Future .... best case scenario

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I like to think outside of the box.
AND Love to read THESE type of things and dream ...

I found this interesting article and would love you, the reader to give this a moment of thought.

Perhaps you have something to add ??
Your thoughts welcome.

TIME's report on our robotic future: 5 incredible predictions
Our species may become obsolete by 2045, says the magazine ominously, overtaken by artificial intelligence

According to futurologist Raymond Kurzweil, robots will advance well beyond the role of helpful sidekick by mid-century. Photo: Corbis
The Singularity is coming. That's the belief of Raymond Kurzweil, a futurist and engineer profiled by Lev Grossman in this week's TIME magazine. Kurzweil's particular focus is predicting the point — known as the Singularity — at which the progress of machines will supersede that of humans. After decades of research, Kurzweil thinks he's finally put a date on it. Here, the five most extreme predictions highlighted in TIME's profile:

1. Computers will think like humans do by the end of the 2020s
The way Kurzweil sees it, technological progress will balloon in the 2020s. By midway through that decade, we will be able to reverse-engineer the human brain — that is, figure out exactly how it works. By the end of the 2020s, "computers will be capable of human-level intelligence." That means they'll be able to emulate "whatever it is our brains are doing when they create consciousness."

2. The Singularity will occur in 2045
In that year, artificial intelligence will be so dominant and abundant that people will either merge with machines to "become super-intelligent cyborgs," or we'll "scan our consciousnesses into computers and live inside them as software, forever, virtually." Another option: The robots will turn on us, in a Terminator-style twist.

3. After the Singularity, humans will become "functionally immortal"...
"Singularitarians" like Kurzweil believe that human beings alive in 2045 will "wind up being functionally immortal." Not just because we'll be able to transfer our minds into computers or robots, but also because the rise of "regenerative medicine" will repair the "damage" of old age. Fellow Singularitarian Dr. Aubrey de Grey describes it as a bit like preserving a "vintage car."

4. ... And we will be able to bring the dead back to life
Kurzweil envisages a world in which biotechnology and nanotechnology are so advanced that the human genome "becomes just so much code to be bug-tested and optimized." Extending your life infinitely becomes reality, as does resurrecting failed organic material. "Death loses its sting once and for all. Kurzweil hopes to bring his dead father back to life."

5. Oh, and human intelligence will conquer the universe
Once humanity has melded with machine, says Kurzweil, we will "light out for the edges of space as intergalactic godlings." The rate of our scientific advances will become so rapid that "within a matter of centuries, human intelligence will have re-engineered and saturated all the matter in the universe." And with that, we will have cracked the meaning of life.

Source ...
I realize this ... but taking into consideration the time frame and the developments in tech ... this paints a very possible picture of things to come.
I've always thought that humans will end up like the "borg" in Star Trek.

Human civilization has doubled in the last 40 years, I wonder if it can handle another 40?
Nice find puff.

I am well aware the singularity is indeed approaching. Terrence McKenna's time-wave zero places the asymptote somewhere near 2012 but I could only imagine a very necessary component of the singularity be found in the entropy of humanity, perhaps a critical mass shift in the beliefs that govern our society.

As far as human population, I believe its supposed to double every 17 years now. We should be reaching max capacity somewhere near the year 2035. And shortly after that I guess we would need a technology that could help sustain the upwards of 20 billion people.

With 20 billion people our chances of technological advancement being recognized go way up as the active agents developing new uses for technology are overlapping and, as humans are associative creatures, we should be exponentially increasing our grasp on nature. A steep graph is reached when there is more technological advancement in a shorter period of time.

Another brilliant one. I am adding that to my facebook man.

I never actually finished watching all eight parts, but now I am tempted to.

Wow that's a very interesting read, thanks puff! I remember thinking about this back when i was much younger, after seeing that movie AI, i remember it fucking with my head really bad, but now that im older i thrive off thinking about conundrum's, i cant get enough of it.

The more we know, the more we realize how much less we actually know. So really if we know anything, we know that anything is possible, especially if the universe really does expand at the speed of thought.

Personally i believe in Ascension, and i believe we are on the dawn of the golden age. I believe as we become more in tune with the the universe, we will be alot less obsessed with the material and finally able to truly appreciate the physical. Once this happens i dont know how far we will diverge into creating such sophisticated robots. Atleast not ones with a consciousness... I hope. If for some reason it did happen and robots did start to take over earth, i think their only objective would be to conquer, if this happened i dont think that other intelligent life in the universe would stand bye and wait for them to start journeying through space looking for other habitable planets to take next... Although if you have ever read the wingmaker's stuff it does talk about the animus(an intelligent android like species that's part robot part organic), and according to the prophecy they are supposed to arrive this year... But who knows if the wingmakers stuff is legit, anyone can put anything they want on the internet.

I do believe in the soul, and i believe we choose to be in this physical, why we would choose to come to the physical to leave to the virtual, i dont know... But i could see it happening to some degree, i would imagine there would still have to be somewhat of a physical existence though.

As far as technology that rejuvenates us, why not? Imagine what you could learn in a 1000 year life. I mean i would never want to live in this physical for ever, but the potential spiritual growth you could achieve is unfathomable.
I'm down for being a cyborg, or uploaded to a computer, really i'm up for any thing except the terminator thing.
but i think we'll have computers capable of near human thought before 2020, I saw something on the news the other day, some one has created AI that has the ability to get smarter then as it gets smarter it solves its own software problems and rewrites its code and improves upon itself, they compared it to sky net, saying that the only difference is that there wouldn't be any survivors if theirs were to turn on humans. I wish i could remeber what company it was but i only remeber the terminator part lol
Scary stuff. I'm not sure if I want immortality. What if we would be keeping ourselves from something greater after death? At this point in time there's only one way to REALLY find out. Maybe with the advent of all this technology we would be able to find out without having to take the leap of faith. Only time would tell.

On this topic, check out Science of the Soul on history. They talk about AI, cyborgs, and all that stuff. I only caught the last half, but it was quite interesting.
I always here this statement about robots taking over the world if we don't keep our eye on them. But I would have to contend that the more intelligent a thing gets the more cooperative they become. On top of that, what purpose does a robot feel it needs to attain. It just wouldn't be logical for it to want to take things over, unless it wants to know the answer to the universe and just can't figure it out:twisted:.

There is a quote I know of, but I just can't remember specifics, its by a futurist and novelist, I don't remember his name either. Regardless it alludes to basically what I said, except that if man and machine were to find themselves in war it is clear that man would be the first to fire. Its just that machines have no drive to exist, we create them, even if it was a conscious machine it doesn't seem likely that it would operate in order to sustain its own control.

Do you get what I am saying? I am rather stoned!!

I think if it happened it would be because it had become more effencient than us, and we would serve no purpose, like the carrier pigeon in todays world of cell phones
or food/power like matrix.

The only problem I see with that theory is there wouldn't be enough dead to feed the living to power the machines. The machines would have to come up with another way of creating a food source for their batteries. Sure they could have growing factories, but then they would have to power those as well. I just don't see the economic viability of this route of power generation. More than likely humans would be gotten rid of so the machines could make use of other natural power sources, like wind, solar, geothermal and water without people getting in the way.
I believe right now the only thing thats going to protect the human race from machines, is the fact that were using all the oil up. computers may out smart us, but they aint building shit in those robot factories when they need there next oil change and there is none. nothing to lube up there t800 production line.
I believe right now the only thing thats going to protect the human race from machines, is the fact that were using all the oil up. computers may out smart us, but they aint building shit in those robot factories when they need there next oil change and there is none. nothing to lube up there t800 production line.

Honey oil. ;) Honestly, there are plenty of other lubricants that aren't dead oil. Who knows, if technology gets sufficiently advanced, who's to say lubricant would be needed at all? Maybe there will be small magnetic fields imparted between all moving parts so they never truly touch.
For starters imagine a pair of
sun glasses for example through which
you will be able to interface with your
servers at home (computer). You will be able to access
information at will ... to be displayed on your
inner lens or ... straight to your retina via
some laser beam...

In real time you will be able to capture and upload your reality
and view other ... as these are transmitted ...
Do you realize what will happen to your brain
and the way it functions ... not having to remember
details ... but to recall them at will ... !

What other functions of the brain such use of tech might unlock ??

I think of tech in terms of fusion.
well the thing is is oil is in way more than just the machine joints, they may not need lubricant but they will need oil for something, unless something of equal magical properties is made.

I watched this crazy guy on this documentory called, collapse he kinda crazy but he talks about all the things oil is in, and some of the shit oil is needed to make is insane.

if your into conspiracy and end of humanity and fall of governments, collapse may entertain you. they guy does come off as a little crazy though but alot of what he says can be fact checked, and some his solutions, were just mention by the president on his last address to the country, as things that need to happen to secure americas future.
For starters imagine a pair of
sun glasses for example through which
you will be able to interface with your
servers at home (computer). You will be able to access
information at will ... to be displayed on your
inner lens or ... straight to your retina via
some laser beam...
Do you realize what will happen to your brain
and the way it functions ... not having to remember
details ... but to recall them at will ... !

I think of tech in terms of fusion.

aw yeah a virtual brain library, pimped out brains with ram to improve them. haha
For starters imagine a pair of
sun glasses for example through which
you will be able to interface with your
servers at home (computer). You will be able to access
information at will ... to be displayed on your
inner lens or ... straight to your retina via
some laser beam...

In real time you will be able to capture and upload your reality
and view other ... as these are transmitted ...
Do you realize what will happen to your brain
and the way it functions ... not having to remember
details ... but to recall them at will ... !

What other functions of the brain such use of tech might unlock ??

I think of tech in terms of fusion.

Ah yes, intriguing indeed! Perhaps, once resources are freed from the duties of storage they can be re-purposed to assist in processing duties. :D