Medical Grade
Well-Known Member
If you followed the actual events rather that parrot what others who did not know what they were talking about, and only sticking with one thing said by DJ Shorts at the time, you would not have said the above.
Attitude purchased beans from a wholesaler who ripped off Attitude by selling them fake DJ Shorts beans in counterfeit DJ Shorts breeder packs. When it was found out Attitude made it right. They got real DJ Shorts beans, as they now have, and they took care of the customers who ended up with the fakes that Attitude got when they were ripped off.
You attempt to make it sound as if Attitude intentionally sold fake DJ Short beans, that they were behind it when instead they were a victim of a dishonest wholesaler and then bit the financial bullet for their customers.
Either you do not read what I write or else you have severely low skills of reading comprehension or short term memory problems. REPEATEDLY I have clearly stated that Sannie's gear is quality gear. REPEATEDLY I have said that. How in the wide, wide world of sports did you miss that?
In differing variations I have said the following, which was C&P'd from message number 25; "My point was not at all about Sannie's being low quality, because that is NOT the case. It is only one of an extremely limited selection versus an extremely vast selection."
You are evidently just another Sannie's cheerleader and an Attitude hater. No one else could totally ignore where I have clearly stated that Sannie's gear is quality and that my only problem with his line is how it is extremely limited and how it does not offer one single 100% sativa, which is what I love the most. so it offers me nothing of what I love the most.
No, you are just another puppy who does not know the facts, who does not know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and who wants and needs to believe the very opposite.
I have told the complete version here far too many times to type it all out again but the way THC levels were tested in the 60's and the 70's was later changed and that is what resulted in much higher levels of THC than what was claimed to exist in the past. In the past they did not only test glandular trichome heads and in the past every single bit of matter and element within a trichome head was factored into the equation and that watered down the THC percentage. Later, around the time of true professional breeders, as in breeding businesses, started to pop up the way THC levels were tested was changed, it was altered, it was performed in a different manner where ONLY cannabinods from glandular trichome heads were gathered and tested. At that point THC became only a percentage of cannabinoids found in glandular trichome heads rather than a percentage of everything found within any type of trichome.
Here is an example of one breeder who advertises one of it's strains where the THC level was tested using the old testing method and the new testing method. Be sure to notice the BIG difference in the percentage of THC in the exact same strain from the exact same breeder.
World of Seeds Bank - Afgan Kush
Strain: Afgan Kush
Breeder: World of Seeds
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: indica
Flowering: ~50 days
Normal or female seeds.
Way of cropping: Mainly indoor/very good yield outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from the Afgani Kush zone
Genotype: Almost 100% Indica
High: Less than 1.5 m indoor/ until 2 meters outdoor
Wide: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune
Growing time: Three weeks
Harvest time: 45-55 days indoor/average October outdoor/pollitano
Resistance to mushrooms: Average
Resistance to plague: Depends on the plague
Irrigation tolerance: High tolerance to frequent irrigation and fertilization
Yield: Over 400 gr per m2 indoor/ 500 - 600 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: High (for its high content in CBD).Excellent like anti-emetic and antispasmodic
Smell: Hashish.
Flavor: Fruity-sweet.
Effects: Very narcotic, almost devastating
THC Level: 21.6% measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. 7.4% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)
Did you happen to notice how the THC level DROPPED from 21.6% all the way down to a single digit number, that being 7.4%?
Puppies like you fail to know that the way THC levels were tested was changed and the change of testing procedure way the MAIN reason why it suddenly seemed as if super-potent strains had been created.
What puppies like you also fail to know is that there still exists two different modern testing procedures that result in massively different THC levels being found and that 'The Dutch Masters' of course only use the procedure that shows a higher percentage, since only that would make them appear to be creating strains that are far more potent than ever before. There is what is called a calculated active cannabinoid test and a relative ratio cannabinoid test. Below are the results from an independent test on Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze using both testing procedures. Be sure to pay close attention to the MASSIVE difference in the percentage of THC.
Calculated Active Cannabinoids
Relative Ratio Cannabinoids
Did you by chance notice how a THC level of 23.98% DROPPED all the way down into single digits, that being 9.64%?
Something else puppies like you do not know is in the 60's and 70's many of the samples that were used for testing were from large busts of low grade seedy commercial pot was found in something like a tractor trailer or in a warehouse or something and that many times it would be stored, for as much as a year or more before testing, in government warehouses or sometimes under open sided sheds or left in the confiscated tractor trailer or even in the open under tarps and in that amount of time due to exposure to heat and sometimes sunlight much THC degraded before testing was performed.
If someone were to grow the strain that today has the highest tested level of THC, which would of course mean they relied on the calculated active cannabinoid testing method, and allowed it to be pollinated, grew it with seeds, stored it for as long as pot in the past was stored before testing and stored under the same conditions as pot was stored at the time and then tested it using the old testing procedure I would bet my left nut that it would not test any higher than any strain of the 60's or 70's and might even end up testing lower. In fact I would guarantee that it would test lower than some strains of that era.
Puppies like you do not know the true history of pot. Puppies like you never experienced the real true honest to goodness pure famous strains of the past. Puppies like you totally lack an equal frame of reference of potency and quality that those of us of 'The Woodstock Generation' possess.
Puppies like you talk of things you know nothing about and talk about things you have never experienced in your entire life as if you are experts on them when in fact you do not possess the slightest clue of the real true facts, you have no grasp of the true reality of which you speak.
And of course you know for a fact that not so much as one single customer of Sannies never received a single immature seed or failed to receive delivery or was not totally satisfied in any way for any reason, right? You can of course support that position, can't you? If not you should not be using such claims of experiences with Attitude or any other seedbank as an indictment or condemnation or denunciation or judgment.
I have owned three successful businesses in my life and if there is one single thing I have learned from it is it is utterly impossible to never make an error or never upset a customer at some time or another. It is impossible to run a flawless business and anyone who believes otherwise has never owned and run a business and has virtually no grasp of reality when it comes to business operation .... none ... none at all.
I have read messages where people said they were disappointed or dissatisfied with what they purchased from Sannie's or that their order was never received so how can you believe that you can honestly say; "All I'm saying is you will not find a dissatisfied customer who dealt with sannie?" How can you support your statement, only because you have never been let down by Sannie's and that it is a rare thing to happen so people do not read about it often?
As I have REPEATEDLY said, if Sannie's offers someone a strain or strains they like, and enough of them that they need not look to any other breeder to find what they like, then by all means purchase from Sannie's and Sannie's alone. Sannie's gear is NOT low quality by any means. It is only, like many breeder lines, highly limited in numbers of strains and in variety of strains and in the case of a 100% sativa not so much as one single one can be found at Sannies.
As for the seedbank rating site I posted, as I pointed out, the ratings are based on reports from growers all over the world and are not based on the highly limited opinion of any growing site and most definitely not based on your opinion or on my opinion. The ratings come from the results of a vastly larger number of growers so that in and of itself give credibility to them.
Also, as I clearly stated, I have relied on Greenman's ratings site for about 11 years now. I have always only purchased from the seeedbanks that at the time had the highest ratings and I have never once been ripped off, I have never once not had so much as a single order not arrive or not arrive in full or arrive incorrectly.
The only way I could say I have experienced any level or degree of disappointment was when rather than like usual purchasing from one or more of the very best of the very best breeders in the world I would experiment to see if some 'flavor of the month' strain that people on this site or on some other similar site were going all Lady Gaga over so I could see for myself if it was in fact as good as so many were claiming or nearly as good as so many were claiming or if it was average or if it sucked big time. Far more times than not the strains that most people were raving over were at best just a bit better than average and most times they were of average quality or lower.
But just because a seedbank offers strains for sale that are not all the best of the best is in no way proof of the business itself not being good or honest or reliable. It only means they offer a wide selection so there will be something there for everyone. Even as reasonably priced as most Sannie's strains are there are some people who do not have the funds to purchase them, there are people whose budgets are so tight that even Sannie's mostly reasonable prices are beyond. Seedbanks that have a vastly wider selection of breeder lines and strains provide a service to people like that. They offer them seeds they can afford. Yes the quality will not be up there with something from Shantibaba or Serious Seeds or Sensi Seeds or Reeferman or Sannie's or others, but if it is all someone can afford and they want to grow those low priced lower quality breeder lines are all they can afford, all they can choose from, so no seedbank that offers them should be considered to be of low quality and instead applauded for tying up their operating capital so they can offer strains of all price ranges.
As I said, not everyone can afford the very best and not everyone can even afford fairly high quality to high quality if reasonably priced and can only purchase what they can afford. At my old Lincoln-Mercury dealership we sold a Hell of a lot more new Tracers than we sold Lincoln Town Cars or Lincoln Continentals or Lincoln Mark VIII's. The Lincoln's were vastly higher in quality but there were far fewer people who could afford one. If we did not stock the Tracer and the Topaz and the Sable and even the Grand Marquis we would have excluded most of our customer base from being able to purchase from us.
Unless I am out to satisfy my curiosity by testing one of the 'flavor of the month' strains that so many people rave about that almost always comes from a breeder that is not a true high quality breeder I only purchase from the lines of several absolutely top line breeders because I know I can always rely on receiving quality and consistency, and that not only goes for Attitude because Attitude it not the only seedbank I use. But most breeders that Attitude, and every other seedbanks I used, are not ones I would purchase from unless it is a matter of curiosity about what so many people are going all Lady Gaga over.
Most are average at best when it comes to talent, their stable of breeding strains is highly limited and largely relies on the work of others or reusing previous strains they have made crossing them with other previous strains they have made, they tend to be very heavy into predominantly indica crosses which are not my thing and if they are lucky enough to come up with something that is pretty darn good it is more a case of how even a blind squirrel will find a nut now and then rather than something they created through true skill.
More than just a few rely largely on what are little more than gimmicks. They offer pretty colors and exotic aromas and fruity Pebbles flavors or other things that are in fact gimmicks like auto-flowering strains and even feminized beans. Not so much as one of those things has ever added up to higher quality or increased potency. Those breeders are incapable of offering customers anything more so they have to heavily rely on gimmicks, on the new model with the go faster stripes.
Some of the better breeders in the last few years have stooped to offering feminized seeds and even auto-flowering strains because the some breeders have managed to propagandize buyers into believing they are the way to go, and the buyers have fallen for it hook line and sinker, so to attempt to regain market-share even some of the best breeders, who know damn well that those products are for the most part crap, have had to resort to offering them too just to retain sufficient numbers of sales.
But then it comes to actual true potency, to true levels of THC, there has never been the massive increase in levels that the puppies of today fully believe occurred. The only differences that had actually occurred since the advent of the professional breeding business is the early lower quality failure strains have more or less vanished and the average level of quality has increased, but the highest quality, the most potent strains of all has not increased as the puppies of today believe it has. The other difference is there is more variety but then things have long since surpassed the point of overkill when it comes to variety. So many of today's strains are so very close to being the same thing that if tomorrow one quarter to one third of all existing strains vanished no one would be unable to find what they like because there would still be so many left that are so close to being the very same thing that no one would lose anything. The only difference is they would be purchasing the same old, same old from a different breeder.
Regardless of if you, or anyone else, accepts so much as a single word above it is all fact and no amount of personal opinion or personal preference will ever be enough to alter facts.
Great wall of text Crits you for 845809348094098480954809458095480950988940895809548094!