• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why do American soldiers think...


Well-Known Member
...that being in the military somehow gives them a better understanding of foreign policy, foreign relations, diplomacy, etc.?

It would seem to me that people studying this stuff in college would probably have a better understanding than your average soldier would..

Yet it happens all the time, I'll get into a discussion with someone whose served, then they invoke "oh well, you wouldn't know anything about it, you're just a civilian...". Even on this forum I've seen it happen, they act as if that automatically makes their position right and anyone else's wrong, as if the real world experience in some combat zone validates their position on foreign relations.

It's bullshit I think, and these soldiers sitting atop these high horses in their shadows of real world experience need to stfu because they simply don't know what the hell they're talking about.

There, I said it.

Keep in mind I'm not talking about all soldiers, just the ones who think they're better than everyone else for "protecting me"...


Well-Known Member
I think being on the ground in another country gives them a better perspective. They see everything, the people, the blood, the dead, etc. It's hard to really understand something if you're on the outside looking in. Like someone I know wants to grow and they think they know everything. They keep telling me to get these nutes, lights, soil. And their first grow? Plants died before harvest.

Now, I get where you're coming from. There are always people with over-inflated egos. You can find them anywhere. Most of the guys I've talked to were very humble about their service. But some sound like the guys you describe. I just give em a handshake, nod, tell em thanks for their service and walk away. I mean, I want to prove a point but I also don't want to get into a scrap with someone who was trained to kill...


Well-Known Member
a lot of these idiots in the military were too dumb for college...

they figured they'll join the military and get incredible training and respect.....

reality hits when all the training they have is to shoot a gun, and they're dropped in some remote wilderness, after the 20th day without a shower, they start to get a little bitter with their life choice...


Active Member
My buddies are all in the army. My best friend is a ranger. when i talk to him its like he is in another world... like very egotistical now, if anyone is trained to kill its this guy lol. Now he is all about He Haw and Guns! not that there is anything wrong being he haw or guns but shits definitely changed him for sure.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever Visited the countries foreign policy is being debated over? Im not debating intelligence, Because as it stands there are alot of dumb people in the military, but that is just the case as anywhere else in life. the world is inherently full of dumb people. shouldnt come as a surprise that they exist in the army or in your high school college. Its like anything else.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever Visited the countries foreign policy is being debated over? Im not debating intelligence, Because as it stands there are alot of dumb people in the military, but that is just the case as anywhere else in life. the world is inherently full of dumb people. shouldnt come as a surprise that they exist in the army or in your high school college. Its like anything else.
you don't have to visit a country to have an opinion about foreign policy. ask sarah palin....


Well-Known Member
you don't have to visit a country to have an opinion about foreign policy. ask sarah palin....
Haha thanks redivider for making my point. And to say that people studying it in college Have a better understanding of it is just ignorant. Does the guy who just graduated from UTI know more then the mechanic who never went to school but has been doing it for 5 years? Do You agree with our countries foreign policies for say the last decade or so? I promise you 99.9% of the policy makers went to college. Some of the dumbest people I know graduated college have MBA's and such.


Well-Known Member
Well Soldier's have Real life experience's and see the way it really is,,,People in college are tought to "think" that's the way it is or should be. I'd trust someone who has been there and done that over someone who "Thinks" that's the way it is or should be anyday.


Well-Known Member
...that being in the military somehow gives them a better understanding of foreign policy, foreign relations, diplomacy, etc.?
I served in Germany and what I learned on coming back to the USA is that the USA is an island.
Meaning that we are isolated from actually experiencing what others in this world do everyday.

So, simply put, the average American is in the Dark when it comes to a balance perspective on important issues.

Your friend may know a thing which we can't relate to because we have no reference or he may be something else.

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Well-Known Member
I served in Germany and what I learned on coming back to the USA is that the USA is an island.
Meaning that we are isolated from actually experiencing what others in this world do everyday.

So, simply put, the average American is in the Dark when it comes to a balance perspective on important issues.

Your friend may know a thing which we can't relate to because we have no reference or he may be something else.

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Exactly! Couldnt have said it any better myself. 99% of Americans have absolutely no idea how the rest of the world actually is, especially third world countries like Im sure the OP was implying. Dont get me wrong, an Ivy league degree in political science is pretty bad ass, but cant possibly compare to actually going there and experiencing it. TBH I would like to have people with both the education and the real world experience but those seem hard to come by these days. I served in Iraq, I dont claim to have all the answers or even many of them haha. I had never witnessed a Turkish toilet before,or for that matter a suicide bomber. I had no idea that pointing or contact with left hand can be seen as disrespectful, or that for sharia practicing Muslim woman, after pubery the only men that should see her without a veil is father,brother,husband. I had never witnessed women in 135 degree heat stack bricks while males sat in chairs and watched. Theres a billion more probaly way more profound things but Im too baked to think of em haha. Point being the people who make foreign policy should have some idea how the countries work. Actually work. Not textbook work.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
...that being in the military somehow gives them a better understanding of foreign policy, foreign relations, diplomacy, etc.?

It would seem to me that people studying this stuff in college would probably have a better understanding than your average soldier would..

Yet it happens all the time, I'll get into a discussion with someone whose served, then they invoke "oh well, you wouldn't know anything about it, you're just a civilian...". Even on this forum I've seen it happen, they act as if that automatically makes their position right and anyone else's wrong, as if the real world experience in some combat zone validates their position on foreign relations.

It's bullshit I think, and these soldiers sitting atop these high horses in their shadows of real world experience need to stfu because they simply don't know what the hell they're talking about.

There, I said it.

Keep in mind I'm not talking about all soldiers, just the ones who think they're better than everyone else for "protecting me"...
You're actually bitching about men and women who live and die to protect this country? Seriously? Maybe the problem isn't them. Maybe it's you.


Active Member
My grandpa never or almost barley talks about his experience in the military..of course that's was when the Japanese-Americans had no choice and were put into those camps at the beginning of the war with Japan in WWII. Most of the sons and fathers would go off to war to get away from the life of being in those camps. My grandpa would translate Japanese morse code to the Navajo Code Talkers in Saipan. He was some sort of communicator that would tell ships where to launch shells. I do tell my grandpa that it's important and he should feel proud and not ashamed or a "loser" as he says. He is no "loser" by any means..He's 91 years old and still able to live on his own and drive and live a normal life like a grandpa would..to me that's amazing..the fact he's been through all that mess in his life and he's still around.

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
You are taking it in the wrong light, Padawan is right. The reason the military is over in other countries is the countries foreign policy, the fact that the military is there shouldn't manipulate the policies on war. The argument, I believe, on one side is that war is inherently wrong, and the otherside believes it is honorable when justified. The problem arises in that most people who serve willingly will think when they served it was justified, therefore honorable. These soldiers have a vested interest in war continuing or at least being a recognized option, even though it destroys them, its called propaganda. It also feeds on the obvious adrenal system which includes reinforced reward systems.



Well-Known Member
Your assuming that most people in the army agree with the wars going which is far from the truth. I'm opposed to all police actions for military forces simply because I have been there. Most soldiers that I have met feel the same way. And the only people that have a Vested interest in war continuing is the people who profit off of war. Soldiers get paid regardless, whether its sleeping in the barracks in Ft Bragg or sleeping on a cot in Kuwait.


Well-Known Member
I find it amazing that some people can't think for themselves....

Now why would a soldier or Marine feel as though they have a better grasp of cultural differences of a foreign land over say, a civilian that has never left the USA..... Before they deploy, they are advised and given sheets of information regarding religion, habits, culture, dress, etc. The reason is so that they don't accidentally offend the people they are protecting. I remember the first time I was given one of those.... it was for Iraq in Dessert Storm. We learned not to show the palm of the right hand as in a wave or gesture, as it was considered rude. You also didn't make a comment like 'nice watch', because they would feel obligated to give it to you since you admire it so much and they feel indebted....

That is just a couple of examples.....

oh, and the main reason they can feel that way? They served.... they know what it is to be boots on the ground...


Well-Known Member
Arrogance is one thing. But they are doing while we are reading. It's probably a little different when you are living it day in day out than taking a 5 minute glance at the newspaper over coffee. They are surrounded in that as a lifestyle

ink the world

Well-Known Member
...that being in the military somehow gives them a better understanding of foreign policy, foreign relations, diplomacy, etc.?

It would seem to me that people studying this stuff in college would probably have a better understanding than your average soldier would..

Yet it happens all the time, I'll get into a discussion with someone whose served, then they invoke "oh well, you wouldn't know anything about it, you're just a civilian...". Even on this forum I've seen it happen, they act as if that automatically makes their position right and anyone else's wrong, as if the real world experience in some combat zone validates their position on foreign relations.

It's bullshit I think, and these soldiers sitting atop these high horses in their shadows of real world experience need to stfu because they simply don't know what the hell they're talking about.

There, I said it.

Keep in mind I'm not talking about all soldiers, just the ones who think they're better than everyone else for "protecting me"...

Hmmm, Paddy we usually agree on issues; not this time.

Serving does give a better insight into foreign cultures and thoughts. How?
Because it is real world experience, not something from a book or a professors lecture and theory. Its where the rubber meets the road.

To be honest, its you that seem to be on the high horse. Your attitude is demeaning to those of us that have served, and frankly if you have never been in a combat zone or experienced hostile gunfire you really have no idea.
Once in that situation, politics go out the window. I served w/ men I fucking hated. That being said, when shit got hairy they were my family. Period.

a lot of these idiots in the military were too dumb for college...

they figured they'll join the military and get incredible training and respect.....

reality hits when all the training they have is to shoot a gun, and they're dropped in some remote wilderness, after the 20th day without a shower, they start to get a little bitter with their life choice...

Stick that comment up your ass red. If there ever was a baseless blanket statement there it is.....I went into the military for 2 reason:
1. My family has always served, it is tradition. I think every man and woman should serve, just like in Israel.....too often its the poorest in our society that serve.
2. I served TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! Thanks for helping to pay for the education that enables me to see the folly of your views. I have 2 degrees and own a business, thanks you for your financial help.

You should thank those "idiots in the military", if they didnt serve maybe your entitled ass would have to serve instead of posting bullshit on a website.
I think you both should find a Marine in uniform and have a discussion with them about the issue, make sure you use the same condescending tone with them too :-)

Something tells me that you wouldnt do that though, would ya wise-ass?

Semper Fi bitches


Well-Known Member
some people are just twisted.
and nobody is ever right until after the fact.
and to ink the world: he said soldiers, he never said marines.
we walk taller. this elevated vantage point of course gives us a unique and different perspective.
Semper Fi back acha devil nuts.