Cali's Documentary thread (FILMS)


Well-Known Member
This is a thread for those of you that try to get more information like me. I feel for the most part I can't rely on mainstream media to get news or fact on world events, history, and politics. A lot of films have a biased opinion and political motivation and I try to find films that have less opinion, more fact. And I prefer to hear from people involved on the ground rather then a reporter. So these films I will be posting on a regular basis are in my opinion less political agenda, and more fact, for all sides of the debate. Weather you like it or not there are some things in this world that all people as a whole should start to try to understand more, and debate more often. Republican or Democrat, black or white, gay or straight, Christian or Muslim, these films are and should be discussion points for all..Feel free to discuss and debate any and all topics in this thread. The only thing I ask is to try to keep the personal attacks at bay the best you can. Thanks.:joint:


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go on to and there a list of a bunch of realy good documentary film to watch like Money master, freedom to fascism and so on it's all will blow you a way...


Well-Known Member
mainstream media is nothing but cover up a propaganda tool of the so-call gov. to dump on us things that they wanted us to know and trying to mend the way we think...
1st example : the presidential campaign they said we decide but they r is the one to decide Ron Paul still in the races but they just announced 3 candidates on Republican side that is McCain, Rommey, Huckabee. They totally ignore the only one candidate got support everywhere have real people donate and the most donation in history of politics.. It's very sad how we all heading down hill from economy to foreign policy and nobody realize it !!!
2nd do mainstream media tell us how much we in debt? that we already at war with Iran? that our money currency is about to worth nothing? important stuff like this thay dont say much at all but stupid crap like Brit. go to hospital again make headlines....
Dont believe what they told you but seek out for yourself ...You will be amaze how much they trying to hide from you!!!!


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Comic Book Heroes Unmasked

Documentary on the super heroes we all love to read and watch, but every franchise or genre had trouble getting to the top and it was no different for comic books.


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A Fight To The Death - Chris Benoit (aired 2-6-2008 on CBC-TV )

In the pro wrestling firmament, there were few stars as big as Edmonton's Chris Benoit. But, on June 25, 2007, Benoit's name ricocheted around the world, suddenly more notorious than for anything he'd ever done in a wrestling ring. Inside his Atlanta, Georgia mansion were three bodies: Benoit had strangled his wife and suffocated his seven-year-old son and then killed himself. Quickly, the finger of blame was pointed at Benoit's steroid use, so rampant in pro wrestling; the deaths, it was assumed, the result of a steroid-fuelled rage.
Chris Benoit, Wrestler : Fight to the Death : the fifth estate : CBC News
