If You Could Invest In Something..

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
what would it be? Stocks, property, high end watches, 401k, ....

Maybe you already invest... what's your strategy?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Would have to be property, but even then you don't get to actually buy and own the property so what would be the point. It seems almost impossible to remove yourself from the paper money system. But yes, until i worked soething else i'd invest in land and never have to work for anyone else again.


Well-Known Member
I have some money in stocks and bonds.....but should everything colapse and I go broke I have enough stuff at home and on my land to last till Im dead...........and like was said you really dont own your house or land....they can come in and declare it a hazard and take it...not sure the correrct term but they can get it...............I dont think gold is a good idea........but I have some not alot........kinda hedgeing my bets and spread it out.......if the government holds......Im fuckng fine......if not Im even better off LOL.........

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
i'm not sure if you guys have checked cnn.com but the world ends on may 21st according to some new crazy christian group.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, in the UK you just need look at airports to know that land can be risky, some folk figure they need ore planes so the government step in and tell a whole village they should be prepared to bugger off as they're gonna demolish it. Same with the army, there are a few villages in the UK that during the war the army moved into, and then refused to ever let anyone back in and simply kept it for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Land in the middle of nowhere probably, and some sheep cause it gets lonely. Don't judge me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Land in the middle of nowhere probably, and some sheep cause it gets lonely. Don't judge me.
Welshman here, i'm not judging :lol: i used to have a field of over 100 sheep, i'd go hearding with airguns and french bangers, good clean childhood fun :lol:

You have to ask yourself though, are you investing for security or profit? You'll end up with very veyr different assets depending on what the goal is. From what i've seen on the forums, i'd hedge my bets on the invesments all being profit driven.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i invest all my extra money in topless bars :)
Strip clubs can be viewed as sleazy due to the lapdances and whatnot, but topless clubs is just family friendly sunday afternoon fun :) I remember my first trip to a nude beach when i was like 10 years old in france :lol: best school trip to date :D


Well-Known Member
Welshman here, i'm not judging :lol: i used to have a field of over 100 sheep, i'd go hearding with airguns and french bangers, good clean childhood fun :lol:

You have to ask yourself though, are you investing for security or profit? You'll end up with very veyr different assets depending on what the goal is. From what i've seen on the forums, i'd hedge my bets on the invesments all being profit driven.
That sounds like an awesome childhood man, but just so we are clear I was talking about fucking the sheep, that kind of loneliness.

Yeah its more of a antisocial thing, pull a move like Nietzsche and just hang out up in highlands.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like an awesome childhood man, but just so we are clear I was talking about fucking the sheep, that kind of loneliness.

Yeah its more of a antisocial thing, pull a move like Nietzsche and just hang out up in highlands.
oh your the guy...........everytime this guy drove my the sheep heard down the road from me all the sheep went daaaaaa dy........daaaaaaa dy