the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
yeah because the sooner you start breaking the ground with this clay the more loose it becomes every time you till it, gotta start as early as possible!

dude the little minipheno "green bubba" has such a signature smell that I just can't get over it... I really hope I run into that same pheno again because this smell is straight up addictive....


Well-Known Member
yeah because the sooner you start breaking the ground with this clay the more loose it becomes every time you till it, gotta start as early as possible!

dude the little minipheno "green bubba" has such a signature smell that I just can't get over it... I really hope I run into that same pheno again because this smell is straight up addictive....
you will and i know exactly what you mean.. it will stink up a house real quick


Well-Known Member
you will and i know exactly what you mean.. it will stink up a house real quick
its like 6 different smells intersecting... to become it's own scent that's ridiculously hard to describe...

but honestly at this point I'm just concerned about getting the bubba pheno female in general. I'm sure I'll get lucky as fuck and get atleast ONE bubba female :D.

in other news we have a new sheriff in town and he's gonna be a stickler to the people not growing for personal use, so I gotta register with teh sheriffs office this year so they don't come visit themselves. it's chill though because I talked to the people there today and told them the amounts on my script (about 3.8 pounds on my script alone, my moms has the same amount I think. so that's like 7.6 pounds total allowed.)

and they pretty much said as long as looks medical I wont have a problem. I'm still sketched out about the dude thinking he can define what is medical and what is not, but he's been doing it 10 years and can tell pretty good, he knows all about the sizes, how much goes into butter, etc. so I shouldn't have a problem with him whatsoever.

I am a bit concerned because I know for sure my plants a re gonna be way bigger this year with a tilled area + holes... but it should be perfect. I just think he's treading on shady ground trying to define how much we can have for us...

but he straight up said that he's talkin like people growing 10+ pounds. he's totally against the caregiving as people are using it, he believes they need to live on the property, but I've read the law well and it doesn't read that way. but that's not my problem, that's more of my buddies problem.

just thought I'd vent about that as it's been the main thing on my mind lately.


Well-Known Member
its like 6 different smells intersecting... to become it's own scent that's ridiculously hard to describe...

but honestly at this point I'm just concerned about getting the bubba pheno female in general. I'm sure I'll get lucky as fuck and get atleast ONE bubba female :D.

in other news we have a new sheriff in town and he's gonna be a stickler to the people not growing for personal use, so I gotta register with teh sheriffs office this year so they don't come visit themselves. it's chill though because I talked to the people there today and told them the amounts on my script (about 3.8 pounds on my script alone, my moms has the same amount I think. so that's like 7.6 pounds total allowed.)

and they pretty much said as long as looks medical I wont have a problem. I'm still sketched out about the dude thinking he can define what is medical and what is not, but he's been doing it 10 years and can tell pretty good, he knows all about the sizes, how much goes into butter, etc. so I shouldn't have a problem with him whatsoever.

I am a bit concerned because I know for sure my plants a re gonna be way bigger this year with a tilled area + holes... but it should be perfect. I just think he's treading on shady ground trying to define how much we can have for us...

but he straight up said that he's talkin like people growing 10+ pounds. he's totally against the caregiving as people are using it, he believes they need to live on the property, but I've read the law well and it doesn't read that way. but that's not my problem, that's more of my buddies problem.

just thought I'd vent about that as it's been the main thing on my mind lately.
hopefully he doesnt get reelected


Well-Known Member
hopefully he doesnt get reelected
well he JUST got elected so he's gonna be here a long time yet...

I'm not gonna register btw, I'm gonna wait for them to come visit my tiny lil garden... I'm allowed 6.5 pounds total.

honestly there's so many grows in this huge ass county I doubt they'll come visit me.....

yooo popz... you should run for sheriff!!!!!!!! your motto could be law for some.......... sourkush for others lol
haha that'd be funny...


Well-Known Member
well he JUST got elected so he's gonna be here a long time yet...

I'm not gonna register btw, I'm gonna wait for them to come visit my tiny lil garden... I'm allowed 6.5 pounds total.

honestly there's so many grows in this huge ass county I doubt they'll come visit me.....

haha that'd be funny...
yeah just stay within your plant limits they cant do shit to you.....


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't freeze pollen, i have heard a few answers some said up to two years. but i recently read in a magazine that pollen is viable for no longer than 6 months. u should do a small cfl breeding project inside just for the seeds therefor u could be replenishing the supply of sk for chi. since he only got 10 beans. like cfl party cup type shit.


Well-Known Member
chi is perfectly capable of replenishing his own supply with 10 seeds... I am making seeds however. if something happens to his seeds then I will help.


Well-Known Member
lol integra herbal co. that dispensery... how they lookin? u think they gonna be any good?
ooo i got you lol!!Q yea i think they will be dank the chillberrys are smelling really lemony almost more so than the lemon skunk i was growing iam just watching them for signs of that sk nut takin iam pretty sure i will get a couple of bveans