1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Oh OK.. Gotcha Now...
What a good speech the UK PM made yesterday on multiculturism.. He told the truth, as nicely as one can.
he did one last week like that, wonder if thats the one. the news tried to tell it like it was war on multi-culturalism lol

looking sexy over there donny, the livers looks like its gonna have some girth on the colas lmao :) great gardening bro as always :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i dont mind vegging to be honest training them pruning topping its all part of the fun to me. ill be doing a fair bit of vegging soon enough. im going to veg the psycho and livers up to a good couple of foot if not more then flip em in the autopots. if that doesnt produce some monsters then i dont know what will.


Well-Known Member
Oh OK.. Gotcha Now...
What a good speech the UK PM made yesterday on multiculturism.. He told the truth, as nicely as one can.
It's funny, do you think the German PM was giving him a blow job at the time, that Merkal women(spelling?!?!?!) basically said the same thing. Now when a German comes out and say's "This Multi Culturism things doesn't work" be afraid, be very afraid!! hahaha. Seriously though, I didn't hear it but he's right. For multi culturism to work, all the cultures got to work together, and that certainly isn't happening...I mean the muslims don't even let people see their women! And you telling me a starving jew wouldn't eat bacon? worms, can of, opened! lol

well im using cool shades so i could put them about 8 inches away. without i generally stuck about 18 inches
Really, only 8 inches? that's luxury in my little cabient world....vertical is fun but I would love some space!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ahh gotcha, i generally lollipop my ladies so theres not so much popcorn and what little there is generally ends up in the hash run! makes the bigger tops fatter ;)


Well-Known Member
Morning thanks for the P.M Re; my concern's lol, anyway you got a sausage-roll moving opposite from you! Hope this one dont flash lmao as i told you that paticular is leaving today in his work's moter with 1Kg. Of the sweet grain's in the fill-up piont of said vehical hahah gonna be funny watching him leave today!
Anyway hope my Cherry Cheese comes like this...." it looks the cloest to the black rose of all of my cherry cheese beans" (Tryna's reply)

Catch-Up Later

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Poor guy, at least your buddy didn't end up in a Thai prison. That's rough.
Nice update mate :)
When the Panama Red finally gets harvested give it a good cure before ya start dipping into it. Something takes that long, ya kinda set it aside and forget about it!! For a little while anyways hehe. Kool seeing the Livers and the CC, I'm trying to morph them together in my mind lol and Smelly is a beast for sure bro!! Harvest time coming up pretty quick, huh. Caseys have another week?
Catch ya later bro have a good weekend, my son's coming over tonight, think we'll go see the movie Sanctum
sup hc bro missed this when i replied before. long story short his girl had said he'd punched her when in actual fact he'd pushed her in self defence as she was laying into him.... funnily enough she didnt have the balls to tell me one of his good friends that he'd 'punched her' when i saw her and asked what went on...... bitches are so conniving.

it was touch and go basically his mother had spoken to the embassy and said to him look son if this goes bad your lookin at 3 years in the hilton :shock: he was in the stages of release, tho he didnt know as the lass had hopped it back to blighty & there was no case to answer and of course they were speaking thai. they were discussing where he should be sent and all he could hear was hanoi hanoi hanoi. put in the back of a truck and off he went, he thought that was it, life over.

They basically stopped at the side of a road chucked him out barefoot penniless. the popo actually put into their wallets and gave him a few hundred batt each. he spent the next month learning muay thai with a load of locals gettin his head beat in. one day hes sat with a guy and this chick he was gettin on with, then some isreali lad comes over and pinches the girl away. so my mate walks up n says whats the crack like, n walked back to his seat the isreali says what you gonna do bout it.

my boy says right after the pro boxing fights its me n you in the ring. guy says for fun?! pal says yeah ok.

they get into it n the isreali is giving him a good go, my boy gets the upper hand and the sneaky fuck isreali hoofs him in the plums. red mist. my boy beats the guy to pieces messed his dial up real good apparently. the local thai boys were going bananas. he was one of them now he'd won a bout. they took him offf for a tattoo of a lotus their local insignia for some reason writing says scotland birdman, as when they lifted his arm at the end of the fight they could all see the bird hes got tattoo'd under his bicep.

what a fuckin tale this boy told me guys. theres a whole lot more to it. im just glad he's not locked up.
Morning thanks for the P.M Re; my concern's lol, anyway you got a sausage-roll moving opposite from you! Hope this one dont flash lmao as i told you that paticular is leaving today in his work's moter with 1Kg. Of the sweet grain's in the fill-up piont of said vehical hahah gonna be funny watching him leave today!
Anyway hope my Cherry Cheese comes like this...." it looks the cloest to the black rose of all of my cherry cheese beans" (Tryna's reply)
Catch-Up Later
hahaha i think they might be romanians or at least half of them are opposite me. they dont talk much. and god help him if he flashes at me or the missus hahaaha.
sugar in the tank eh!! should see him get to the end of the street ish hahahah

hope everyone has a good turnout with the cherry cheddar x livers! got my first ever driving lesson in a couple of hours. if i dont report back im in a ditch somewhere...


Well-Known Member
hope everyone has a good turnout with the cherry cheddar x livers! got my first ever driving lesson in a couple of hours. if i dont report back im in a ditch somewhere...[/QUOTE]

Gonna be takin cuts off mine soon mate.. Good luck with the driving lesson.


Well-Known Member
I just assumed you could drive Don. Don't be tempted by a crash course i know a couple of peeps that did that and failed, it was meant to be a guaranteed pass too, now thats snake oil lol just take lessons until you think you're ready for a test. Have you had your compulsary medical, eye test and drug test? Have you done your theory test?

only joshing about the medical and drug test

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i dont mind vegging to be honest training them pruning topping its all part of the fun to me. ill be doing a fair bit of vegging soon enough. im going to veg the psycho and livers up to a good couple of foot if not more then flip em in the autopots. if that doesnt produce some monsters then i dont know what will.
I think you and I had the same issues going on this winter with our vegging girls,,,,little on the cold side for them and was slowing growth. I had to put my first clone run of the new stuff in at the 4 week mark to stay on schedule even though they were not tall enough lol. The second clone run 4 weeks later (this week) was a little better. Did a couple of upgrades recently, quite simple stuff really...added a humidifier to the veg room as the rh was way low, added about eight 100 watt cfls for light and added warmth and raised the thermostat in my house about 4-5 degrees. Oh and an air purifier for the flower room. That room benifits from the additions in the veg room as it pulls its air from that area. Win win!

Your buddy has some kahonas my friend! He sounds like the type of fella that will land on his feet (after kicking the smart ass isreal mo fo lol) in pretty much any situation, what was it Bill Murry said in Stripes,,,," I want that guy as MY FRIEND lol. No shit!!! that was a hell of a story with your buddy! Typical chick move too.

I'll catch ya later bro, Ill bet you were not high on your first drive hehe