My First Legal Medical Grow

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"Cough Cough" are you talking about this BK? LOL

Billcollector let me borrow one of his BK for 20 days to finish it off in my tent. Since I had so much room I figured why not. First I would like to say that thank you Billcollector for trusting me with your BK to let me finish her off. I recieved this beautiful plant form BC on Jan 8th. I gave her back to BC yesterday for her slow death of drowning. I fed this plant by using the Making It Rain technique by Riddleme. Also the nutes she recieved during the 20 days was the Fox Farm Lineup of Tiger Bloom/Big Bloom. Also Earth Juice MicroBlast/Bud O' Ton/BlackStrap Molasses. I also kept my tent temps during the dark period around 50F to see how purple she would get. Worked out nicely. I enjoyed having her over my tent for the last 20 days and cant wait to smoke her. Hope you all enjoy the pics.

Pic of BK on Jan 8th

Jan 8 BK Day One.jpg

Pics of BK on 28th Jan (Drowning):-P


I am sooooo lucky to be around Billcollector and his grow....I get to learn a ton and we get to smoke a ton too!!! LOL

Peace my little brotha!!!!



Well-Known Member
i agree bill and if i were you id use both males on two branches each per plant -it will be like aback up i have had pollen that was not fertle before -and once i used same pollen on a fire and a white OG white took and fire did not - but everyone does things different- id just make sure i kept everything labeled-but reality one male is plenty -one male can pollenate a field the size of a city block

the numbers of males to females pretty bad hugh i wonder why - good thing you were looking for males

there was another grower had these same seeds looking for males got all females go figure

at least you have afew to pick from

that is one fine plant lovin those colors -all bks change colors like that -is that the norm


Well-Known Member
i went 1 n 1 wit mine, got f2's off em. f'3 will be the most indica m/f. i hae like 100 of the seeds but not too much space so it could take forever.


Well-Known Member

Guess what that is.......LOL I am baked but very excited about too.

Cough Cough Cough....If I only knew how to clone!!!!:wall::dunce::sad:

Possible OG Male loving on a clipping off this sweet cougar I got now!!!! She is craving for some young male OG pollen!!!! MeeeSaaaw HooooR-Kneeeee!!!


Well what do you think of the surprise? LOL Hope you are down to have some crazy fun with this in the Summer....



Well-Known Member
Well since BC is coming over my house right now, I guess its fine for me to spill the beans on what the mystery surprise plant is.....Northern Skunk(Northern Lights#5 x Skunk#1) Its a mother plant that I picked up from a dispensary out here. I been bugging the guy for ever for that plant. It has been clipped quite a few times but there is still much more to clip and get off this Old Cougar Plant. The strain alone says all IMO. Two of my personal favorite strains to smoke in one. I been picking up alot of Northern Skunk so I finally got a plant now. I know BC likes the smoke cause I smoke it with him all the time. The strain rocks and I hope BC is going to want to cross this with some of his OG. Should be a fun Summer of Love with this strain. I will want to cross it with a few things now. Should and will be very exciting.



Well-Known Member
thats sounds very interesting indeed
and sounds like a good plant to seed by almost anything but it does look like an O G and i think it will work out fine knocked up by one


Well-Known Member
I was able to put 5 clones in and still have some left over, I'm gonna look around for some foam and see if I can maybe stick 2 or 3 more in there.

BTW, I forgot, which 4 strains did you finally decide on for the big green house grow? We might as well start cloning those and get them ready soon


Well-Known Member
silent nice shirt in yo av

bill lovely -thats BK right - all trichs on bottom of leaves and none on tops- hugh- interesting
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