Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I have already been through University so shouldn't put it down.....but if that's your motivation I reckon you got a good one, put your mind to it and weed will put you through college brother....peace be with you and I hope you do it!!!!
Please god, Grow me a degree.

Another thing is to get the degree I want I have to leave my house alone for what 2-4 yeas?
I just don't know what could happen to it while I'm gone, I'm thinking of old-people as renters for the time Im gone.


Well-Known Member
See the world is a stupid place right, because we are all different, we all progress and decide on paths and learn in different ways. i.e our choices in life change as we mature and get more experienced. Others have backing to make the right choice at the right time, or are pushed to do that. Problem is society wants everyone to get through things in the same way, go to school, pass your classes, go to collge/uni, get a job, all in that order within a fixed peiod of time....that's not how people work though. I think everyone at any age should be able to, and should be encouraged to learn and develop their fact the government should be paying us to do that!!!! It's them that use our talents to gain taxes at the end of the day!!!
I'm only finally starting to learn everything that is important. Other than reading, writing and rythmatic, the rest was just crap filler to guide me on someone else's path. Man, if I had the internet when I was younger.


Well-Known Member
Please god, Grow me a degree.

Another thing is to get the degree I want I have to leave my house alone for what 2-4 yeas?
I just don't know what could happen to it while I'm gone, I thinking old-people for renters for the time Im gone.
Good family or old people, reliable and pay the rent. If you are stuck on keeping it. Why not, get someone you really trust to keep your grow going, keep the income flowing, and live in two places....problemo solved.


Well-Known Member
im poppin 2 cherry cheese bx n 2 cherry cheese x livers soon.. any info on em?
i germed 4 about a month ago but the cold got too em stopped growth completely. they perked up about a week ago and i potted them on and lst'd them. it looks as i may have a few phenos but its early days yet. i started them out on water with rooting solution until they had two nodes then up to 1/4 strength nutes. they now have about 6 sets of nodes and are on 1/2 strenght nutes.. im building the feed up slowly just to be cautious. i also put bat shit on the top of the coco which they respond really well too.

i should be cloning flowering and sexing mine in the next couple of week if all goes too plan.

edit: forgot to mention i was talking about the CC X L mate. very stoned......obviously:-P


Well-Known Member
My family? Is the evil Destroyers of all houses. I mean that! Never rent to whats left of my family, its like Nukeing(not a word?), blows away the house and pisses off the neighbors!

Id think a grower would burn it down so...that's that.


Well-Known Member
White Rhino is amazing, I want to grow it again at some point. Hmm, Alpha Rhino...(Headband momxWhite Rhino male) Alpha is just taking Head from head band and using it as like the head rhino in the pack or Alpha Rhino. Maybe one day...Anyway that cross looks and sounds great, I would love to grow some of that myself. Nice job.
im sure you could grow some in the forseeable future


Well-Known Member
See the world is a stupid place right, because we are all different, we all progress and decide on paths and learn in different ways. i.e our choices in life change as we mature and get more experienced. Others have backing to make the right choice at the right time, or are pushed to do that. Problem is society wants everyone to get through things in the same way, go to school, pass your classes, go to collge/uni, get a job, all in that order within a fixed peiod of time....that's not how people work though. I think everyone at any age should be able to, and should be encouraged to learn and develop their fact the government should be paying us to do that!!!! It's them that use our talents to gain taxes at the end of the day!!!
My wife just completed her diploma course in a special developmental field of health care, paid for by the government, not that they just gave it away believe me. It was an opportunity that still came with many costs but it's done and I'm very proud of her. She's (whispered softly) 45. Now I'm just waiting for some powers that be to get their crap together and let me have my turn. I'm just running out the bureaucratic clock and I'll get it. Just can't make up my mind for sure what I want to do when I grow up.

My family? Is the evil Destroyers of all houses. I mean that! Never rent to whats left of my family, its like Nukeing(not a word?), blows away the house and pisses off the neighbors!

Id think a grower would burn it down so...that's that.
Funny. You're not Larry the Cable Guy, are you? Is what your after only obtainable at a live campus away from home?

Oh oh, look out RIU. Duchies figured out how to multi quote!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

I want to be a farmer Or Crop analysis & safety a FDA type of thing.
Funny you mention Larry the Cable Guy, we think and talk alike Being where I'm from.
I'll tell you what. <-- That's a compleat sentence where I come from
Ambitious for sure. I can see how you couldn't do that through distance learning. Larry and Bill Engval are booked for a show near me in the next month or so.


Well-Known Member
What really Chaps my ass is we have 4 30'x90'HUGE greenhouses full of overgrown nutrient feed madness..stickers and random weeds(no cannabis).
Imagined the possibility IF SOMEONE WOULD HELP ME CLEAN THESE MOTHAFUCKERS!!! I just added motherfucker to the spell check.


Well-Known Member
What really Chaps my ass is we have 4 30'x90'HUGE greenhouses full of overgrown nutrient feed madness..stickers and random weeds(no cannabis).
Imagined the possibility IF SOMEONE WOULD HELP ME CLEAN THESE MOTHAFUCKERS!!! I just added motherfucker to the spell check.
I need a room to sleep in and I will clean that bitch out for you and work that big ass bitch. I can only imagine the harvest I could pull in out of a greenhouse that size.


Well-Known Member
You mean weed like sticker bushes and stuff right, cause if I was going to clean out a greenhouse I would be loading that bitch up with some fat mommas come spring time. Say 2-3 pounds a plant, fuck yeah. ha ha, one hay I will have a greenhouse that size.


Well-Known Member
No!!Commercial Agricultural products only.
Tomatoes, House plants, container trees,veggie starts. Wholesale only.
Even though no weed, you get the experience you need.


Well-Known Member
I would have fun doing that as well, I love growing any plants. I got my parents into growing a vegetable garden about 5 or 6 years ago, and they do it every year now. Last year I started most of the plants myself from seeds I collected the previous year. My watermelons grew like shit, and so did my pumpkins. I think they just needed more water. I think I need to get them to ditch the old school sprinkler and run some soaker hoses through out the garden. And just kick the sprinkler on for about 5 minutes to wet all the leaves down. Out there the squash and zucchini plants grow bigger than I have ever seen. Other than places like Alaska during their 24 hour daylight period. A great product, my favorite for garden veggies and fruits, is Garden Tone It has all the good stuff in it, including mychorrizae for your roots. Its organic, and the plants fucking go nuts for it. Not a bad price either. Works great for cannabis outdoors as well. I know my white rhino loved it.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what[/B]. <-- That's a compleat sentence where I come from
Funny, I say that all the a joke of course and I even try to throw in my best redneck (no offense, not calling you a redneck) impression. Don't really like Larry though, he irritates the shit out of me. Does he say that? I've only watched his stuff a couple times and it was a long time ago so don't know or remember.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I say that all the a joke of course and I even try to throw in my best redneck (no offense, not calling you a redneck) impression. Don't really like Larry though, he irritates the shit out of me. Does he say that? I've only watched his stuff a couple times and it was a long time ago so don't know or remember.
I dont think he says it in his act. And I ain't that kinda of redneck.
Even the white trash is like "Were not with that guy."


Well-Known Member
DPQ BX2 Cheese spluff - ready for the Mum but the Mum ain't quite ready yet....another week or so before any shagging goes on.

And the proud soon to be father feeling relaxed after relieving itself of some jizz. Anything to declare? Yes, that was a pretty good ham shank me lord.

I'll get a pic of the Mum up when she has at least got some fud hair, at the mo the cat could lick what she got off.