Chris New 400 Watt HPS Grow Full Moon, Chronic, Sensi Star, SharksBreath

How Much Do You Think My Full Moon Plant Will Yield?

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Well-Known Member
Just added it to my 'seeds I want' bookmarks. It sounds perfect for the LST/CCOB cage method I have adopted. I will probably add it to my next seed order in a few weeks. :weed:
Yeaa just check out my grow every so often and u can see how it grows. I'm gonna be ordering sum bubbleicious bubble gum soon. In a week or so. That's gonna be my next grow. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow, surprised more people don't grow the Full Moon strain
i agree.. but honestly.... it sais it has a 12-14 week flowering period. i feel like this deters ALOT of customers.... it made me think teice about growing it.. but it souinded too interesting to pass up. im cutting down the other full moon tuesday


Well-Known Member
ok guysss.. im harvesting the full moon clone 2day.. the one with all the popcorn buds... i took a branch off the other day.. adn dried it adn smoked it.. adn it got me pretty fuckin high.. and looked good 2 to.. soo shes comin down. gonna cehck out the sensi star as well.. ifshes ready.. she can come down today or 2morrow... if not. ill give her 1 more week... the buds on that sensi star are fuckin fat and heavy as shit.. adn smell like lemons / lemon pine-sol. Mmmmmmmm.. never thought pine-sol would smell so good. and its frosty as fuck. ill post up sum pics.. u guys gotta see it.. its crazyyyy. got a microscop.. like a big one for 60 bucks.. gonna check the trichs on the sensi star.. the sharksbreath is 4 weeks into flowering now.. and has a VERY VERY VERY wierd smell too it.. i touched the crystals... adn i swear it smells like fruit... like mangos tho.. and melons.. never smelled anything like this b4... ill post sum pics up.adn the BB is getting taller andtaller.. shes gotta be like 2 1/2 - 3ft tall now... pushin out alot more white hairs... and the whole main branch is a tri-ploid branch.. got 3 sets of leaves and budsites at every node from the 4th or 5th node up. sensi star clone is in the flowering room.... and the other full moon clone.. soo right now i got SB... FM clone (harvesting today).. FM clone 2.. SS... SS clone.. and BB in the flowering room check back later for pics....

oo yeaa..and the final wieght of that chronic was about 75 grams.. soooo about 2 1/2 ounces. =) not bad not bad..

** im going to order sum bubbleicious Bubblegum from nirvana this thurs. or fri. gonna write nirvana and ask if they will send me free seeds.. since every other site does.. if not.. i might just order nirvana seeds thru attitude and get the freebiesfrom the promo and the other UFO seeds


Well-Known Member
Sounds great bro. Cant wait for the pics...have a good one!
aiiight. pics of the harvest are comin up now. =) took a sample bud/branch of the sensi star.. gonna let it dry and cure for 1-2 days and smoke it and see how it tastes.. and probly will cut it down next tuesday. ill give it 9 weeks. also.. deff ordering the bubbleicious on thursday... but.. i think i might go thru attitude.. adn do the pick and mix.. ill end up payin the same amount of money.. but only get 4 FEM seeds instead of 5.. but.... i can get 2 bubbleicious... and 2 of sumthin else.. maybe sum Pineapple express and/or bubba kush. we'll seeee.


Well-Known Member
aiight guys.. heres the harvest of that ugly ass plant. lol. the buds are SOLID tho.. which is wierd cuz the last buds on the other full moon were pretty light adn fluffy/airy.. o well. anywaysss. heres the pics... enjoyyy. lookin like ill get about an ounce.. maybe less. maybe more. idk. any guesses??

Full Moon Clone (9 weeks Flowering)


alllright and heres a sample bud from the sensi star... a couple of the pics are side by side comaprisons of the sensi star next to the full moon bud.. im sure u can tell whicvh is which. but if not.. the one with all the red hairs is the full moon. =)


enjoyyyyyy (ps im cleaniun out the closet now... to try and help out with the mites.. adn will be taking more pics adn posting them up later on 2day or 2morrow. =)

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
decent little harvest there for the look of that FM, My guess is 32 grams. what do I get if i win? lol j/k

P.S. That sensi star is a frosty one huh


Well-Known Member
decent little harvest there for the look of that FM, My guess is 32 grams. what do I get if i win? lol j/k

P.S. That sensi star is a frosty one huh
lol. youll get sum Rep if u win. lol. and yeaa man. the sensi star is rediculously frosty!! cant wait to order my bubbleicious tho!! ive heard thats supposed to be evry very frosty!

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
hah yeah im glad i got a sensi star going, so you didnt like the chronic huh? I didnt think it sounded anything special in the description just that it was a big producer but if its not good bud its pointless. Did you ever germ any of those Ice seeds? I kind of want to see what you can do with it :p


Well-Known Member
hah yeah im glad i got a sensi star going, so you didnt like the chronic huh? I didnt think it sounded anything special in the description just that it was a big producer but if its not good bud its pointless. Did you ever germ any of those Ice seeds? I kind of want to see what you can do with it :p
yeaaa chronics just not for me. =/ mighta jsut got a bad pheno tho.. and im sure that the lil fuckin mites didnt help either.. =/ and yeaa it was deff a big producer... but i mean so wasnt my WW and my Full Moon.. and na i didnt germ the ice seeds yet.. they will be next tho.. i just germed 5 floja seeds hopin to get that purple pheno!! if i do gonna jsut take cuttings... adn if i get a male.. which out of 5 seeds... im sur ei will.... im gonna keep it and get sum pollen from it =) but next up will be the ice seeds. =) ill; givem a try adn see hwo they turn out


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest my man!!!
thanks. yeaa its not too bad. =) i thought it would be a lil less. ill let u guys kno the final weight after.. im chopping the sensi star on tuesday. km pissed tho. i tried ordering 2 FEM Bubbleicious seeds.. 1 FEM PE seed... and attitudes havin a promo sytartin 2dayt theyre givin away 1 FEM Sugar black rose. 1 FEM norther lights BLUE... sum otha wierd one.. and Purple Havoc if u spend over 25 or 30 bucks.. but 4 sum reason my card wouldnt go thru. =/ i tried 4 times... so i just went thru nirvana adn got my 5 bubbleicious seeds.a dn it went thru no problem. =)


Well-Known Member
heyy guys. i got a few questions for ya. i got sum new rooting hormone and plant food from Gren Lights.. the food is called Super Bloom...? any1 eva heard of it?? its 12-55-6.. idk it looked good soo i wanna give it a try. also.. i got sum spray for the bugs but im not sure if its safe or not.. its made by garden safe... sais its safe for fruit adn veggie plants... its a fungicide. adn sais it kills spider mites (miticide).. soo jw if any1's ever used any of these things b4. im scafred to use the fungicide.. also. just ordered my bubblecious seeds... adn i have 5 Floja Seeds germing adn 2 Big Bud seeds germing.. the Warlock has sprouted. but sadle. the warlock didnt grow.. soo thats like.. idk.. 5 of the seeds form Attitude that didnt grow... bullshit man.

Locked Up

Well-Known Member
Idk know about you but right now I can't even get on attitudes website it keeps giving me some weird error message and that sucks about the warlock not growing but anyways best of luck to you in the future and I want to see the sensi star after it's done curing it will probably be so dank


Well-Known Member
Thx for the tip about the promo.

World of Seeds Legend Collection Afghan Kush Special
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 03 seeds WFS380/WFS780/WFS1280/WFS380 1 £33.99
UFO #1 Female Seeds Purple Maroc
UFO#2 Female Seeds X-Line Fast Nevilles
FREE Delicious Seeds Il Diavolo Feminized Automatic
FREE Delicious Seeds Northern Light Blue Feminized
FREE Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose Feminized
Order Date/Time: Feb 04 2011, 17:30 PM
Payment Method: SagePay
Crush Proof Tins
Subtotal: £33.99
Discount Coupon
420 - £3.40
Total Tax: £0.00
Shipping: £10.00
Grand Total: £40.59


Active Member
Quick question... do the crush proof tins come in the mailbox... or do they leave a package at your door(because of overall package size)?

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
cool that your germing more of the floja, I think I got the green pheno. both are female and real green, unless they start turning color late in flower, its only been about 3 or 4 days of flower