's trimming pruning tie downs all to keep the canopy open and letting light through


Active Member
Just a quick update on the TD

Taken on the 15th just before starting LST gained 8"s from the training. in this shot 23.5"s tall
View attachment 1517658

this one taken today 12 days of growth and LST. still stretching but nodes are coming in much tighter just over an 1/8" apart
View attachment 1517660

P.S. Also remember mine only vegged for 14 days and was 8" tall when i flipped to 12/12


Active Member
At least the monsters are beautiful monsters lol, they look REALLY nice Verde. If/when I get the courage to pop mine, I should veg to what, 6-8"? Veg tent is 3x3x5.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I would do like 6 inches LOL.... seriously... depending on your ceiling... just keep watching mine we will see what happens

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i dont get it :?

stoned on bannnana kush... i get this at 225 an oz and im wondering why I spent 1000 on a grow LOL.... i hope this works out

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i measured... and i flowered mine at 10.5 inches!! this is fucking bullshit stretch LOL! 23 inches on day 11 (?)

*sigh* removing inline fan from tent tonight


Active Member
i measured... and i flowered mine at 10.5 inches!! this is fucking bullshit stretch LOL! 23 inches on day 11 (?)

*sigh* removing inline fan from tent tonight

is that 23" total, surely not streched 23", damn these things can grow, mine, out of the 3 TD & 27 days veg, tallest only 3",

link in sig


Active Member
told u verde! theys a bitch noticed my biggest is still fucking growing!
at least u got room for them without the fan.... i hope


Active Member
TD at day 44 12/12 I have an awesome LST spiral keeping the top just under 24"(actual height without LST 38+") not only stretchy but very high nute maintenance I have noticed a definite growth/rejuvenate pattern with this plant actually had to cut back some of the monster BBG for the TD's 2nd n 3rd node buds.'this strain has some wild genetics"
View attachment 1520286

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
OK good news folks!

I removed the inline fan, and put it a few extra feet down the line of the ducting... so it's not THAT far away from the CarbonFilter!

Anyway, yeah. Lights went down, and I got to work quick! Zipped up the tent 20 minutes after the lights went off not bad :)

Anyway, without the Inline Fan above the light... I gain another.. 15 inches of headspace? I have another 18 inches for them to grow basically... I should be FINE at this point. They should grow another foot MAX..

Faithfullmastiff, those were actual heights, not difference in stretch... They have been growing about an inch a day since I started flower...

Day 12 tomorrow I think (gotta check) I will update tomorrow with pics of the new head room......

I'm still not seeing *serious* blooming... just a few calyxes here and there, working their way down the branch....

As for nute sensitivity... yes, it is VERY sensitive I'm finding also! I feel like they need a lot of Cal/mag... so next time I water ill put in 4mL per gallon to give them a little snack before a real feed..

Thanks for following along thus far guys, should get exciting soon!

Also, is it just me.... or is this totalllly not seeming like a 70 day strain right now? :lol: that or it goes fucking CRAZy around day 25 or something LOL

I gave them a shit tonne of nitrogen.. last time... and that greened them up pretty well!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
My first grow was bag seed Sativas, what a nightmare, had to tie down the tops like 4 weeks into flower. No more 12" veg plants, 6-8" and topped seems to be working.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's totally a tree that should be outside if ANYTHING..

medium my ass attitude! :lol:

They are about 25 inches today... vs. 10 inches thirteen days ago... sheesh 15 inches in 13 days!

I hope they are slowing down! I got about another foot + to raise the light now though... It's all good I just don't want them stretching 3x or more... by the end of flower

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Tangerine Dream Day 13 Flower

More pics... mid day.. they are in their prime right now.. I zip tied the large branches to the tent frame... I need to remember to cut the zip tie before i take them out to water them :lol:

You guys think I'm good for height now? :lol:

Tent shot... notice the new height, and the carbon filter now zip tied to the roof.

Top down


Notice the height markers.. The top tape line is 3 feet, the one below (at plant level) is 2 feet. This is FROM the top of the soil folks

So what do you guys think? Am I going to have some fat nugs or what? 8) I think they should slow down and finish vertical growth by day 20.. maybe day 30 it will pretttty much slow down to a hault? I'm hoping at least! LOL fuck this strain so far, better be some sweet nugs


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey 420god

I'm thinking of dangling a few 2700k CFLs down on the sides... what do you think about that?

OR putting one down under neath them!

Any suggestions on how to do that?