best way to kill a large tree without cutting it down?


Well-Known Member
the best ways to kill a tree without cutting it down?

1. become a witch dr, and entice the lightning to strike them from the sky.

2. wait for them to grow old, they ll die eventually. though you ll likey be dust when that happens.

3. wait for a tornado to take them out.

4. move.


Well-Known Member
to awnser your question, cut a ring of bark off all the way around the tree. i killed a bunch of bodark trees on my property this way. if the trees aren't on your property and you get caught killing them that would be a hell of a restitution to have to pay back. i catch someone destroying my property........


RIU Bulldog
You couldn't rent a chainsaw from somewhere then pull the stump out with a strong truck? Cause I'm sure there are products out there that will chemically kill a tree but it will probably take a lot longer than you'd like. If your set on removing them, cutting them down iss gonna be the best fastest and probably cheapest option. Hell man, do it old school with a fucking axe. Either that or burn it down and say it was an accident, hopefully it will catch your house on fire too.

how do you take down a tree...? Christ.


RIU Bulldog
I guess I probably should have asked why you can't chop it down first.

you guys are hypocrites. How many of you grow organic?
I didn't think so


Well-Known Member
I grow organic and have for the last 10 years and destroying the trees makes no sense, as long as your plants get 3 hours of direct sunlight thats all they need to grow well and you will not need to water them as often.

I don't know where you are but north america is having a rash of tree issues and everyone is looking for dead or dieing trees to see if it has hit them yet. Pine Beatles and Ash Boarer ect. might bring you some unwanted attention.


Well-Known Member
And this makes you big man on campus? :roll:
no it just means i dont give a fuck about a tree getting into the way of my grow..... i understand the importance of trees.... really i do..... but i need that outdoor harvest too.... REALLY I DO... cut that shit down and plant some other "trees" cannabis in its place..... THEN COME FALL YOUR GONNA HAVE TO CUT THOSE TREES DOWN TOO... SEE WERE ALL TREE KILLERS AROUND HERE... removing the bark from the tree will take a long ass time to kill it chop it down be careful dont let it fall on you.. cuzz that would be too fucking ironic!!! man kills tree then tree kills him


Well-Known Member
If it's his land, he can do what he wants, but cut them down, don't poison them and leave them standing to fall in a windstorm....

If it is someone else's land, I stick by my "leave em alone" thinking.


Well-Known Member
Common man, that's a tree...:dunce:
You know what us tree workers says,...EARTH FIRST!....
we'll harvest the rest later....:-PLOL

You can cut a ring all the way around the tree a couple of inches thick, exposing the cambium layer. That will keep the water/nutrients from making its way up the tree, but this is a long slow death to the tree, and will take a bit of time. Just cut them down, but you need to use that wood. Make raised beds, or turn into fuel wood, or cooking wood, but don't waste them.
I'm not a tree hugger, but I don't like to see things wasted. If you use the wood that's good "juju". You always want good "juju" when growing. WE ALL USE WOOD PRODUCTS, AND IF YOU SAY YOU DON"T YOUR EITHER LYING OR STUPID!!!:dunce: So it's O.K. to cut the trees down:clap:, but don't waste them.
Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
Know what kind of tree it is first: invasive, native, rare, and those trees impact on the area. I've killed thousands of trees so that better trees get more light. If you do poison the tree you will have to worry about falling limbs later. Fuck it, chop the trees down if common and replant 10.


Active Member
"I guess I probably should have asked why you can't chop it down first.

you guys are hypocrites. How many of you grow organic?
I didn't think so "

I do. . . .
I do, for many years.
Having said that, I have no problem taking the right tree down for the right reason - especially if you use the tree for everything you can.......and..... wait for it........if the tree is yours to cut in the first place.



Well-Known Member
A nice sharp 16 or 18 inch chain saw would be the method of choice or you can rent a Canadian Beaver at union rates

Brick Top

New Member
Not that I am at all in favor of killing a tree to create a growing location .... and maybe I missed it ... but what kind of tree are you talking about? There are things that could easily be done to one type of tree that would kill it deader than disco but the same thing done to a different type of tree would do nothing or next to nothing at all.

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
lol FUCKING TREE HUGGERS..... ive killt like 5 small trees and some bushes this year so far prepping my outdoor spot.... i have no problem sleeping at night... matter fact from all that hard work i slept good has hell.... how thick are theese trees? the ones i was cutting were has thick has my wrist and were a bitch to bring down with an old school hand saw...

man i got a story for u express....... i chopped this tree down that had to be like 10-15 stories high maybe more ill have to go to my spot and measure it ..... i couldnt even hug that mother fucker if i tried

chopped her down with a hatchet not an axe and one those dollar store hand saws it was intense took 2 hole packs of backwood blunts to take er down..... i felt amazingly good after it was an adrenline rush to the fullest seeing that thing fall to the ground it was like in slow motion too..... the ground shook pretty good too.... i felt a sense of accomplishment too not many people can say they took a 15 story tree down with just a hatchet and a weak ass hand saw

and then there was another one right beside it that just had to go but it was a lil smaller...... but i dropped them like perfectly in the area i wanted them to fall in they fell right in that spot. its perfect cover the trees limbs/branches go about 10 feet high so its like a wall so animals cant get in......... well the small ones can

....... ive planted 20 trees for cuttin down them 2 trees if any u huggers going to complain


Active Member
Wow. The arrogance on this forum is unbelievable.

Thanks for the responses that actually answered my question.

Don't want to cut it down because carrying an axe to my spot might look a bit suspicious. But thanks again for the help.


Active Member
As much as killing trees is pure evil... I did read once that you can kill a tree by driving copper nails into the trunk... just curious if theres any truth to this..

Brick Top

New Member
As much as killing trees is pure evil... I did read once that you can kill a tree by driving copper nails into the trunk... just curious if theres any truth to this..

Possibly if you drive in enough nails to cut off an adequate supply of water and nutrients to the tree ... but otherwise, no.

I live in a lake, well to be technical it's a reservoir built for flood control and hydroelectric generation. It's rather large, 50,000 acres, and because the level will rise and fall the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns the land around the lake up to the top of the dam, the number of feet above sea level that is the top of the dam.

Depending on where someone's property is their property might run right to the lake and there isn't a tree between their house and the lake. Others might have a quarter mile of woods between their house and the lake and have no view at all. Since the Corps only allows dead trees to be cut down, and even then you need someone from the Corps to come out and see it and mark it to be OK to be cut, people have tried over the years to find ways to kill trees so they could then get the Corps to let them cut them. Copper nails is one of the commonly claimed to work ways of killing trees, but as I said, unless you drive in enough to damage the flow of water and nutrients up the tree, it will survive. Some people will dig holes and pour gallons of various things into the hole and then cover it up. Others have dug deep holes and poured many bags of fertilizer in and covered it up hoping the 'burn' the tree to kill it. Some had dug holes and poured in many bags of salt or used salt licks and covered it up hoping that would kill trees. One thing that works, but is slow, is some people will walk around a tree several times shooting .22 rounds all around the base of the tree. Insects get in and over some years the tree usually dies. If someone from the Corps notices the holes they just assume it is from insects and they don't dig around to see if they can find .22 rounds just a little way into the tree. Instead of shooting a tree some people will instead drill a number of holes in a way that doesn't look like a pattern someone would make and again insects do the rest. For pine trees all someone needs to do is take something like a razor knife and cut just deep enough to get a little way past the bark, because that is where the water and nutrients rise up the tree, in the outer fibers just under the bark, so it cuts the flow ... basically like black turpentine beetles did to a number of my pine trees I lost.

In my case I was lucky to find a home with little Corps land between my property and the lake and only a handful of trees that were blocking the view. When a new home was built up the road and a tree crew was there I asked them if they would stop by and grind some stumps for me later that day. While they were finishing up clearing the lot my neighbor and I dropped the trees that were blocking my view the most, the tree crew came and ground the stumps and the Corps was never the wiser since there were no stumps to be found from trees that were not OK'd to be cut.

While I do love trees it made my view much better and it increased my property values and with less shade grass grew and it stopped the erosion problem that had been going on causing the lake to silt in around my dock.

Not that little trees would be able to take the place of adult trees for many years I planted 20 new trees on my property, in areas that would not block my view of the lake.

Sadly that was more than outweighed when a few years later I lost 27 large pine trees, the bases were all between 15 to 32 inches across, not around, across. Black turpentine beetles did them in. The trees were so thick with them that when it was quiet outside, no sounds from boats or jet skies, you could hear the beetles chewing. By the time I discovered there was a problem and then identified it, it was too late and I had to have a tree service come in a fell them all.

In the case of cutting trees on Corps land, if caught you can be fined and you can lose you clearing and dock permit. One neighbor risked it and dropped four large oaks blocking his view and he was fined $750.00 and he said it's the best $750.00 he ever spent since it gave him a great view and his property value shot way up.

The case of the person with the most 'balls' that I know of was back some years ago when the government was shut down for a handful of days or so. He knew that no one from the Corps would be around so he got a friend with a dozer to come in and had every single tree between his property and the lake knocked down ... and there were a lot of them.

The first day the government was back at work he called the Corp's area office and bitched and pissed and moaned and asked why they cleared in front of his house or gave the OK for someone else to clear in front of his house. He claimed he loved the privacy and the woodsy look. Someone from the Corps came out and decided that someone else in the area must have paid someone to clear in front of their land and the person doing the clearing went to the wrong home.

They guy ended up with a fantastic view when before he could hardly see the water. He wasn't fined a penny and the Corps even came in and planted some type of grass they use around the lake that can remain submerged under water for long periods of time and not die, so he ended up with a great looking lawn all the way from his house to the lake and a million dollar view.