damn I had witdraws LOL

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice that a lot of stuff is missing in the profile area. I only have one started thread listed and one page of posts. Everything else is gone.


Well-Known Member
I admit Im touchy tonight..........but it seemed to me you were not playing you were fighting I saw no humor or playfulness......I saw ppl getting mad...................I didnt NOT slam or fight anybody in both those threads............its the way you said these threads and tha was a personel attack and you know it..........you atack but when soneone bites back you use your MOD powers is how I saw it........my opinion there again.................SO I say move on and Ill smoke a bowl and admitt I was sa bit fast on the treiggr tonight with you......like I said Im a bit touchy and thats no way to act I admitt it............SO I appologized to you FDD and will put more thought into my post to you than I did earlier..................smoke a bowl and lets be friends?
Fuck it. I dont apologize. He's abusing his powers. He needs to be all in or not. To single out certain people because he doesnt like the way they act, is total b.s. He is a moderator, he should be unbiased and professional, he is clearly neither of those. I have zero respect for the old fart.


Active Member
dude i was sad when i checked it a few hours ago and the site was down.
then i rcvd a email alert about a hour ago and was like, 'SWEET. TIS UP NOW."



Well-Known Member
the funniest part is i haven't made ANY mod actions in months. then i stop into a couple of threads and make a few comments because i saw a girl getting attacked, and am now some kind of nazi mod. i wonder where it all comes from myself.
You are kidding right? A girl getting attacked? Ok have clearly smoked way too much pot.


Well-Known Member
And then I was up on the roof....and i shouted out........................I LOVE YOU WORLD and the neighbor shot me in the leg.


Well-Known Member
I admit Im touchy tonight..........but it seemed to me you were not playing you were fighting I saw no humor or playfulness......I saw ppl getting mad...................I didnt NOT slam or fight anybody in both those threads............its the way you said these threads and tha was a personel attack and you know it..........you atack but when soneone bites back you use your MOD powers is how I saw it........my opinion there again.................SO I say move on and Ill smoke a bowl and admitt I was sa bit fast on the treiggr tonight with you......like I said Im a bit touchy and thats no way to act I admitt it............SO I appologized to you FDD and will put more thought into my post to you than I did earlier..................smoke a bowl and lets be friends?
i have no reason to be wishy washy. if i meant "this thread is lame" i would have said "this thread is lame". it was not meant to be personal. it was meant as a generalized statement to all. to open a door to dialog. everybody gets so touchy though. it's not my fault.

how can someone be "serious" when they joke about fucking someones dead mom? i doubt they could be.

how can someone be serious when criticizing an individuals choice of hobbies? this would have to be answered by someone else because i really don't know.

it's pretty easy to "read thru the lines". if you know what to look for, i guess.


Well-Known Member
Fuck!!! My high is totally ruined. Thanks..... Now I need to bang a rail... ( do a line of cocaine )


Well-Known Member
True. And I said some get the impression of it.

But you also made the "useless thread" reference within this thread, then the reference of us whining about the site being down.

Then people that tell see4 to fuck off should be penalized....I should be penalized...for something somewhere, you should be penalized for some of the shit you said yesterday.

I just see it different than you I guess.
i'll be more than happy to fill the mold and give you ALL infractions. :) :fire:


Well-Known Member
i have no reason to be wishy washy. if i meant "this thread is lame" i would have said "this thread is lame". it was not meant to be personal. it was meant as a generalized statement to all. to open a door to dialog. everybody gets so touchy though. it's not my fault.

how can someone be "serious" when they joke about fucking someones dead mom? i doubt they could be.

how can someone be serious when criticizing an individuals choice of hobbies? this would have to be answered by someone else because i really don't know.

it's pretty easy to "read thru the lines". if you know what to look for, i guess.
Dude, you are a walking hypocrite. You are absolutely worthless. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. Your weak glass pipes are shitty and overpriced.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it. I dont apologize. He's abusing his powers. He needs to be all in or not. To single out certain people because he doesnt like the way they act, is total b.s. He is a moderator, he should be unbiased and professional, he is clearly neither of those. I have zero respect for the old fart.
you have yet to show me the "abuse".

you have made numerous post calling me names and i have still not banned you. yet i have every right to. how am i abusing my powers again?


Well-Known Member
You are kidding right? A girl getting attacked? Ok have clearly smoked way too much pot.
I agree, way too much bullshit in that suicide thread from start, when it was created till it got REAL fucked up, to blame anyone person.

I was expecting to be happy to come back tonight, now it's looking just like the fuckin team killing fiasco I went thru on Xbox Live for the whole time this site was down.

I am by no means innocent, so my opinion matters not so much. I'll STFU


Well-Known Member
so was my appology accepted or not....you quoted me and talked about someone fucking some dead mother.....had nothing to do with myh appology...just want to know where we stand is all.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are a walking hypocrite. You are absolutely worthless. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. Your weak glass pipes are shitty and overpriced.
so i allow this and i'm still abusing my powers?

fuck it, i abuse away ........ :)


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are a walking hypocrite. You are absolutely worthless. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. Your weak glass pipes are shitty and overpriced.
atcually... his glass blowing skills got mad better since he first started not too long ago.... the man was selling fire ass peaces for 2 for 25$ just a few days ago... and they were worth more.... maybe you should stfu and listen to what unkle faded says you might learn something, and if anything you will have a longer "shelf life" here.... go smoke a bowl of some kush and mmaybe you will realize this is some petty shit you on...