24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

y are u posting the same link darwin in the first sentece proves a huge distinction between what they have in quotations as sleep referring to process in no way smiliar to sleep in humans and animal species so they are substituting the word for something esle hence the reason its bold and in quotes...and he also states they arent sleepin but in an altered state to protect themselves from environmental damages
wow ur an idiot man charles darwin even prove dthat to be rediculous! lofl thanks for strengthenin my case with tha~+

once again read what u post man! darwin said they are not sleeping but protecting themselves lofl!

Im showing you there are 2 differant sides to this! This shows there is also other people believe plants dont sleep while there is others that believe they sleep.
and also his second book there refers to the leaves of a plant sleeping and not the actual plant!...and they use the word sleep becuas the leaves droop so still ur not proving anything u should really read it all man
Im showing you there are 2 differant sides to this! This shows there is also other people believe plants dont sleep while there is others that believe they sleep.

no u have not go bac and scroll to the top of those books by the same person by the way and read that they are talkin about y the leaves droop and refer to the leaves as sleeping and not the plant!
you mention babies what size etc but in reality you use babys on 24 /0 up to 3" - 4"
what kind of power you useing CFL's then keep them on that obviously its low budget and popcorn is in order
yet again reality comes forth as nature has bin for billions of years but i forgot you ppl on 24/ 0 24/ 7 are god :))

now try to run 24/0 with power and see what you got other then stressed burnt and hurting plants

i would so love to see anyone post a pic of there plants from 3" on 24/ 0 after 14 days

what wait a second i will show you from a 3" clone 14 days 18/6 650 ppm 1st week 2nd week 1000 ppm


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and also word for word it says the leaves of a various plants are said to sleep at night, and it will be seen that theur blades then assume a verticle position through modified circumnutation, in order to protect their upper surfaces from being chilled through raditatio ........ how the hell is that sleepin?
Nevermind the quotes from the 1800's book......

I think science has developed a tad since then......didn't they used to bleed people out to drain them of bad spirits at that time....or at least crazy shit like that over a century ago?
regardless this kid is yet to prove how a plant sleeps at night...now hes taught us that some species close leaves at night to protect from chilling freezing and what we have now learned, radiation. and o yea that the stimora closes at night and thats it he has yet to prove anything remotely close to the fact that plants sleep
word for word this is all he says about sleep..........'there are not many places on earth where life flourishes where you have light 24hrs a day, or for that matter darkness 24hours a day. so i would again, err on the side of caution, and look to let them have a sleep...."

ur really good at posting irrelevent shit!@
So again you have the same proof they dont sleep they do sleep really. There are both theory's here that state both and support each others statements. I know your to thick headed to see that there is something about dark plants need. So do whatever you wanna do because this guy says its ok to run your plats 24 hours a day till flowering!
So again you have the same proof they dont sleep they do sleep really. There are both theory's here that state both and support each others statements. I know your to thick headed to see that there is something about dark plants need. So do whatever you wanna do because this guy says its ok to run your plats 24 hours a day till flowering!

wow now ur contridicting the whole reason as to y u are here at this thread! like ive stateed u need to read what u have provided as proof! cuz obviously u didnt read anything! and i am wayyy to thick headed to listin the idiotic bullshit u have been typing on this thread....if u infact had reasonable links to support u i would infact change what i beleive but all u did was type somethin on google and then post the links of ur results...u didnt even bother to read it...y should someone listin to that? ur a waist of time and ppl like u bring this site down and ppl listin no knowing of the bullshit u speak of resulting in slowly fucking this site up!
ok now that one is a guy talkin about how plants need to have a rest time to sleep? he aint proving anything other than saying have a night period......................hasnt even touched on the subject of if a plant sleeps or not...man u horrible at this research shit
And why would you need a night period? if plant can grow 24 hours a day? Its easy plants need rest they need to get ready for the next day of growth (there roots are growing at night to provide the leafs with everything they need) There is other threads here that state plats that grow 24/7 are not going to have as much roots and not be able to be tall to hold itself up. So the plant will be smaller with less yeild. If you can grow your roots and make them bigger the plant will then, be able to grow bigger and produce more yeild.
Is that a pic of your mom? Sorry I though he posted that first I would hope they delete it because no one needs to see that this guy is saying lol
And why would you need a night period? if plant can grow 24 hours a day? Its easy plants need rest they need to get ready for the next day of growth (there roots are growing at night to provide the leafs with everything they need) There is other threads here that state plats that grow 24/7 are not going to have as much roots and not be able to be tall to hold itself up. So the plant will be smaller with less yeild. If you can grow your roots and make them bigger the plant will then, be able to grow bigger and produce more yeild.

wow look wur u have taken it now lofl....plants need a dark period to complete photosynthisis as if stated many many many times in this thread and i also said that on my first post arguin that a dark period is good but than again ur too stupid to realise they need it to work not to sleep