First Indoor Grow


Sour Diesel and Mystery Seed:leaf::leaf::leaf:Our cat attacked our mystery and ate some of its leaves, we think it will be ok though, sour D is lookin pretty nice. both are stanky if u rub the stems and smell
Mystery Seed 1.jpgMystery Seed 2.jpgMystery Seed 3.jpgSour Diesel 3.jpgSour Diesel 4.jpgSour Diesel 5.jpg


oh and how long are you supposed to wait to start feeding? the mystery is like a month and 4 days old and the sour d is 25 days old and i think i started feeding them waaay too soon


Well-Known Member
I wait until there are a good 5-6 nodes or a little later, and all i use for food in veg is fish emulsions and occasionally superthrive.


well i think im seeing balls on the mystery, it may be a male :/ but the Sour D has no signs of balls at all


Get rid of that MALE ASAP if ur sure bro. Unless u want seeds in ur smoke. U might wana LST that stretched plant eventually.


Dude yo can't see anything on that pic, however given how young the plant looks, for it to be exhibiting signs of it's sex this early on would be strange but not unheard of I think. You can let it go a little longer to be sure, and you don't have to remove it immediately. Just get rid of it when you're sure of it's sex or before the pollen sacs mature and rupture. btw if you don't know, they look like little bananas. Hope this helps out, I'm not saying that I know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm just trying to use reason and common sense when I say that exhibiting sex this early is strange, but as for the not having to remove a male right away I speak from experience. I had a hermie not too long ago that I kept around for a while and it didn't pollinate my other ladies I just killed it before the pollen sacs ruptured when I was sure they were definitely balls... sorry if I rambled lol.


Well-Known Member
for it to be exhibiting signs of it's sex this early on would be strange but not unheard of I think.
Completely false, reason:

Cory&Sam said:
he mystery is like a month and 4 days old
That's definitely close enough to the time it starts showing sex.

however there's no way you can tell with that picture....get a closer shot, also try to get one of it straight on like you have it there, and then a side shot so we can see the angles around it.


Dude yo can't see anything on that pic, however given how young the plant looks, for it to be exhibiting signs of it's sex this early on would be strange but not unheard of I think. You can let it go a little longer to be sure, and you don't have to remove it immediately. Just get rid of it when you're sure of it's sex or before the pollen sacs mature and rupture. btw if you don't know, they look like little bananas. Hope this helps out, I'm not saying that I know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm just trying to use reason and common sense when I say that exhibiting sex this early is strange, but as for the not having to remove a male right away I speak from experience. I had a hermie not too long ago that I kept around for a while and it didn't pollinate my other ladies I just killed it before the pollen sacs ruptured when I was sure they were definitely balls... sorry if I rambled lol.
ya but i read on another post you can tell at 4-8 weeks mines almost 6, i think they're just growths now lol i'll get more pics in a couple days


Well-Known Member
Your plants don't have the light they need so they are stunted...30 days in you should have large leaf mass and at least 12 inches of height. Get more light and start over. I'm not trying to be harsh I just want you to have success. To get CFL to work well you need to keep them about 4 inches from the top of the plant. You'd probably be happier with a small T5 setup then you could change bulbs when your going to flower. Just my 2 cents. Good growing


Your plants don't have the light they need so they are stunted...30 days in you should have large leaf mass and at least 12 inches of height. Get more light and start over. I'm not trying to be harsh I just want you to have success. To get CFL to work well you need to keep them about 4 inches from the top of the plant. You'd probably be happier with a small T5 setup then you could change bulbs when your going to flower. Just my 2 cents. Good growing
haha yaa, im still gonna see what i can get out of it, and i think the sour d is still fine though, and i just started a new one, hasnt sprouted yet


ya but i read on another post you can tell at 4-8 weeks mines almost 6, i think they're just growths now lol i'll get more pics in a couple days
yeah my bad I guess I missed the part where you said how old it is. it just looked so young because of it's height and amount of leaf I didn't think it was 6 weeks old lol. I think you're right about it just being new growth though. Good luck man.


nice plants you got there! What soil are you using and are you applying any nutes? I did the same mistake when using the CFL and my plants stretched quite a lot, however I hope that leaves more space for bigger buds ;)
A couple of days ago I placed the reflective hood and cfl very close to my plants and they seem to be able to stand the little heat the cfl is producing.
I can see you are using LST, FIM and topping methods, how come? Or am i mistaking?
