• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Big blackmail problem


Well-Known Member
move the grow for a little while! Tell him to call the cops YOU don't give a shit! or just make sure there is no more smell or light showing so that he can tell it is there anymore and tell him you moved it! use the 2k for a room upgrade! then tell him you moved it so he can blow you, I'm not 100% sure but just because some guy calls the cops and says I think he is growing marijuana, they cant just come barging in your door. They might show up and knock and see if they can see or smell anything from the outside but thats where the 2k room up grade comes in! Or find an apartment that has a month to month lease and move it there for a little while. When i first started growing I rented a studio downtown and just grew in it! people thought i lived there because i was always coming and going! use the money any way you can to cover your self and not pay some prick! or put a sign in your yard that says i lost the phone leave another. if he leaves another and calls when you pick pick it up. that means he can see you, you should be able to see him! take notes of everything that is parked or anything around your house before and just wait. Video camera! remember blackmale is illegal as well! if he sees you pay once he will want it every crop!


Well-Known Member
WU does NOT require ID people; all you need is a password. Me? I'd have a homie at every local western union & I'd send him 20 bucks & wait til it's picked up (they can notify you of when & where it was picked up.) I'd have rented a U-haul & loaded it up with empty boxes as a foil & just waited till it washed out who it is. pay em if ya wanna; it won't be the last time if ya do.


Well-Known Member
leave a sign in the yard saying (lost the phone leave another) if he calls right when you pick up that means he is within sight! find his ass! stay out side until you see something that is off in your neighborhood! I know every car that is parked within sight of my house and most of the ones that come visit the houses! be more aware of your area! use the 2k to fix the smell or light leak and tell the guy you said fuck it and stopped growing because you dont have the 2k and the "5" plants you were growing were no where near worth 2k! The police might show up to see if they can see light or smell anything, but thats where the 2k come in! Im pretty sure the cops just cant come in! go to a pay phone can report one of your neighbors for growing and see what happens. nothing to the neighbor because they arent growing and you'll see what the police will do with a grow room tip!
Remember, They need proof before they can invade your privacy! otherwise people would just report people they dont like for all sorts of crazy stuff! "i think my neighbor kidnapped some one" they will ask for evidence or proof!


Active Member
Start smokin it all dude.. The mounties will end you! Anyone saying calling the cops is the way out...Deffinitly not. They are going to take the Grow to be a more serious matter and never bother with this Phone Bandito...I do agree with getting some friends to surround your place and blend in like random people walking about...Just keep an eye out for this wanker, Pack ur shit up and move to BC lol Rare to find assholes like that out this way


Rent a U - Haul, buy big tall boxes, pack plants as necessary to sustain their lives (lots of creativity), find a friend/storage locker/cheap small apt/room. Seriously somewhere you f*ed up and there is no right answer. Jail is no fun and for $2000 you can get a new place for them and see what survives. Pay yourself I guess. Or risk it ... contact a lawyer ... warrants are not the easiest to get. Idk my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
maybe you were being watched by the police and a dirty cop got wind of it. There is no way someone could rat you out and have the cops at your door in three hours. Warrants take a least a little time to get, popos got to game plan the raid etc. Seems like there is a story everyweek in my city about cops robbing dealers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is bullshit. Im with homie who posted a few pages ago that he is just gathering info to do this himself. Stop feeding into this dumbass's bullshit.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
so today when i was on the way out of the house i noticed a cell phone taped to the outside of my front door.As soon as i picked it up it started to ring,i answerd and some guy told me i have 3 hours to western union him 2000$$ to some name(im sure its isnt there real name just the name on ther fake id they use to collect) or they would call the cops and have me arrested. He told me he already has had 3 other grow ops busted becaus they failed to send the money.
WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO????????:wall:
has this happend to anybody else???
He is obviously close enough to see you if the phone rings right away. So first, you take the cell phone, put it on the ground, and smash it. Flip off the air in all directions. Then, you go in, and destroy all your plants ASAP, and put tomatoes in your growroom. Move all your bongs, pipes, etc to a friend's house.

Unless he has evidence, his call to the police wont be enough to give them a warrant. They will just investigate. This is where your smell/sound/light control comes into scrutiny. Did you do a really good job with the odor control? Did you blab to the wrong people? How does this guy know? If this guy found the evidence trail, than it is still there for police to follow, so find the place weak link in your security chain, and fix it, before starting again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
maybe you were being watched by the police and a dirty cop got wind of it. There is no way someone could rat you out and have the cops at your door in three hours. Warrants take a least a little time to get, popos got to game plan the raid etc. Seems like there is a story everyweek in my city about cops robbing dealers.
Warrants also need well, a bit more than some geezer claiming you haver a grow op going :lol: i think southpark did a funny twist on the idea of having rights, the M word :lol: back in the long long ago.


Well-Known Member
Damn this really sucks major dick, what a piece of shit person he is. What I would do is first of all hire a private investigator. Then I would try and get in contact wth the motherfucker and from there let the private investigator do his job and once you find out who it is well then all I can say is payback is a bitch......k


Well-Known Member
I gotta call bullshit here. If you were growing 200 plants illegally you would be serious enough to have bought several large carbon filters and when you open your front door you would smell sweet fresh nothing but glade plug-ins. And if your grow really is set up like that then you deserve to be busted.


bud bootlegger
i completely agree that it is bullshit, but what better things do i have to do then sit here and fawk with this dude.... its cold outside, i'm nice and cozy on me couch, and the first 48 is a rerun..
what ever i dont give a fuck what you haters think.i wanted to know what you would do if it happend to you but most of you seem to be small time growing less then 10 plants so i dont even care what you would do in this situation.
i thank the people that gave advice besides saying call the cops and basicly rat my self out


bud bootlegger
what ever i dont give a fuck what you haters think.i wanted to know what you would do if it happend to you but most of you seem to be small time growing less then 10 plants so i dont even care what you would do in this situation.
i thank the people that gave advice besides saying call the cops and basicly rat my self out
not one person said call the police and tell them that your growing illegally did they?? i think not, what they did say was to call the popo and tell them that some jerkoff was threatening your family and now he says if you don[t pay him, he's going to make up shit about your growing or what not, very big dfference... and if you were to go to the popo first and tell them this, whom do you think they are more likely to believe, you or someone dropping off phones and asking for cash, for whatever reasons?? and like everyone else has said, ransom and the like is much more of a crime then growing a few plants..

and i love you, the big baller, like you even have a clue as to how many plants anyone on this site grows, mr i just signed up an hour ago.. and, we want to see the receipt for the wu, or you can gtfa..


Well-Known Member
what ever i dont give a fuck what you haters think.i wanted to know what you would do if it happend to you but most of you seem to be small time growing less then 10 plants so i dont even care what you would do in this situation.
i thank the people that gave advice besides saying call the cops and basicly rat my self out
You are stupid bro. You are the reason people shouldn't be growing. WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU GIVE IN AND PAY THE MONEY??? STUPID STUPID STUPID............... I bet the guys sitting there saying WOW HE ACTUALLY PAID IT lol. I'm sorry for trolling but you are just retarded. I would have
1. Ignored it or
2. Called the pigs, told them somebody taped a phone to my window saying they wanted 2000 dollars or they were going to break into my house. He has to go pick up the money somewhere and the cops would most likely be waiting for him or they would put a tag on the money so when it was pulled up they could hold the guy their till cops came. AGAIN I SAY YOU ARE DUMB AS FUCK AND YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE 200 PLANTS WITH SUCH SMALL INTELLIGENCE PEACE
not one person said call the police and tell them that your growing illegally did they?? i think not, what they did say was to call the popo and tell them that some jerkoff was threatening your family and now he says if you don[t pay him, he's going to make up shit about your growing or what not, very big dfference... and if you were to go to the popo first and tell them this, whom do you think they are more likely to believe, you or someone dropping off phones and asking for cash, for whatever reasons?? and like everyone else has said, ransom and the like is much more of a crime then growing a few plants..

and i love you, the big baller, like you even have a clue as to how many plants anyone on this site grows, mr i just signed up an hour ago.. and, we want to see the receipt for the wu, or you can gtfa..
lol go watch your first 48 re runs