Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts


Well-Known Member
Oh okay. How's the peat pot working for you? I started the PE directly in the hydroton after germination and her roots had already grown thru the cocotek liner and into the bottom reservoir after 13 days. I started a Skunk #1 at the same time (which ended up having to go), and when I removed it the roots had barely made it to the hydroton. I'll be germinating directly in hydroton from now on, even though I was very nervous when first attempting it.
I've always been a soil grower, until recently. I never believed in germinating in paper towels or soaking in a cup, etc. I've always used a seed starting mix. That doesn't work too well when you want to move it to a waterfarm. I didn't much care for rockwool and it's PH issues. I've had some strange results with Rapid Rooters, like upside down seedlings and shit. The closest thing to soil that I can transfer to a waterfarm is a peat pot in a 2 net pot. I 'may' try a soiless medium in net pots next.

I want to get away from purchased seeds except to get a new strain going in my garden. Once cloning is down to a science for me and the fog bucket, seeds won't be an issue much. I do plan on following Grumpy's journal on making my own female seeds. I also live in an area that has nice weather almost year round. I think I may incorporate an outdoor trellis into my garden and see about increasing my yieldage this summer/fall.


Well-Known Member
looking good. hows the roots on the clones? you add any nutes yet?
I just now did, with an aeroponic set up. ppms are 400. I forgot to take PH, dam, one sec...

Wow, glad I checked, 4.5 ain't gonna do them cuttings any good is it? I have the bucket to 7.3 at the moment. I don't want to be basing and tripping at the same time back and forth. Going to let the bucket stabilize a bit or swing before I make another move. 4.5 was way too low. I think it will be under 7 in another few hours. Only time will tell if they make it. I did pull one, I needed the access for the air line. It had no roots yet, after 10 days, so it was done, even though it was lookin good. Always take more cutting than you plan to transition to vegging.

I have the timer set for 50 seconds on, 5 minutes off. The roots are now getting food, and Vitamin B. It takes about an hour for nutrient to travel an inch in a plant. If I don't see color in the leaves by morning, I'll bump the ppms up. Stinkbud writes of high ppms in aeroponics, but he is referring to aeromists. My droplets are a bit bigger, so I'm taking it slow. I don't have anything left to take cuttings off of for a bit. I really want some clones to introduce to my new Microgarden. I may have to build a new cloner.... the bucket is cool because it serves as an aero too, but once the ebb and flow is set up...... I'm going to be going through plants quicker and relying on cuttings. With my new T5 rig on the way, I think that I'll be able to fully veg in the closet and just use the tent for flowering. Perpetual harvests aren't far behind.


Well-Known Member
kool. i ordered a conversion bulb for my 400 watt mh mag ballast the other day. so i'll only need to buy a mag low bay mh from craigslist($25) once i have the room for a perpetual grow.


Well-Known Member
Did I miss how the Tangerine Dream is doing? I tried to germ a couple of mine, only one popped and it's the saddest looking specimen I have ever seen. I am only letting it live out of pity.

I noticed in your hypothetical earlier that you mentioned 1600ppm. Do you really go that high or higher? That sounds like a lot but your plants don't seem to mind.


Well-Known Member
Did I miss how the Tangerine Dream is doing? I tried to germ a couple of mine, only one popped and it's the saddest looking specimen I have ever seen. I am only letting it live out of pity.

I noticed in your hypothetical earlier that you mentioned 1600ppm. Do you really go that high or higher? That sounds like a lot but your plants don't seem to mind.
Yes, I have been at 1600 ppm. Currently I'm running around 1400 as it is what the plant seems comfortable with. I haven't done any Tangerine Dream yet, I have 5 of em, but they are still in the package. If I get one healthy and strong pheno out of 5 tries, I'll be happy. I've heard that they are slow to germinate too. Maybe Barney's needs to keep working on beter genetics and then get it locked in and stable.


Well-Known Member
Not to try and hi-jack or take away from your journal Serapis, but do you think you could hop over to my journal and take a look at my last update? I'm having some issues with the PE now and she only seems to worsen as I attempt to adjust things that could be causing the issue. You seem pretty knowledgeable, figured it couldn't hurt to ask.


Active Member
It all looks good Serapis. Have you considered Coco? Well, knowing you, you have considered it.. So perhaps a better question would be why aren't you using it? I'm liking it quite a bit. I've been laying it over a 1/2" - 1" bed of hydroton and the combination seems to create a really good bed of roots in the bottom 2-3 inches of the container. One thing that's bothering me is how easy people all say it is to clone in coco and I've had nothing but issues. I just purchased a bucket cloner setup similar to yours and I'm attempting to salvage the cuttings that weren't rooting (but were surviving) as well as 2 new cuttings in case the others don't take.. all blue mystics.. I'm liking this pheno even better than the first two I grew, even in veg it smells absolutely amazing. How well do you find the bucket cloner works? I like your idea of using netpots and adapting it to a dwc to veg it further.

Also just planted some jock horror / skunk #1 mothers. My setup is rather ghetto atm, gearing up for a sog this time. But I'm still playing with my LED's trying to create the right environment to properly utilize them. Once it's all dialed in I'll send some pics your way.

Oh, also I'm looking for a humidity dome to go right over the 5 gallon cloner bucket. I saw you mentioned a humidity dome of some sort, did you find something to satisfy that? I have humidity issues inside my cab and the plants do fine once established but clones don't like it one bit.


Well-Known Member

Hi guys and gals. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday, I am. I have coursework due for four classes and I'm putting it off til tomorrow and Monday, so I thought an update was appropriate.

First off, if anyone is interested, I'm writing a new journal on Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream. The new link is in my sig. (or will be very soon if you read this right after I post it) :)

The Bubblelicious ladies are looking great. Babylicious gave me a brief scare, she started growing additional calyxes near the stem of the fan leaves. At first, I was thinking balls, but within 24 hours, they had pistils.

Today completes the 4th week of 12/12. These amazing plants still have 4-6 weeks to pack on growth. Let's consider the basic principle that a well done grow will easily net .5 grams per watt of light used. We are using a 600W HTG Supply HPS Plus bulb, which has like an extra initial 20,000k lumen, but rated at 600 watt. If we take 600 watts and multiply it times the expected average of .5 grams, we get 300 grams that this grow should easily net. That comes to almost 11 ounces.

Now, using Waterfarms AND SCOTTYBALLS' method, with a nice Secret Jardin, I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction. Barring any unforeseen problems, I'm going to do 1 gram per watt. Thats correct. I think I can pull 21.5 ounces from this grow. I see several colas alone that have the potential in 6 more weeks to pack on that kind of weight. A proper diet is therefore essential.

I'm using Fox Farms solubles. Currently, we are on the Beastie Blooms phase. When we hit 4 weeks to go, we'll switch over to the Cha Ching add in that helps resin production and ripening of fruit. (they say fruit, we all know they really mean BUD) LOL... I really do believe strongly in these solubles. They have some excellent addition of essential metals and minerals. After you dissolve some in water, you can see little tiny metals flakes, about .05 mm in the water. It is some great stuff and I swear by it.

Other than that, I'm still sticking to the original game plan, using only General Hydroponics's Flora Nova Bloom. No other nutrient liquid solution at all. The PH has been great, and the plants have looked the best I have seen throughout an entire grow. I have not seen one burnt or starving leaf, at all, not one. A few of the tips did start to just show a bit of singe, so I have backed ppms down to 1400, until the plant tells me otherwise. I think at this stage, she'
ll settle in and start just packing on bud growth. I don't expect to see any new vegetative growth or stretching from this point on.

Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink.....

Where do I begin..... Having tap water with a ppm of 400 sucks balls. I have to purchase about 15 gallons of distilled water each week at a cost of nearly $1.00 gallon. If I was growing to sell, I'd consider it an investment; however, I look at it as an expense, a burden, if you will. The plants are drinking nearly 3 gallons between them, per day. I'm not having to add as much nutrients, as I am water. They are going through it fast, and I think it is because as more buds and leaves grow, the transpiration volume increases, and the plant is losing a lot of moisture to the atmosphere. A new portable Reef Master RO system is on it's way. I have already installed a 2.5" x 10" Carbon 5 micron prefilter in my bathroom shower, with a diverter valve from the shower head stem. The fittings are machine to pipe and I'm therefore able to use a standard garden hose for the connections. When I have everything set up, I'll take some pics and maybe make a quick guide for anyone that is interested in installing one. Buying jug water and having to haul it every week is a pain. Having neighbors watch you carry 15 gallons from the driveway to the house can be unsettling as well. It is time for an RO system.

In response I have turned the vortex fan up to move the air quicker, in an attempt to keep humidity down. The current RH in the tent is 48% and the ambient is 45%, so that is not bad at all. Overall I'm very happy with the grow. Babylicious germinated on Nov 20th of last year. Here we are, all this time later, and four to six weeks from harvest, depending on the pheno.

GOAL 21 ounces.....


Well-Known Member
I have coursework due for four classes and I'm putting it off til tomorrow and Monday
I used to be a procrastinator, but then I was taught a secret that really helped me get on the ball. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Good luck with gram/watt thing. I'm pulling for ya. Man, I sure wish them pictures was scratch n' sniff.


Well-Known Member
Good God..... let me tell you... I just worked my screen, just tucking leaves here and there to make sure everyone is getting light, and I noticed on my hand, a bunch of glistening. upon closer inspection, simply by moving leaves, I had picked up resin on my finger tips. It was sticky and the smell is just intoxicating. I wish I could share it with you. I was mostly just handling leaf stems as I tucked, but my hand did brush leaf as well. I had to wash hands three times to was away the smell. Even though I mostly smell the soap now, I can still detect a hint of the MJ. This shit is going to be narcotic. The THC level on my last grow of this strain was unbelievable. It has to easily be over 20%, as it's lethargic.

I used to be a procrastinator, but then I was taught a secret that really helped me get on the ball. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Good luck with gram/watt thing. I'm pulling for ya. Man, I sure wish them pictures was scratch n' sniff.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Mine are just now starting to put out a faint odor in week 3. Seems early, but I only have male Jack Herers to compare. I can smell the faint odor and see your pictures...adds a whole new dimension to bud porn.


Active Member
Hey, couple questions about your bucket cloner you had pictured previously. I just purchased the 8 site bucket cloner from HTG Supply that is quite similar to yours. You mentioned that it was a fogger of some sort inside your bucket and not a pump with a sprinkler type nozzle? And that they don't appear take in nutrients through the fog?


Well-Known Member
I put mine together myself. The fogger is designed to use for a visual effect with a small pond, or a scent bowl of water. It has been adapted for horticultural use. The fog mist it creates is very beneficial to roots, but the particle size is too small to effectively carry nutrients to the plant. My intent was to use the fog to get quick roots, then pull the fogger, drop in my pump and sprayers and add nutrients.

The system you got from HTG should contain a pump and some plumbing with ez cloner jets. That system should work well, just follow the instructions and ignore my modification for now. I was simply sharing something I wanted to try.


Active Member
Well it sounds like a good idea in theory, I believe you said you were aiming for a perpetual style harvest which is my goal as well so speeding up those roots would let me transplant that much sooner.

I'm at an in progress stage still but I threw up a quick thread if you wanna peek at what I've been working on. Thanks for the info. :)


Well-Known Member
I have basically the the same thing as you (water farm, same light, scrog etc) except im growing g13 blueberry gum. Hope i get close to 21 ozs. I'll be happy with 10+

I just finished week 1 of flower.

edit: I see you have 2 plants I'm doing 1. How long did you veg and what was the height when u flipped?


Well-Known Member
The plants are two weeks apart. The oldest, was germed on Nov 21 2010 and was introduced into the flowering tent on Jan 15th. As for the height, I'm not sure, the plant was well into being scrogged at that point. When the scrog was about 70% full, I flipped, and that was on Jan 15. Photoperiod is from 8-10 weeks for this strain. 4-6 weeks to go... I hope these waterfarms hold out, as right now, a two gal reservoir only holds about 1.3 gal at the moment.

I have cut back on nutes, to 1400, because I'm concerned with less space, eventually the plant will have a thirsty night and leave itself with a toxic bath. At this point, I believe a controller tower is needed. I'm having to top off twice a day. I don't mind, but I'm worried if I mess up, I could hose the yield on this plant. It's come a long way and only 4-6 weeks to go before the next stage and it's hazards and pitfalls. (curing)