

Well-Known Member
I knew this cat who said he smoked dope with a yeti out of a bong but I figured he was just crazy, but now with your account to support his I now suspect the creature may be a ganja lover

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
.5 in one yettie know how many yetties i do in one session? no so dont call me a lightweight when my cat smokes more dope then you
You have clearly stated that 2 yeti's will have you dead on the floor, that's 1g, fucking hell that's pathetic. And you don'#t know me so you don't get to decide what i can and cannot and have and have not done ;) so if i can pop a yeti in a bong, tyou need to catch up :lol: the question still remains as well, if i can pop a yeti in a bong, then is it a bong?

And i love the term session, i mean what is a session, i have had "sessions" that last from waking up till going to bed. In that time i could have easily smoked an ounce, that's almost 60 yeti's :lol: in fact just the ocncept of session sugests spreading your weed out, although of course that's just my view on the word, personally though, i will smoke between 3-6g an hour and that's only a couple of joints


Active Member
im starting to get sick with your horible reading skills i never once said ever in my life that 2 yetties got ME fucked out of my tree


Active Member
I knew this cat who said he smoked dope with a yeti out of a bong but I figured he was just crazy, but now with your account to support his I now suspect the creature may be a ganja lover

you sir a quite commical hit me up if ur ever in canada got to make a bake


Active Member
my record is a 1/4 pound a 24 of beer and a half oz of coke in about 20 hours mostly joints but anduncountable amout of yetties and bong tokes.......come around sometime after harvest ill show you how we roll here hahaha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
im starting to get sick with your horible reading skills i never once said ever in my life that 2 yetties got ME fucked out of my tree
Which is my point, as i made earlier dummy. You have been claming that it will effect others, you've said nothing or little about how it effects you. Yet you are absolutely happpy to say 2 yeti's will have anyone else on the floor. As i've said, i can have someone hit a joint twice and have them on the floor. Therefor the claim you made earlier is utter bullshit and means NOTHING :D

So how much do you smoke to get "crazy high"? the way you hype a yeti it should only be a few shouldn't it? else it jst seems like a shit bong "yeah man, this is amazing, get's you RIPPED, you have to hit it about 500 times but after that you'll be flying"

to fill a 2l with enough smoke youd need to have one hell of a stacked yettie (talkin close to a .5) a set of lungs like no tomorrow.....

And once again, you have nothing to say about how it efects you, yet you seem to know everyone else, even their organs, creepy. Why ib fuck does your presumption that i'd need to have a set of lungs like no tomorrow have to hold true. 0.5g is fuckiong NOTHING, lungs like no otmorrow, fuck off, that's just a simple hit :lol: So you are arguing this on how you assume other people will experience it :lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So how many does it take? and your words are that you'd

obviously me if i were to make you a yettie youd watch you not pop it and get such a heat flash youd be whiter casper and id put money on it....[/quote[]

you know you're working with a moron when he tries to base his argument on something he doesn't know anything whatsoeevr about :lol: it's pathetic to think humans have this kind of mental capability.

And again, if soemone can do a yeti in a bong, would you agree that you are incapable ocnsidering what you ahve stated? :D it's always brillitna to watch someone preach as if they are the ultimate resoiurce of knowledge obnly to have someone walk up and legitimately tell them they're chatting shit :lol:


Well-Known Member
you sir a quite commical hit me up if ur ever in canada got to make a bake
Yeah maybe on the bigfoot expidition I will hit you up, you prefer smoking out of bongs right? I could bring one but I think you said you have a few, unless you would rather just smoke joints. what do you prefer you smoke?


Active Member
can do lots because i am used to them when i started doing them 5 or 6 and i was good add a perc or two i was set for a bit now it takes alot i dont stop till i think my next will make me sick and even then ill do a few more but i dont do drugs because it looks cool so i don mind when something doesnt taste good like yourself im in it for the buzz


Active Member
Yeah maybe on the bigfoot expidition I will hit you up, you prefer smoking out of bongs right? I could bring one but I think you said you have a few, unless you would rather just smoke joints. what do you prefer you smoke?
ido yetties remember but ill do bong tokes haha no need to make u do somethin u dont like.....i got a few bongs for the trp

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
NO! i am very very english pure irish canadian here thank you
Huh? This has nothing to do with our debate, i'm just curios on this becvause i'm not quite sure what you two are talking about, but very very english? irish canadian? what do you mean?


Active Member
im sldo going to admit that in about 15 miniutes i migh not be able to make much sence so bare wih me ill still try to answer shit

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
if i replace the dope with a rock is it a bong then? wha about shrooms? meth? is it still a bong?
Never smoked shrooms...or seen someone do it. Also never smoked meth. Or rocks off the ground from outside. But yes to answer your question it would be a bong.