How to lace weed with opium


Well-Known Member
Hello guys. The story is my mate has 100g of sticky tar like opium and hes offered it to me for £1000. Now I don't have the market and don't won't to be labeled as an opium dealer but was interested in lacing some of my weed product with it and selling to selected customers. Anyone had any experience in doing this. Any input would be helpful


Active Member
Thai stick contants weed, NO opium or OTHER drugs.
The story of Thai sticks containing opium is a bit of an urban myth.
It may have been done ... but it's a rumour and the Normal Thai stick is NOT laced with ANYTHING


Active Member
Thai stick WAS laced. Anyway does anyone know how to do it. What is the process?
Myth. people MAy have added it after Thai stick made .... them selves..... but Thai sticks do not asa pure product contain anything other than weed......... go to thailand..... it doesn't happen.
Dealers add themselves... making it NOT a Thai stick any more.... this went off loads in the states ....


Well-Known Member
I'm not getting drawn into an argument. Just asking the process. I can't make opium soluble in water. Its impossible I think. It's oil based


Well-Known Member
I'm not getting drawn into an argument. Just asking the process. I can't make opium soluble in water. Its impossible I think. It's oil based
When the opium is refined it is soluble in water, heroin, morphine and codeine being simple examples. People usually inject opiates, in my life experience anyway.


Well-Known Member
When the opium is refined it is soluble in water, heroin, morphine and codeine being simple examples. People usually inject opiates, in my life experience anyway.
Think only codeine is only soluble in water, the rest do the junkies not use citric acid


Active Member
Sorry not trying to draw you into an arguement mate. Just stating your statement was slightly untrue.
In regards to lacing the weed WITH opium..... both drugs are great on their own.. why waste either by mixing. Enjoy each ones buzz as it was intended....
Just sell the pot and offer the opium as a seperate product ;)


Well-Known Member
You would be incorrect, they are all solvents.
Why do they put citric acid in then while cooking, just for the fun. My god they have to, to break it down and make it soluble. Google it if you don't believe me. Jesus all I was asking was if anyone knew the process of mixing opium and weed together


Well-Known Member
Why do they put citric acid in then while cooking, just for the fun. My god they have to, to break it down and make it soluble. Google it if you don't believe me. Jesus all I was asking was if anyone knew the process of mixing opium and weed together

They mix citric acid to break down brown heroin, you don't have to use citric acid for every type of heroin.


Well-Known Member
I don't fucking care m8, all I want to know is there any way I can mix the two together and what is the process. If no one knows, don't fucking post. Why do people have to start arguments here, all I'm asking is a question


Well-Known Member
I don't fucking care m8, all I want to know is there any way I can mix the two together and what is the process. If no one knows, don't fucking post. Why do people have to start arguments here, all I'm asking is a question
Well mate I tried to help you but you started trying to tell me how it is, you cant use tar opiate, you need to use a soluble version of it, and if you are interested in how one goes about that you can ask me, but as for the tar, I can't help you because its not doable. I'm not here to argue, I simply post facts.


Active Member
never had opium so coulnt say if this would work but could you take it roll it down into thin sausage strips n lay them into pre-rolled zoots, sticky black style ?


Well-Known Member
I haven't got a chemistry degree. (prob blow something up. lol. I know you can use lime then ammonia) I know you can refine the tar opium and make morphine but that is slightly addictive. lol. Sorry if I was getting annoyed but I was just looking for an answer. Can I heat the opium and thin it out using a form of oil then soak the buds in it?