Guerrilla Warfare: TGA's Jack The Ripper & Querkle, DNA's Cataract Kush

Dr. Yo

Active Member

To produce lots of viable seed


To produce a couple ounces of cured cannabis


-Jack The Ripper ( 2 seedlings, unsexed)
-Querkle (4 seedlings, unsexed)
-Cataract Kush (4 seedlings, unsexed)

I'm attempting to use the shorter daylight to induce flowering in the 10 seedlings. As of today, February 26th, there is almost exactly 11 hours of daylight available. 12/12 won't start for another 3 weeks or so outdoors, so that should be plenty of time for flowering to be initiated.

Seedlings have been kept on a 24/0 light schedule for their first 2 weeks. With any luck, they will start showing signs of flowering in the next 10 days or so outdoors.

I started with four Jack The Ripper seeds, but two of them never fully germinated.

One of the two that did germinate and produce a seedling has mutated slightly. There is a smaller shoot that is growing at the base of the main stem. This smaller shoot is growing very slowly, and it may not fully grow.

I've been tempted to just pull it, but I generally like letting the plants do whatever nature intends for them.

I'll enclose some videos to help show the seedlings progress over the last 2 weeks (since sprouting):





---Transplanting Vids---



I'm especially proud of my cup design for transplants.

-First, I pop a bunch of holes in the bottoms of all my cups.
-Second, I slice one cup in quarters, top to bottom, stopping at the bottom circle.
-Third, I place this slit cup inside a normal cup, and fill/use normally.

When it comes time to transplant, all I have to do is lift the slit cup from the bottom cup, and then slightly tug on the already cut quarters of the cup, just like peeling a banana. The roots aren't affected at all; no jostling of the sensitive root structure. Just peel back the quarters, and gently place root bulb in your prepared hole.


Final Video Wrap-Up:



Active Member
nice work bro hope it works out well. You planning on selling seeds or just keeping em for future grows?

Dr. Yo

Active Member
nice work bro hope it works out well. You planning on selling seeds or just keeping em for future grows?
Thanks Blazn!

I haven't seen many grows that focus on producing premium seeds, and thought I could give it a shot with this grow.

Don't plan on selling/trading any seeds; I do plan on sowing them in future grows though.

If I can procure a couple hundred seeds from each strain, I'll be a happy guy. :-)

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Are you going to keep the strains seperate or let them all cross pollinate?
Pure strains are what I'm breeding for, so yes, I will be quarantining the males to prevent any cross-pollination.

When the time comes, I'll be carefully pollinating specific branches with a small paint brush, tying each branch closed with a plastic bag, and a few days later, release the bags from the branches.

It goes without saying that careful labeling is a must.

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Well I checked on the plants today (on a, and everything looks green and great! :mrgreen:

All the plants have gone into 3rd/4th sets of branches, filled out a bit, and grown a few inches in all directions. Really pleased; even the mutated Jack the Ripper looks healthy and is aggressively growing.

As I say in the video (below), it's a damn shame that of the two surviving Jack The Rippers, one of them had to be a mutant, but eh, that's what you get when you only order 4 seeds, and only two of them fully germinate.

I was a little disappointed in the germ/mutant rate in the Jack seeds, considering how vigorously the Querkle germinated, and Querkle's seemingly homogeneous growth-pattern so far.

Jack The Ripper is, to this day, the best weed I've ever smoked. I've had three different grows of Jack, and even in the worst of the three, that lemon taste was there. is the video update.


This video has footage of a 14-plant Autoflower transplant, with all the plants right next to each other (in 5-gallon buckets).

I go through and explain what is what, and you can obviously see which plants have been out there for a week and half, and which were just put there today.

Just skip through the parts that you're interested in...the video is a shade under 9 minutes long:



Active Member
man that one jack the ripper looks funny eh? looks good tho hell of a grow goin on good job and good luck

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Hey thanks!

Yeah, never seen a plant like that either, but Jack The Ripper has a tendency toward mutating that I knew about heading into this.

Dr. Yo

Active Member
Just checked out the plants. All look alive and well, which is a small miracle really.

These poor plants have been subjected to a few night time temps in the high 20s-low 30s (degrees Fahrenheit). Luckily during the day, it warms up to the mid to upper 60s, with just the perfect amount of sunshine and rain.

I've only had to bring water in once so far, and that was when I brought in the Auto-flower seedlings for transplant.

I don't have to tell anyone that's attempted to guerrilla-grow how labor intensive moving water from point A to point B is, even for those who claim they're in shape. I've been lucky so far with the rain.


- 4 weeks since germination

- 2 weeks at 11/13 (daylight to darkness);

- 12/12 will be coming soon, and gradually increasing as the days get longer

Here are some pics of the Cataract Kush, Jack The Ripper, and Querkle:


The bigger plants are the CK, JTR, and Querkle. The smaller ones are Auto-Flowering seedlings @ a little over 2 weeks (I have a separate grow thread for the Auto-Flowering strains).

Cataract Kush:

Jack The Ripper:

Here is that funky Jack The Ripper:

It's formed two main colas on it's own. Really strange plant; it's healthy yet has an additional small shoot at the bottom...that's still not doing anything.


Here's a video of everything also:


BakkaLakka SMASH

Active Member
man great job man. where do you live i just bought some roots organic and botincare moisture control so id only have to water maybe 1s a week or every 3 days? what soil you using. u should send me some seeds too :D

Dr. Yo

Active Member
man great job man. where do you live i just bought some roots organic and botincare moisture control so id only have to water maybe 1s a week or every 3 days? what soil you using. u should send me some seeds too :D
Thanks Bakka!

I live between 30 & 45 degrees North Latitude. :lol:

The soil is a simple mix, lots of peat moss, with a dash of lime to help balance the pH.

If you look at my buckets, it's obvious I have a healthy amount of Perlite in there as well. That stuff is fairly light for it's size, so it's not such a PITA to haul large amounts out to a long-distance site.

Perlite does its job very well. :bigjoint: