How Rich Are You?

which income level are you

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what you consider whining. The righties on this site know my agenda and take every chance to put me down, I respond in kind and they call the mods and bitch. I have never called on the mods to complain on another poster, in 4+ years, so, I'm really not the whiner on this site. You have deducted that from the alliances you've gathered from others on the right. Don't believe everything you read on RIU.
lol your an extreamist forreal


Well-Known Member
Pay day...I treated myself to a mama celest it just me or did they get smaller? think next week I'll get more Ramen Noodles


Well-Known Member
youve been here a while... why get banned over some stupid shit? and seripusly enough with your whinning already please... go smoke a joint of your favorite weed and chill
You aren't trying very hard if fdd hasn't banned you at least once my friend.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Pay day...I treated myself to a mama celest it just me or did they get smaller? think next week I'll get more Ramen Noodles
Dude! I eat those all the time! Also those frozen breakfast pizza's are a staple at my house I've got about a dozen of those! Don't get me started on Ramen Noodles! I'm gonna open a thread in Toke 'n Talk me thinks. :D


Well-Known Member
im shocked that out of 113 riu'ers, 59 make under 35k. i hope you all grow your own:)


New Member
im shocked that out of 113 riu'ers, 59 make under 35k. i hope you all grow your own:)
Me too, shocked, but almost 40% make over 50K and almost 7% make over 500K, which means that this site has way over the % of wealthy people than the general population. Hmmmm, I guess that's the reason the preponderance of right wing idealism, eh? The majority of the 40% are the wannabees, and then there's the rich (7%) that are most assuredly on the right. What I really don't get are the 52%, which also have a pretty high amount of right wing leanings. Something is definently askew.
you're shocked that potential drug growers/dealers, or small business owners blossoming in some of the newer medical states are on a decent and free resource for their business?


Well-Known Member
A lot of this is relative. In the city, a decent apartment can run $1.50 least here. At $50k after taxes, utilties and rent, that doesn't leave much for groceries ect...definitely not a lot to party with.

You start getting into houses, mortgages, property taxes, homeowners insurance in a similar area and the "rich" really aren't banking what you would think. Now, in the country or suburbs is a different story as the cost of living is lower. Paying to play, doesn't really count if you don't have the cash and job lined up to leave. Not always easy to change and move. Perhaps more RIU users are just Urban


New Member
I know this is an international site, but even just nationally, there are huge discrepancies in wages and living expenses. Just between So. Cal. and Vegas, the mean wages are smaller in vegas, compared to NYC, we are living on the cheap. In NYC, cost of living was 106% higher and wages were (For my occupation) 8% less. That's some serious deficiency, Another reason I never wanted to move to NYC, one of many.


Well-Known Member
Isn't this the cats ass. One of the people on this site that rails against all the people that collect money from the government, But. let one of their own be accused, wow, I'm such a heartless bitch. I guess You didn't notice the part where I said that genuinely disabled people need SSI.. If you remember, Fdd was one of the people bragging about all the money he was making selling weed a few months back, he didn't want the passage of prop 19 because it would upset his little business, fuck people that just want to be able to smoke legally. He is out buying boats with his back SSI benefits, but I guess, since he is more likely to be a neo-con/conservative, he is right on and I'm the scum of the earth, Pathetic. It should be of no surprise that Fdd and I aren't on the best of terms, everytime one of you conservatives snivels to him, he bans me. BTW you say you are working, uhhhhhh................ Just pick out the parts on my posts that fit your Bitch and and pay no attention to the rest. I did say those that are for real should get their SSI, wake the fuck up!
lmfao!!!!!!!!!! I don't collect SSI my friend! I collect a disability retirement pension from the fire dept. A pension, that for 15 years, I paid 6% of every check into. I'm entitled to every penny of that money and there is no stipulation on whether I work or not. I'm not a roofer or a rough necker. My work is in no way physical, not that I owe your dumb ass an explanation. I've never once said that you are a freeloader or that you aren't entitled to your SS benefits. You paid into it, you've earned it. I could care less if you leached off the government your entire life med! That's your business and I don't begrudge you for it.:roll:

As for picking out parts of your posts? Do you answer every single point in every single post that's addressed to you? Didn't think so!:finger:

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Im hood rich.....i aint got much money but i got homies that will die for me and lend me thier last dollar if i needed it and id do the same. Find that in a rich crowd of people! you wont lol . Money pays the bills but its over rated