Death To Mubarak!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
omg... u think they hold there army over there bread, why..
Why is that an either or choice? And why assume they will even have that choice?

egyptians are not a hive satisfied by the knowledge their "stick" is the biggest. They are ordinary husbands, wives, children etc.
Replace "egytians" with "americans" and then explain to us why we spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined. Yeah....

The Mothers & Fathers care more for the children than they do your tanks. Children benefit more from education and medicine, and the elderly from peace.
So would we. I don't see those reasons getting in the way of our wars and military spending.

And as for getting kicked and sprayed i applaud you, without sarcasm i would pin a medal on you for your efforts, after learning your motives.
My motives were simple. Iraq was an illegal war and Bush is a war criminal. To not do anything would be to condone those actions.

Most Americans are in awe of their military and its might. You must think egyptians are a primitive species that ranks its cheif by the size of the stick he yeilds.
Most people are. Explain why the Egyptians cheering every time a tank drives through the protests. You seem to have no clue how popular and powerful the military is in Egypt.


Active Member

Once again, you insist on implying that the Egyptians are unified by the army. Do you know why they are cheering the tanks that roll throught the streets and protests??? I dont think so. They cheer them because they know that they were put there at the request of security forces that are controlled by Mubarak's cronies. They cheer them because they know that the men driving those tanks are not going to hurt them, because the men in the tanks are just like them. If those tank drivers didn't do as instructed they would be punished. Ofcourse the people are cheering "at" the tanks. !!!!!!BUT ITS NOT THE US MADE MIGHTY M1 THEY ARE CHEERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Its the men inside it. Wouldnt you take pride in the knowledge that a machine sent to stop you by someone who would see you killed, is completely useless because the man behind the wheel is your brother, and would harm you no sooner than you would harm yourself?

And as for replacing "egyptians" with "americans" in the sentance of mine you quoted. I cant, the sentence becomes false, the vocal (i know not all of americans are, but the loud ones for sure) majority of the US is a "hive mind". Influenced by corporate-pocket-politicians and dillusional-mainstream-media-personalities. The fact you are so convinced they are in awe of the military, suggests you are either ex-army yourself, or in awe of your own "stick". And as for being ordinary, on the world-stage US families are something different - why you ask - because the people you vote for affects world stability, world economy, world peace etc. etc. So no you aren't quite ordinary like the rest of us insignificant little countries, what you decide at home affects how many grains of rice are eaten in sudan. Cause & effect.

You speak for your country as though it is guilty of no crime, yet you aknowledge crimes commited. Decide your point of veiw before you debate on behalf of it.

If you would prefer domestic spending was directed at education and healthcare, then why doesn't it happen????. And seriously man, fuck, are you telling me the trillion + dollars wasted on this war, were of no consequence to your economies situation at present. How many jobs might not have been lost had you not gone to war.

Can i say something, i dont really feel like discussing this with you anymore. I am starting to sympathise with the "banging my head against the wall" feeling being experienced outside US borders. Good luck with your point of view and i wish you all the best.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

Once again, you insist on implying that the Egyptians are unified by the army.
That's right. The army is the most powerful, organized, and popular group in the country.

Do you know why they are cheering the tanks that roll throught the streets and protests??? I dont think so. They cheer them because they know that they were put there at the request of security forces that are controlled by Mubarak's cronies. They cheer them because they know that the men driving those tanks are not going to hurt them, because the men in the tanks are just like them. If those tank drivers didn't do as instructed they would be punished.
Ever think about why they aren't attacking the people? It's because the army knows how popular they are and can use that as leverage to gain even more power.

Ofcourse the people are cheering "at" the tanks. !!!!!!BUT ITS NOT THE US MADE MIGHTY M1 THEY ARE CHEERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
But the people in the tanks know what they are driving. They won't want to give those up and they have the internal power to insure that whoever the next leader of Egypt is that they keep playing ball with the US in order to keep up their supply of US military tech.

And as for replacing "egyptians" with "americans" in the sentance of mine you quoted. I cant, the sentence becomes false, the vocal (i know not all of americans are, but the loud ones for sure) majority of the US is a "hive mind". Influenced by corporate-pocket-politicians and dillusional-mainstream-media-personalities.
I guess you know as little about the US as you do Egypt. Just because we have a loud minority who gets a lot of press coverage doesn't mean the majority shares their views.

The fact you are so convinced they are in awe of the military, suggests you are either ex-army yourself, or in awe of your own "stick".
lol. Waaaaay off. I'm pretty far from a soldier. I'd NEVER join any branch of the military and I think the amount of money we spend on the military is a huge waste of money.

But unlike you just because I don't agree with something does not mean I'm incapable of understanding it.

And as for being ordinary, on the world-stage US families are something different - why you ask - because the people you vote for affects world stability, world economy, world peace etc. etc. So no you aren't quite ordinary like the rest of us insignificant little countries, what you decide at home affects how many grains of rice are eaten in sudan. Cause & effect.
And you think the US is the only country in the world who craves power? lol

You speak for your country as though it is guilty of no crime, yet you aknowledge crimes commited. Decide your point of veiw before you debate on behalf of it.
lol. I do no such thing. Again, there is a difference between understanding the viewpoints of others and agreeing with them. Don't get it twisted.

If you would prefer domestic spending was directed at education and healthcare, then why doesn't it happen????.
Because the military industrial complex is highly profitable for the American elite and they corrupt both parties. Combined that with an oppressed working class that has adopted the values of their oppressors in some strange national version of stockholm syndrome and they have enough support to continue to do what they do.

And seriously man, fuck, are you telling me the trillion + dollars wasted on this war, were of no consequence to your economies situation at present. How many jobs might not have been lost had you not gone to war.
The war caused long term economic problems more than short term ones. That problem is in the form of debt. Wars create jobs at the expense of long term debt, they don't have an immediate short term negative effects on jobs.

So while I completely disagree with the wars and think they were unnecessarily, potentially illegal, and completely immoral, your claims are completely false.


Well-Known Member
Have never been to egypt.....Haven't a clue the who what and where that make up there current political landscape.....But I do know that the Egyptians have been governing themselves for some 7000 years or so...or at least that is how far back we have been able to trace so far.....Whats my point? Well a society that is 7000 years old needs no advice or interference from a bunch of stoners ....Wouldn't surprise me at all if the CIA or other security forces around the globe have shaped this whole thing behind closed doors.


Well-Known Member
i want to see them fighting on camels again only this time the camels need armor and the guys need swords instead of whips ...armored cameles would be awsome

jeff f

New Member
i want to see them fighting on camels again only this time the camels need armor and the guys need swords instead of whips ...armored cameles would be awsome
i wonder if there are any midgets in egypt. armored camels with midgets, swords and thats a fight!


Well-Known Member
Ummmm NO!.... the money going to egypt from the U.S. is more of a pay-off, consider Egypt under the current regime to be something of a US Sherrif in the middle east, earning 2.2b a year. FYI how much do you think Mubarak and his cronies rake in annually, id say 2.2b to be precise. Not a cent of that money from the U.S. makes it to the people. So no, you are wrong... have a read
Everything you said on 2/2/11, just was talked about on the news today. Also he took 70Billion for himself.


It's fantastic to see the younger generation of Egypt taking the lead in pushing for a reasonably fair and democratic government. Although I agree with a previous posters opinion that democracy is just an illusion formed to make people more comfortable with being controlled. I personally do not believe that a "true democracy" has ever been realized on this planet. Most government's are fueled directly on capitalism, run by corporations. It will be the downfall of what we know. We are going to be seeing a lot more unrest in other parts of the world in the coming years. I think this is really just the tip of the iceberg. People will only put up so long with being stepped of for the Northern and Western worlds corporate interests. Much of what we enjoy today comes at the cost of others around the globe. Until this changes, we can expect a severly unstable planet in every sense we can imagine.


Well-Known Member
I think they just traded Coke for Pepsi- the U.S. and Israel are still in charge over their