you forgot to mention the part where he aimed the nozzle at the Cops...
I bet if you looked into things a little closer you would find it's Charlie Sheen behind it all.
you forgot to mention the part where he aimed the nozzle at the Cops...
says who ? your lying ass cock sucking pig buddies? liers,cowards, and murderers pig! aint gonna do jack diddly squat without your fuckin badge and gun and all your fuck buddies corn hollin each other...rot in hell pig
says who ? your lying ass cock sucking pig buddies? liers,cowards, and murderers pig! aint gonna do jack diddly squat without your fuckin badge and gun and all your fuck buddies corn hollin each other...rot in hell pig
adults don't need to talk to each other this way , sorry but you don't need to insult or attack them with vulgar rants sorry dude but not very cool
i would never have guessed that the two of you would be friends.. birds of a feather... anywho's, who are you calling a coward here? i'm not the one who shot an unarmed man eight times, and neither are any of the other 'cowards' here, that would be your boys in blue..
says who ? your lying ass cock sucking pig buddies? liers,cowards, and murderers pig! aint gonna do jack diddly squat without your fuckin badge and gun and all your fuck buddies corn hollin each other...rot in hell pig
Damn it. Now I have to track down the story where the neighbors said he was watering the lawn. :: sigh ::
says who ? your lying ass cock sucking pig buddies? liers,cowards, and murderers pig! aint gonna do jack diddly squat without your fuckin badge and gun and all your fuck buddies corn hollin each other...rot in hell pig
According to the cops that shot an unarmed man....
for the record,I not only do NOT trust cops these days,I don't trust ANYONE...especially Gov't types...
I am willing to bet you won't go on a training op with my militia friends out into our swamps down here in the deep south...You wouldnt last an hour...If a Gator dont get you,one of the other psycho creatures out there survive there,you can survive anywhere...
And seeing as how you took my post personal,that tells me all I need to know about you...
My Advice...grow a set.