Once again, you insist on implying that the Egyptians are unified by the army. Do you know why they are cheering the tanks that roll throught the streets and protests??? I dont think so. They cheer them because they know that they were put there at the request of security forces that are controlled by Mubarak's cronies. They cheer them because they know that the men driving those tanks are not going to hurt them, because the men in the tanks are just like them. If those tank drivers didn't do as instructed they would be punished. Ofcourse the people are cheering "at" the tanks. !!!!!!BUT ITS NOT THE US MADE MIGHTY M1 THEY ARE CHEERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Its the men inside it. Wouldnt you take pride in the knowledge that a machine sent to stop you by someone who would see you killed, is completely useless because the man behind the wheel is your brother, and would harm you no sooner than you would harm yourself?
And as for replacing "egyptians" with "americans" in the sentance of mine you quoted. I cant, the sentence becomes false, the vocal (i know not all of americans are, but the loud ones for sure) majority of the US is a "hive mind". Influenced by corporate-pocket-politicians and dillusional-mainstream-media-personalities. The fact you are so convinced they are in awe of the military, suggests you are either ex-army yourself, or in awe of your own "stick". And as for being ordinary, on the world-stage US families are something different - why you ask - because the people you vote for affects world stability, world economy, world peace etc. etc. So no you aren't quite ordinary like the rest of us insignificant little countries, what you decide at home affects how many grains of rice are eaten in sudan. Cause & effect.
You speak for your country as though it is guilty of no crime, yet you aknowledge crimes commited. Decide your point of veiw before you debate on behalf of it.
If you would prefer domestic spending was directed at education and healthcare, then why doesn't it happen????. And seriously man, fuck, are you telling me the trillion + dollars wasted on this war, were of no consequence to your economies situation at present. How many jobs might not have been lost had you not gone to war.
Can i say something, i dont really feel like discussing this with you anymore. I am starting to sympathise with the "banging my head against the wall" feeling being experienced outside US borders. Good luck with your point of view and i wish you all the best.