Weed Now £10 ($16) A Gramme In The UK - WTF!?!?


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke a touch on what I used to, so when I started to look into getting some for this weekend (for the first time in about 6 months) I find everyone asking for £10 ($16) a gramme....... and it doesn't even matter how much you buy!!! From what i can gather this appears to be the case in the Midlands and in London.

Has the world gone mad?!? Surely the price should be dropping considering it all seems to be being grown here now!

And you know who I blame?? The bloody government! I'm not a conspiracy nut, but I do think there is a lot more to what they say about the reasons they don't legalise.

i see people paying £10 for 0.7 of a gram all the time things gone crazy. got to know the right people or your screwed. its because of this madness i took up growing sick of paying over the top for mediocre shit.. the uk has gone nuts
lots of the grows are getting busted in the uk so up goes the price, everyone should just grow their own, no way i would ever buy weed again....
yeah people pay 20 dollars a gram here all the time. If you aren't in a medical state, or have a good connect, that is pretty much a standard
come to me i got headband $10 a g and some other stuff $5 a g
Not that I would leave my house to get bud, but what state are you in with those prices? In NY $20 a gram is pretty standard for anything with a name regardless of what it is.
Thankfully this is the last time I buy for a while anyway.... my plan was to have my autos ready for this weekend.... I started them on November 21st, so they've been going for over 100 days now and STILL haven't finished.

They do look good though! I've nipped off a few popcorn buds which have been drying for the last week - they stink.

Still though, I feel skanked at £70 for a quarter.... I hated paying £50 for the same last year!! Does make me wonder how much my tent contents will be worth... not that I'll sell ANY of it though - why would I? I'll only end up having to pay for inferior weed in months to come.

Feels like the government are actively encouraging people to grow their own!
this is sad i do my o's for 200-250 for ppl depending on the product but its always GREAT to SUPERB product but i never go lower than a o only to my buddies and ill hook em up at 70 for a nickel or something (nickel = 1/4 oz)

for only 10 pounds? nice..
i would spell it shwag but its pretty much stemmy leafy weed that dont get you high it just gets you by.