God damn PH!!


Active Member
I don't understand why our PH wont stay still for fucks sake...

3 Nights ago , we let them sit in plain water to flush them out, we are currently using a DWC system so I thought this would be a good way to get most of the nutes out of the water.

The next day, we changed the res. 3 gallons of tap water, added our nutes, foxfarm trio, big buds and bud candy. Got the PH to all 3 to about 5.5-6(at most).

Today, (2 days later) PH is back up to about 7... WTF? in 2 days?

We have everything blacked out, to keep algae at bay.

Using tap water THIS TIME, have used bottled spring water prior and SAME problem.

We are using the PH solution to check, not sure if I want to get a pen yet since I don't understand the calibration for it.

Just can't figure out how to stabilize....
Will Get some photos soon. HELP IS APPRECIATED!! Don't think its not! :wall::wall::wall:

Day 37 - 13 (5).jpgDay 37 - 13 (3).jpgDay 37 - 13 (8).jpgDay 37 - 13 (6).jpgDay 37 - 13 (9).jpg


Well-Known Member
is the high pH killing the plants? if not, chillout
i grow without any pH meters and i aint never had any problems


Active Member
is the high pH killing the plants? if not, chillout
i grow without any pH meters and i aint never had any problems
Yea, causing a ton of deficiencies... Now I have yellowing leaves with spots all over.. Supposed to be at 5.5-6.5 and ours always shoots back up to 7.. Just afraid to loose my girls at this point.. Its been hell that last few weeks.. :-(


Well-Known Member
do you know the baseline pH of your tap water? spring water's usually about 7 to begin with... I'd drop it down with some apple cider vinegar & see if it balances out. is it fluctuating throughout the day at all?


Well-Known Member
Yea, causing a ton of deficiencies... Now I have yellowing leaves with spots all over.. Supposed to be at 5.5-6.5 and ours always shoots back up to 7.. Just afraid to loose my girls at this point.. Its been hell that last few weeks.. :-(
brown spots? you sure its from the pH levels? sounds like some kind of nute def to me


Active Member
Yea, its looking like a Mag. def still, which I was told was/ could be caused by PH levels being all over the place. we have cal/mag in the res. Im just quickly loosing hope and it sucks.. I really want to fix all this, but damn...


Well-Known Member
if you really wanna save em, dump your rez, rinse em out, refill with RO water & some cal mag. then reintroduce your nutes, slowly over a couple of days in small increments while monitoring the pH. that's what I'd do in your shoes homey.


Active Member
I JUSt changed the res though, 2 days ago, I don't have off for another few days so I can't get to the hydropoics shop until then.. :-( Really worried though man. I respect your call, just not sure if it fits my 'schedule', know what I mean.. I guess what I am going to HAVE to do, is check the PH 2x a day for the next few days.. Not sure..



Well-Known Member
apple cider vinegar then. get it down til you can dump your rez. good luck. when you do your pH checks, do one at lights on & one close to lights off if thats possible. good luck bro. and I don't mean that facetiously! you should be ok.


Active Member
apple cider vinegar then. get it down til you can dump your rez. good luck. when you do your pH checks, do one at lights on & one close to lights off if thats possible. good luck bro. and I don't mean that facetiously! you should be ok.
Alright man, I will try the apple cider vinegar, is that a stronger PH than the regular PH down that I use? just wondering how little to use.


Well-Known Member
You now have a calcium, and slight K deficiency going on. If you remember, in the last thread I advised you to mix 15-20% tap water in with the purified water you were buying at the store. Straight tap water will cause you infinite headaches in your system, that's why I stressed mixing, not switching.


Active Member
You now have a calcium, and slight K deficiency going on. If you remember, in the last thread I advised you to mix 15-20% tap water in with the purified water you were buying at the store. Straight tap water will cause you infinite headaches in your system, that's why I stressed mixing, not switching.
Oh balls... I remember someone mentioning, but didn't realize it was you.. Damnit. Well, do you think I can make it work for another 5 days? Keeping the PH down? I really don't think I can switch the res out before then, I am practically out of a few of the nutes..

And should I switch to Dutch masters nutes half way through or keep with FoxFarm and wait until next grow for DM?


Well-Known Member
I only use warm water.

And what is better., lemon juice or apple cider vin?
either's fine. lemon juice is just harder to dial in cuz it's so acidic and concentrated but i suppose you could dilute that as well, i just used the vinegar cuz it's cheap & easy..


Well-Known Member
Heres my 2 cents....... Ph is supposed to climb... thats what you want. Your plant takes up different nutes at different Ph's. As long as you check it every day and make sure it doesnt get too high (no pun intended lol) you should be fine. I check mine every day and usually have to adjust it down after two days.


Active Member
You now have a calcium, and slight K deficiency going on. If you remember, in the last thread I advised you to mix 15-20% tap water in with the purified water you were buying at the store. Straight tap water will cause you infinite headaches in your system, that's why I stressed mixing, not switching.
And should I keep using cal mag or is there something better that we can use for just cal?

Heres my 2 cents....... Ph is supposed to climb... thats what you want. Your plant takes up different nutes at different Ph's. As long as you check it every day and make sure it doesnt get too high (no pun intended lol) you should be fine. I check mine every day and usually have to adjust it down after two days.
Well, I hope this is the case.. Guess we can only wait and see..


Well-Known Member
Tid bit of info......I used to use GH flora series, I never had to worry about Ph flux. I have since switched to AN sensi and have had to keep the Ph in check. All that being said Ive seen a HUGE difference in growth WITH the Ph flux.