damn I had witdraws LOL

It's navajo for skinwalker. Not the Hollywood version but the one in Navajo legend. It's a dark filthy creature. The Navajo call their spirituality The Blessing Way. The actual word is Hozhó - the closest match in english would be a combination of Beauty/Harmony/Balance. It's a path of harmony and balance with the universe. The Yeeda nagloshii are the antithesis of everything sacred to the Navajo people. Navajo Holy Men use healing methods such as sand paintings and sacred objects to heal and bring harmony. the Nagloshii do just the opposite. They instill great fear. They can run very fast. Can change into any night creature as long as they have some part of the animal to transform into. It is said they have the ability of the animal they become but keep their human intelligence.

They have a powder they used that translates to corpse powder. it is blown into a victims face and that person will swell up and choke to death. The Navajo have an antidote called Atł'izh that you place under the victim's tongue. They can leap huge distances and are able to jam guns and stall vehicles. They have even been seen in the form of a half man/half goat looking creature. When they approach you at night you hear the sound of galloping hooves. To see one face to face will cause your death. There are many more things I can tell you about it but I'm sure you'd be bored by then *LOL*

I grew up around the Kiowas in Oklahoma and I loved going sitting with the elders and listen to the old stories as they passed em down.......some great stories and they are passed down gen to gen.....
live in one place where pictures wouldnt stay on the wall in this one room....and that was putting nails in the studs not the paneling.......we moved. I was a kid so not sure what it was could of been my dad fucking with us for all I know but I do remember being scared.
I grew up around the Kiowas in Oklahoma and I loved going sitting with the elders and listen to the old stories as they passed em down.......some great stories and they are passed down gen to gen.....

Members of my family. :)



Navajo and Lakota. :)
awesome that is...sheesh.....Im going to take a short break amd to trashed to type and think at same time. llol....laters.
aweaomw...........nice family picture.............

There's a tradition that whoever makes a baby laugh for the first time has to throw a party. I threw the party and had to buy all the decorations. It was all Winnie the Pooh. (not the baby in the picture).
You have got to be fucking kidding me right? You don't start shit? You don't try to be a big dick?

You sure as hell fooled the piss outta me.... Your location, your perverted limerick, your BS avatar......

Nah, I'm sure you mean to be a prick,, I'm positive of it....

I never tried to be a dick. Dick riders and there muscle start shit....fuck them
You have got to be fucking kidding me right? You don't start shit? You don't try to be a big dick?

You sure as hell fooled the piss outta me.... Your location, your perverted limerick, your BS avatar......

Nah, I'm sure you mean to be a prick,, I'm positive of it....

Fuck off elitist douche bag.
^^^^^^^and how the fuck was my avatar BS.

Because it was a middle finger. You need to get out and see the real world jackass.

A fucking middle finger.

I don't like old cunts with pitch forks...they offend me. Take yours down.

I think you led a sheltered fuckin life and need to pull a GIANT stick out of your dirty poop chute.
Omg. Another thread that didn't need to be fucking 37 PAGES!!! I'm thinking ok....click the last page...if people are fighting...get out. And of course. Fighting. Deuces friends.

Stay high....but I'm staying out of this one lol. Just had to add a +1 to my post count....last night this thread was 5 pages. 7 hours later? It's 37. Lol.
Do you kiss your mom with that mouth? This is just another perfect example of what a fine young gentleman you are.... Your Mom must be VERY proud..... :roll:

You also sure have a lot of homosexual references in your angry posts.... You know those that yell and scream the loudest usually have something to hide....

just sayin...

^^^^^^^and how the fuck was my avatar BS.

Because it was a middle finger. You need to get out and see the real world jackass.

A fucking middle finger.

I don't like old cunts with pitch forks...they offend me. Take yours down.

I think you led a sheltered fuckin life and need to pull a GIANT stick out of your dirty poop chute.
Even after he called me names and made several personal attacks even... He has done enough in this one thread to merit 5+ incidents. I find his childish antics funny... I picture a 19 year old fat kid behind his computer yelling at mom to bring him a Mt Dew...

and power hungry me does NOTHING yet again. :sleep:

it is all really funny. :)
Even after he called me names and made several personal attacks even... He has done enough in this one thread to merit 5+ incidents. I find his childish antics funny... I picture a 19 year old fat kid behind his computer yelling at mom to bring him a Mt Dew...

