Club 600


Well-Known Member
Tonight was feed night so I sprayed again, hung a strip in each tent and a new one is hanging from the chain for the 1k light. I picked up an organic aerosol spray that claims it works for mites too and sprayed everything with that too. Fuck these bugs!
The small tent has a DOG and a JH that are pretty well infested with mites now and one WW in the big scrog is too. Nothing else though in the scrog. The small tent has other plants with some signs but not bad. The big tent has no signs of any bugs at all. I sprayed them too though with both sprays.


Well-Known Member
This was the mexican sativa i grew last summer, that was started late. Small plant by outdoor standards, but i got a pound. Better than the 1.5 to 2 i get off the 400. My electric bill is already almost $500 a month, I cant imagine what that would go up to if i started running a 600 instead, although i wish i could use one :)



Well-Known Member
Tonight was feed night so I sprayed again, hung a strip in each tent and a new one is hanging from the chain for the 1k light. I picked up an organic aerosol spray that claims it works for mites too and sprayed everything with that too. Fuck these bugs!
The small tent has a DOG and a JH that are pretty well infested with mites now and one WW in the big scrog is too. Nothing else though in the scrog. The small tent has other plants with some signs but not bad. The big tent has no signs of any bugs at all. I sprayed them too though with both sprays.
If you go from tent to tent you can even spread them, so be careful!


Well-Known Member
Seems like the whole 600 is battling mites....sheesh. I just got a pest strip, cost me 12 bucks to get it delivered! wish I'd bought 2 now.

I use the DE in combo with a spary. Continual application of the DE is necessary. I sprinkle mine using a salt dispenser type thing.

I was thinking that perhaps some secret anti MJ group has released millions of spider mites into the world!!!!

Good vibes to everyone, DST


Well-Known Member
Seems like the whole 600 is battling mites....sheesh. I just got a pest strip, cost me 12 bucks to get it delivered! wish I'd bought 2 now.

I use the DE in combo with a spary. Continual application of the DE is necessary. I sprinkle mine using a salt dispenser type thing.

I was thinking that perhaps some secret anti MJ group has released millions of spider mites into the world!!!!

Good vibes to everyone, DST

i'm thinking the same, there must be a macabre reason why there are so many spider mites in grow rooms.

my mate a commercial grower is losing a crop to them as we speak. they are preventing me from moving forward with my current project and there are half a dozen people here who also are having troubles. i really feel for anybody who gets them during flowering, it's a difficult decision as to what to do, do you go postal and risk poisoning your plants or do you try the safe organic route and risk not killing the feckers?, it's a shame that we have to make these shitty decisions but it's all in a days work i suppose. every aspect of life can throw shitty situations your way, i suppose you could have bigger problems than insects on your plants.

don't let the mites win peeps, stay strong!


Well-Known Member
MoIP perhaps???????? sorry, nerdy IT joke.

i'm thinking the same, there must be a macabre reason why there are so many spider mites in grow rooms.

my mate a commercial grower is losing a crop to them as we speak. they are preventing me from moving forward with my current project and there are half a dozen people here who also are having troubles. i really feel for anybody who gets them during flowering, it's a difficult decision as to what to do, do you go postal and risk poisoning your plants or do you try the safe organic route and risk not killing the feckers?, it's a shame that we have to make these shitty decisions but it's all in a days work i suppose. every aspect of life can throw shitty situations your way, i suppose you could have bigger problems than insects on your plants.

don't let the mites win peeps, stay strong!


Active Member
Lost 2 whole grows last year, Wasted 6 months of time, stopped a journal dead in its tracks; due to shame. but hey... it happens, and I learned a few things.


Well-Known Member
I came across a thread the other day where the guy said "it's do I have mites?All the bugs outside are dead right now"....I laughed thinking about the tropical high 70's in my tent!!!!....didn't even waste time to reply to the thread.


Well-Known Member
This was the mexican sativa i grew last summer, that was started late. Small plant by outdoor standards, but i got a pound. Better than the 1.5 to 2 i get off the 400. My electric bill is already almost $500 a month, I cant imagine what that would go up to if i started running a 600 instead, although i wish i could use one :)

Your lucky, a Sativa would never finish in my area. The frost would have taken her for sure, more rather I would have had to take her before the frost did. I have tried they just don't have the time to finish up here, gets cold too soon.


Active Member

I came across a thread the other day where the guy said "it's do I have mites?All the bugs outside are dead right now"....I laughed thinking about the tropical high 70's in my tent!!!!....didn't even waste time to reply to the thread.

Right... I mean why would the bugs that are normally outside feeding on plants want to come in my nice warm basement and continue to feed on plants in the winter...


Well-Known Member
hehe, last time I checked, Mites are not related to bears, so why would they hibernate...lets continue munching if we can.

Well I suppose they do hibernate in a way in that the eggs have to stay in the ground somewhere, I guess they don't just appear magically out of nowhere (although they fekking seem too!)

I came across a thread the other day where the guy said "it's do I have mites?All the bugs outside are dead right now"....I laughed thinking about the tropical high 70's in my tent!!!!....didn't even waste time to reply to the thread.

Right... I mean why would the bugs that are normally outside feeding on plants want to come in my nice warm basement and continue to feed on plants in the winter...


Active Member
Hey DST!... do you think mites have a better chance in soil? 'caus those 2 crops I spoke of were in soil... since I got the Aeroflo2 I havent seen any mites...,

I did get some nute burn for a while and I was so used to getting mites I freaked... it took me some time to figure out what was up


Well-Known Member
That is a good question Marlowe. I was wondering where they would come from, or any other pest for that matter? Do they come already in the mediums we use or do they migrate into our gardens from outside? Also, do hydro setups deal with them? Which brings me to why I ask. If they do occur in hydro setups then I would have to conclude that they come from external sources. If this is the case, then the battle should be keeping them out first. A while back my dog got fleas. The only areas in my home with carpet are the two bedrooms and a rug in the living area but they were full of fleas, particularly the bedroom because he slept there. We would walk into the room and they'd be jumping on our legs. We did all the usual things to combat them, washing clothes and linens with hot dry cycles, cleaning, treating the dog, all of it, but as long as they were in the carpets we were sunk. Then I read about Boric Acid or Borax, which I believe Boric acid is derived from. It is a key ingredient in pesticides, retail and commercial, and is a natural substance mined in the U.S. One of the many characteristics of it is that it is attacks an insects exoskeleton and dehydrates them to death. And when 1 comes contact with it, they carry it to the rest. Anyway I got boric acid from the pharmacy and sprinkled in on the rugs and I swear, withing days, there were no more. We kept the dog out and treated him, which was much easier now. So now I keep some sprinkled around the perimeter of my tent. I then just bought Borax, under the trade name 20 Mule Team Borax, in your laundry detergent section.



Well-Known Member
Mites DO hibernate when there's no food or to cold for them that's partially why their so hard to eradicate, if your well into flower go with spray safe if not use plant vitality plus haven't seen a mite in nearly 12 months since using vitality plus it's also a foliar feed.
Tried using predators multiple times with no luck just wasted my money.