• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

2011 Veggies


Well-Known Member
That's so cool man. I'm planning to stop growing meds mid next year but I think I'm still going to have a crazy itch to grow something while I take a break from growing weed. I'm as excited for your veg and fruit harvests as I would be for pot, lol
i am excited to spring cant seem to come fast enough for me. i just got a decent sized green house today so i can start early and mabye sell starts to people. my plan is to be running a nursery/landscaping/indoor/outdoor grow shop. kind of a all around place. i am starting from nothing and trying to live out my dream. the green house i have would work great indoors to all you would have to do is cover it with black and white poly film and walla indoor grow room for less then half price of a tent


Well-Known Member
i got some more stuff today, i got 11 lb box of purivein seabird shit, it is 10-10-2. i also got myco, i was gonna get the great white shark but then saw oregonisms brand and got them cuz i live in oregon and they are based out of oregon so might as well keep it local.
i was gonna get some worm castings but it is just mainly N. i still might get some though. also the pic of the new plant is a amaryllis flower.
i have already sold some plants so i am making a profit from nothing so far.

also while i was their i showed them the fungas in my soil and they were amazed, i asked them if it was good or bad and they said very good, it was a very well formed colony of good fungas, i told them it smelt like and looked like mycelium and they said that is almost exactly what it is and it is very good for the dirt. i was also telling them i was trying to start my own nursery and the owner asked if i had some small cedar trees and i said ya and he wanted to buy it to make a bonsai. i get all my plants for free so it is all profit and i sell at a lower price then all the lant stores here cuz i pay nothing for my plants. they also had a bunch of non MJ plants down there that they grow and i asked them if i could have a few cuttings and they said yes and that i could use theri shop to propagate them and i can use theri lights and what not all for free witch is very cool in my eyes. so when i get another cedar i am going down theri to just give it to them for being cool with me. i might trade them some plants for some of their plants to.
here is some pics of the stuff i got so far, and a pic of the green house, it is not setup yet cuz it is still raining right now but i might just say fuck it and put it up while its rainingView attachment 1473074View attachment 1473075View attachment 1473077View attachment 1473078


Well-Known Member
i am also gonna do some cross breeding th9is year with the big sunflower and then i will cross them with the smaller colorful ones so i can get medium sized flower heads with different colors instead of 12 inch colored sunflowers. the seeds wont be done till end of summer though, i am also keeping seeds from my harvest at the end so i dont have to buy them ever again and i know that the seed will be organic, and then i can sell those to for cheaper then other places.

i am trying to make what i love to do into a job that i can make enough money to live on. its a long shot but i am determined on my dream. i am starting from scratch and making my way up the ladder.

wish me luck on my dreams


Well-Known Member
all right the green house is up and has a few plants it it, it has my hen N chicks, my spider plant, a Chicago peace hybrid tea rose i just planted it, i have my red cedar, the fern, and the amaryllis that is not doing so good, i bought it for half price cuz 2 leafs were bent and drooping down, i think it was not getting enough light before i got it so the leafs grew weak and are not to heavy to support its self it should rebound though.

also i was shoveling around in my dirt from last year that i am going to use and every shovel load i take their is about 10-20 fat worms in the dirt, so i don't think i will need any more ferts cuz the soil should be full of worm poo.

i am going to need to found out a way to keep it cooler in their though when i am gone cuz it was 50 outside at 9 am and 80 inside the green house, i know thats not to hot but once it warms up outside it will get hire.

also i have noticed that alot of gnats are in their already to so i need a fly strip, they are only their though cuz every thing is still very soggy and once the ground drys it will be fine.

i also might hang my 200 watt cfl in theirView attachment 1475311View attachment 1475312View attachment 1475313 at night to make them veg faster and to help it stay warm at night


Well-Known Member
Mcpurple great thread. The place we just moved into has a huge yard and I got a great plot dug out. Its about 12' X 25' with raised soil beds. Before I started it was nothing but a patch of dead grass covered in old dead sticks ad such. I raked it all down, found tons of pillbugs, centipedes, spiders, and earth worms, i was stoked to see I was finally living somewhere with fertile soil it was just really unkempt. So I was going to go rent a tiller but couldn't so all I had was my hand tiller. I tilled every inch of it by hand, built the beds with a garden hoe, weeded and seeded it all by hand. I have been doing this all the last 3 days and have the blisters to prove it. I still need to build a perimeter fence to keep the dogs out, and I am going to sink it about 12" into the ground to keep out the field mice and gophers. So here is what I planted
3 tomato varities, 1 pear, 1 oxheart and one cherry
2 Jalapenos, 3 Bells, 1 Anaheim
I planted 4 Artichokes with cilantro in between the big spaces.
The next row is a mix of radish and walla wallas.
Next row is loaded with Zuchini
Broccoli and Canteloupes.
A full Row of Mixed Salad Greens
I also planted some rosemary, strawberries, black berres, rasberries and some thyme. I hope they do ok, I planted them pretty much to the specifications. I will post pics tomorrow hopefully. I tell you what no matter how good the garden does I am damn proud I got off my ass and did it.

This is my first real vegitable/fruit garden so I hope I do well.


Well-Known Member
hey man sounds liek it will be a nice garden and i wish you the best of luck, this is my second real garden. you got a good variety of plants going, i am also gonna try artichokes this year. how did you start yours? seed or a clone?

and dam tilling it all by hand had to be a pain in the ass, i rented one last year for 25 a day and i only needed it a few hours. i am looking to buy a cheap small used one this year if i can find one, if not it will all be done with rakes, and shovels. i would just get the smallest mantis brand new but it was 300 so i said fuck that. i might just rent again but i would like to own one.

sounds like you putt plant in the ground already, im in oregon so it is still kinda early to plant stuff in the ground, i think i will start all my veggies in late march or early april that would give me 4-8 weeks to veg them inside the house and the green house.

i still have to build my beds but that is easy and i wont do that till around april so the wood does not get soaked for months and start to form bad molds. i too also have to make a small fence to keep my dogs out but that is easy and cheap, i just use a roll of 2 foot high plastic stuff, i forget the name but the pic is below, it is like 5 bucks for 25 feet and u can use natural wood as stakes. my dogs can jump it but they know better not to i let them in from time to time though to check it out cuz they get all excited.

also that sucks about the field mice and gophers, i dont have that problem here thank god. they make a steel mesh for under neath the raised beds to keep gophers from coming up in your garden, i will post a pic of it as well.
the mesh in the pic is probably more expensive cuz it is made specific for the reason of gophers, but you can buy like a 25 ft roll of chicken wire or something to lay under neath the dirt, and roots can still grow through

i do not know all the veggies i am going to do but it will be alot of stuff hope fully, i dont have near enough room for how much i want to do but i gotta work with what i got.

one thing you should check in your garden soil is the ph, but if you have plants in it already and they are doing fine then it should be fine.

if you have any questions i will try to help to m best of knowledge, i dont give info if i know nothing about what i am saying, so i wont ever give bad info, cuz if i dont know i wont say or type it.

ill be looking forward to the pics.

do you have a thread for your garden?


Well-Known Member
not yet I will probably put 1 together tomorrw.
let me know when and if you do man, ill follow all the way through, i wish i was where your at right now so i can hurry up and get started, i am real anxious about it and i still got awhile to go


Well-Known Member
ok i went out and bought a 55 gal barrel to catch rainwater till the irrigation gets turn on. i bought it for 20 and a manual pump for 10, i thought the pump would work better then it does but it will do.
i will post what i got tommarow. im sure know one cares about my rain barrel but i like documentation of my grows and how i do things for future references. i am also going to see a guy about a rototiller for 50 bucks, it is gas and runs, i think it is an older model and is made by
power equipment Inertia dynamics Corp. ive never heard of them and i tried to finds a pic on google of it but could not find anything. he says it is like a mantis.

any one have any info on these types of tillers?


Well-Known Member
Wow that green house looks great!! Is that prefabbed or did you custom build it?
it came prefab. i just had to put the pieces together. only 99.99 to.
it would make a real nice indoor tent if covers in black and white panda film.
it is perfect for a vert grow,


Well-Known Member
Good looking gardening in here. :clap:

I just ordered my veggy seeds for this Spring's garden.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I may have missed it but what are the dimensions? It looks great for $100
it is 74- 3/4 tall. so about 6foot 1 inch.
it is 49-1/4 wide. a lil more ten 4 feet
and then it is also 6 feet deep.
if no shelfs were in theri ti would e much more roomy but i use the shelfs.
and for 100 bucks i dont think i could have built one better, cuz that is what i was gonna do

Good looking gardening in here. :clap:

I just ordered my veggy seeds for this Spring's garden.:mrgreen:
thanks man, im using alot of the seeds i harvested from plants last year that way i know they are organic and used to the soil i grow in and what not, i also have to buy a few seeds, but they are very cheap locally here for good organic seeds.

thanks for stopping in Guys


Well-Known Member
i just checked my rain barrel and it rain about 5 hours last night and not real hard, but i woke up and checked it and it is almost all the way full, it filled up much faster then i thought, so thats good for me.

im going to look at a few tillers today to buy, no big ones, just about the size of a mantis


Well-Known Member
I went for a hike today at Shan creek up in the woods. it was a great hike and very nice scenery. it just rain last night so it was kinda flowing fast but it was ok.
my plan was to grab some wild plants form the woods that i know others sell for like 15-20 bucks a tree depending on size.
i was gonna grab another type of fern but i forgot to, so i picked up 3 smaller trees.
i got a pine tree,a cedar, and one that i cant tell if its a pine or cedar yet cuz it is still very small. i sprinkled on some oregonism on all the roots to make a nice fungi colony. i need to get a tree identification book so i know for sure what the ones i dont know are.

these pics are just some i took out in the woods.


Well-Known Member
I alos went out and got my tiller, it is a old one but it runs like a champ and will work perfect for what i needed it for( a soil mixer) i payed 40 witch is very hard to find a running tiller for 40 bucks.

also here is the pics of the small trees i got today, i have some one who wants to buy my western red cedar so he can make a bonsai, i am just waiting to make sure it is comfy in its new home.

i also re planted some gladiola bulbs from last year cuz they were in a spot that got destroyed by slugs, they started to bloom a few weeks ago cuz we had spring weather for a week and then it got cold so it fucked up alot of plants. i am going to chop the growth off of them cuz it is un healthy looking and they should not be above ground yet any way.

i also need to re enforce my shelfs cuz they dont hold to much weight, i need to set up a small exhaust fan in the GH cuz it gets pretty humid in theri, and also when it is 60 outside it is almost 85 inside the GH so when temps rise it will be an issue,but it should be fine for the next 2 months.

i also got a few people lined up to buy veggies when the time comes, so i am now taking orders to know how much more extra i am going to need and what types of plants the want that way i dont over or under stock on any plants.

It seems to me living out my dream is off to a good start.

here is some pics


Well-Known Member
today i went and got a few things, i got some copper tape for slugs again, some plant markers, i was gonna buy a hoya but the lady gave me a cut for free cuz i told her my dreams and ambitions to run my own nursery some day so she hooked me up for free, i hope they root though.

i also got a bunch of new seeds, i got lemon cucumber seeds, cucumber, cantaloupe, carrot, beefsteak tomatoes, zucchini, Dark green zucchini squash, and then my seeds from last year are, onion, radishes from seed i harvested last year, sugar snap peas, watermelons, lettuce mix seeds, abe Lincoln tomatoes, jalapeño, early sun glow corn, California wonder bell peppers, pole beans.

i have alot of veggies and not alot of room but i will make it work, and i am selling alot of starts hopefully.

i also went to the hydro shop to sell my bonsai cedar to one of the workers and ended up giving it to them cuz they let me take a bunch of cuts from theri plants, so i got 3 jebus cactus starts i dont think i spelled it right. i got 2 octopus cactus, and also a few corral jade plants already rooted, and then theri is a unknown cacti he gave me that i should get 3-4 plants off of it.

i have to let some of the cacti cuts sit out in the air to let them heal theri cuts before i plant so pics will come when they are all in the dirt.

peace guys


Well-Known Member
i went out and bought some cactus soil, perlite and black gold seedling mix.

i planted the coral jades cuz they already had roots and also the unknown ones i planted cuz they to had roots.

i put my hoya and one carol jade in the new jiffy/advanced nutrients cut plugs to see if they root.

the coral jade is the one that looks like coral.

also the pic of the cacti not in the dirt are the octopus cacti and the jebus cacti. they will get planted in the next few days.

i am getting a small solar power fan for my exhaust to make it less humid in theri, it is cheap free to use and is just the right size i needed -> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390280142701#ht_873wt_932

i also sprayed every thing with neem oil to prevent any bugs and and type of unwanted fungi cuz it is much easier to prevent then to eradicate.

i also put a nice dish of beer inside of the GH for the slugs, i noticed some in theri and thought why not kill them before they breed.

i will be starting veggies very soon i hope.

oh and also i might do the rasied beds out of cinder blocks now, they are a lil more to buy but they will last much much longer.

any way and advice or criticism is welcome:bigjoint:

The White Buffalo

Active Member
I've used cinder blocks for raised beds before and they work great. You can plant in the blocks too and they.make it easy to stake things up! I was thinking of going with wood boarded raised beds this year but now you got me thinking about some blocks.

I like your plans!