Keep deer off your crop FOR SURE!


Active Member
I've had dozens of outdoor seasons and most of the time it hasn't worked out. The majority of the time I come up on my girls only to find that a deer has plucked the tops clean and then they will keep coming back to chomp the new growth. Of course, I've had drought, winds, frost etc.. take a few crops but most of the time it's deer that ruin my season. I've read about leaving hair and other scents to deter animals away, but being a avid bow hunter I know for a fact it does not work. Maybe for a few days but scent usually dissipates within 48 hours or animals will recognize that there is no threat and go on with their business. I've observed deer actually going out of their way to check out a new smell - sniffing where I was, where I pissed, where I sat etc.. So taking your barber's mess usually just gives field mice good nesting materials.

My solution is thisspiderwire_3box.jpg

It's pretty simple actually. Just plant your crop where ever as normal and find four trees or posts, whatever, you just need a few good anchor points at least 3 feet tall. And you basically spin a web around them. The only tricky part is getting over the web to get to the plants. I have been using the bucket I take to stand on and then grabbing a branch to hop over.

Make sure to get the heavy spider wire. This stuff is strong. If you weave it just right, you can literally lean on it and it will support your weight.

I have a huge deer pop where I live and before the tree mast gets underway the deer pretty much eat everything soft and green in sight. So this may seem extreme but with well over a 100 plants(all females) turned to poo I had to get drastic. I have some friends that put their girls in trees to get em of the ground.
I haven't had a deer try to jump it yet. I try to situate it on uneven ground so they are unsure of their landing argo not making the jump. The other good perk of it is it's totally incog as far as sight goes, a thin fence basically. Just make sure you take it ALL out with you after the season, it doesn't decompose well and might pose threats to birds.

Go guerillas!!


Maybe I am just "paranoid" but I have always thought about another aspect of using fishing line/wire to fence your guerrilla plants.

Hunter Joe is wandering through the woods, scouting out an excellent spot to kill some of these pesky deer. All of the sudden he runs into the worlds strongest spider web!!!!!!
A. He is on acid and the web doesn't really exist
B. He figures out what is going on there even though he would have probably walked right past it in the first place.

Option B is what I am afraid of, just because I only know 1 hunter who hunts on acid (true story) and I live in Wisconsin where pretty much everyone hunts.


Active Member
Nice first post DM! I dont know what youre getting at though, the string that he ran into is gonna be less of a give away that your plants are there than him seeing the lucious sticky green buds.

But good job wookie, i need to keep deer away this year and was gonna just let my dog shit near the plants to scare them, but i might have to grab some of this string. Do you get it at Dicks? Lowes?


Active Member
I used it and it keep them away from mine, I had to change it a few times something ran trough it but I set it back up and good to go they never come back. Another thing I used is Human hair, dump a bunch around the plant. bad thing is if the cops find it they have dna samples, lol


New Member
thats why u get it from a barber dont use your own

I used it and it keep them away from mine, I had to change it a few times something ran trough it but I set it back up and good to go they never come back. Another thing I used is Human hair, dump a bunch around the plant. bad thing is if the cops find it they have dna samples, lol


Active Member
Wal mart has spider wire, at least around here they carry it.
I hear what your saying DM if deer aren't a big issue then I would not mess with it. Guerilla growing is very region specific. What works well for me will be of no use to someone else. Above all else I really try and put my crop in inaccessible areas, for people and deer. Most hunters are lazy or scared and rarely go 100 yards from their vehicle. But, don't be fooled and think no one has ever stepped foot where your plants are. I've been all over the mid-west and have yet to find a truly hidden spot, f'n ppl everywhere anymore.

Speaking of which, I've found a few crops in my day, one in deep flowering. I leave them be, cept maybe for a pinch ;) for quality assurance reasons, of course..


New Member
well nothing wrong with a sample and im sure if growers knew they would be grateful

some would snatch whole crop :fire:

Wal mart has spider wire, at least around here they carry it.
I hear what your saying DM if deer aren't a big issue then I would not mess with it. Guerilla growing is very region specific. What works well for me will be of no use to someone else. Above all else I really try and put my crop in inaccessible areas, for people and deer. Most hunters are lazy or scared and rarely go 100 yards from their vehicle. But, don't be fooled and think no one has ever stepped foot where your plants are. I've been all over the mid-west and have yet to find a truly hidden spot, f'n ppl everywhere anymore.

Speaking of which, I've found a few crops in my day, one in deep flowering. I leave them be, cept maybe for a pinch ;) for quality assurance reasons, of course..


Well-Known Member
I think if a deer was hungry enough he will smash straight thru that flimsy shit. By the time you have wrapped it around the whole patch about 100 times ,you could have built a solid fence with post holes.


Active Member
I think if a deer was hungry enough he will smash straight thru that flimsy shit. By the time you have wrapped it around the whole patch about 100 times ,you could have built a solid fence with post holes.
Not without getting some deep cuts. But, ya, If they were starving and that's all that was available. Spider wire is far from flimsy as it's name implies. It's more about how you weave it. I've been doing a grid - 6 inches apart (horizontally) and then going back around on a 45 degree angle at about 10 inches @ about 5 feet high. Building a fence is just not optional for a lot of guys, and it would take the gueirilla out of growing. This is not something you would use for a big crop, only 5-10 plants or 100-200 sq feet.

Deer will not go out of their way for a meager meal.


New Member
oh no the troll is back he is like the energizer bunny never stops

I think if a deer was hungry enough he will smash straight thru that flimsy shit. By the time you have wrapped it around the whole patch about 100 times ,you could have built a solid fence with post holes.


Well-Known Member
I agree with wookie that a deer won't just "run" though heavy spider wire. It would definately lacerate the deer. It is a good idea but also has its downfalls.


Well-Known Member
so how much is that stuff ?

i would probably just get a few metal garden spikes that ppl make those fences with and just go around it with some barbwire


Active Member
so how much is that stuff ?

i would probably just get a few metal garden spikes that ppl make those fences with and just go around it with some barbwire
25$ or so. That's for the 80lb test strength.

Barbwire. Very effective, but some work (60lb install w/ t-post) and you would prob give your spot away.


Well-Known Member
Spider wire is definitely strong shit, have you ever used it for fishing and tried to bite through it with your teeth to put on a new lure? Its very difficult. I used it two years ago to protect one of my plants, no deer got through it.


Well-Known Member
dont use barbed wire, the spider wire is clear and is incredibly strong! i use it for fishing and keep a lighter in my tackle box to burn through it because biting through it can hurt and take a while. this is not some "flimsy" stuff


Active Member
I think if a deer was hungry enough he will smash straight thru that flimsy shit. By the time you have wrapped it around the whole patch about 100 times ,you could have built a solid fence with post holes.
You don't need to wrap it 100 times. 2 passes will keep any deer away that isnt running when he slams into it. They will not go through it they find another place to graze. The average deer spooks very easy.


Well-Known Member
Deer are like water, they prefer the path of least resistence. If there is shit in its way it will just go eat something else, its not gonna go all McGyver for your plants when theres a forest full of food right over there