Wet floors?

benny blanco

Active Member
What do you guys do about your drainage? I have to mop everytime I feed and it gets pretty laboring. Just curious if I'm the only one that has to mop.


Well-Known Member
i just finished putting a large bay sink in my veg room. low to the ground for tall plants.


Active Member
What medium r u using? If your hand watering with soil/soiless I would buy or build a flood table drill whole in 1 side place bucket under hole and let it drain into bucket dump bucket after it stops dripping. That's what I do


Well-Known Member
watering table orrr why dont u just get soccers that go underneath the pots? I finly did that and no more wet floors :). Hey they sell them at grow stores same place were u buy your pots :)


Well-Known Member
this is all you need. acouple peices off that plasic ribbed roofing shit and a peice of gutter. slope the roofing a bit so water runs to the gutter, then the gutter runs into a 5gal bucket. You just grab the bucket after feeding and dump it on your garden outside, make the outside flowers go crazy and keeps indoors dry and clean.


Well-Known Member
weedslv, Hi,
U would never empty them, since it just to catch the run off. I mean, at the most one cup?? It will be passively wicked up in a very short time.

benny blanco

Active Member
The heigh in my space is limited. The lights are almost 6 feet. I'm expecting my girls to stretch out to 3 1/2- 4 feet tall so I don't know. That soccer thing sounds intresting. Maybe ill stop by osh or something to check it out


Well-Known Member
don't you have a drain in the room? you can make a drain pipe to wherever you intend to drain, possibly to a backyard or whatever


Well-Known Member
well it is much better to remove the water from the room somehow, will be much cleaner less pests and humidity problems, so either mop it or make a table drain into a closed jug or something, just dont keep water in the open, my 0.02


Well-Known Member
i use plates, plastic plates anything really that willfit under the pot. what little water that does drain out is quickly absorbed within a day, no mess no fuss. shit, you can even use an empty cat litter pan.


Well-Known Member
So all you guys talking about this runoff table, any threads on a DIY guide. Im in the same situation, to the point i dont water sometims because i know it takes at least an hour.

benny blanco

Active Member
i use plates, plastic plates anything really that willfit under the pot. what little water that does drain out is quickly absorbed within a day, no mess no fuss. shit, you can even use an empty cat litter pan.

I think I might try the paper plate method. if I do the cat litter I gotta find 30 of them. I've been putting all of them in my bath tub and after it drains I just put them back. That's a lot of back and forth though lol


New Member
this is what i did get some plastic milk crates and turn upside down and slide over 5 gallon bucket then u have platform to water and something to catch the water


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^Was just gonna say this. Use pot "saucers" and suck up the excess with a wet/dry shop vac. I used to do this, and will be getting a new one for my grow I will be starting very soon.