Well-Known Member
you bet i will! i'll never stop posting the pics!!! much better quality than my video recorder. but i'm gonna try both and see how it works out!hey man,i cant watch the video- could u throw some pics up aswell for us "mobile only" viewers?! Hahaha lol seirously tho-
tell me about it.... way to short!!! i see you got your sig working... good job!!!thanks stoney man sice the time change last nite the day has flown by
i did a monster cropping attempt with my Chronic plant.. took the clone about 4 weeks into flowering.. and DEFF noticed a VERY VERY VERY BIG difference in branching... i ended up gettin rid of it tho.. because once i dried adn cured the chronic... i wast impressed.... at all. soo i got rid of it. wish it was better genetics.. cuz i woulda LOVED to keep that monster cropped plant.. lemme chedck thru my journal.. pretty sure i got sum pics of it. so u can see what im talkin about.
Chronic Clone (Monster Cropping) **Taken 4 weeks into Flower**
that's what i was looking for as far as branching!!! i hope mine do that. great pics dude, thanks so much for sharing them!!!!!!
Thanks Lee!!!!lookin good bro
that is a shame.... i can remember when Jamaican gold was good stuff!!!Chronic doesn't mean what it used to anymore. Every time someone has shared/sold chronic with me it's always been some medium-grade, nothing-to-write-home-about type stuff.
well i spent the entire night fucking with my new phone and i finally got everything working so now i need to go check on my girls!!!