Reactors abandoned?


Well-Known Member
News reports say that the remaining 50 workers trying to avert meltdowns at several reactors in Japan have given up and evacuated, citing radiation levels too high to continue. Now what?
News reports say that the remaining 50 workers trying to avert meltdowns at several reactors in Japan have given up and evacuated, citing radiation levels too high to continue. Now what?

No one knows. This far beyond anything we've dealt with before. Sound familar? Maybe BP should handle this.
Put on your sun-screen boyz..

Fuck that, I'm going with full power armor!

They are down to their last shot at getting this in control, there is nothing more they can do but send the workers home, keep a few to turn valves and start isolated pumps that can't be done from the control room.
Those remaining 50 personal are heroes not just the country of Japan but the world.
I have not heard were they have abandoned the reactors. News is sounding better, radiation levels are dropping. I hope by morning we will finally have some good news. This is huge, the jetstream runs northeasterly from Japan before turning and heading easterly towards Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota and on. Lets hope they get this undercontrol.
aren't you logged onto the INTERNET? :neutral:

i would have ran away 3 days ago.
Yes and I cannot find a source that says the last 50 abandoned the plant. I am wondering because I am in Geo class right now and would be an interesting topic to discuss when we return from our break.
Used suits for sale............Have 5 left.........3 mediums and 1 large and one extra large......................500 bux or a radiated hooker with weed..........

Here's a screenshot from CNN on the east coast at least, is in the mode they do every night which is repeat about 2 hours of AC360. This is not live right now.
