Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Dude you will do fine
From meeting with you are a stand up type guy,should have no problem making new friends
You are the type people that I like to be around . You are yourself and if they dont like what they see ,well fu@# them
Think it is time for some on here to do a spring get together what do you say?


Well-Known Member
I need about 50-60 more days and the cm f-2's will be done "started flowering a few days ago". about 60-70 days for the bbs. Then I will be down for a pre-planting burn. Gotta have some fresh shit for the boys.

Hell about that time it will be warm enough that you guys could bring your tents, and stay for a day.

But yea I am down, and your cool to GD

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
The IRG13 is not Auto it is the short season just a notch away from a auto,it flowers quick when hit with 12/12
It was the first to start flowering outdoors as well
and yes it is a good smoke very indica


Well-Known Member
Hic I understand fully, I can't belive the bullshit with a name floating, fuck I could grow oregano say it's white widow and sell it for 300$ a zip and it would be better than what I'm seeing. I take it im a few years younger than you but I still recognize that the trade has been taken over by cheap talk and hype more than hard work and knowledge. But in the same right those on the opposite side will quickly make it to the top.

I can't tell you how many pathetic grows and weak plants I've seen in the last few years which you must expect when any monger with a broken leg can get a card and sell his "top shelf" for price. My weed may not be the best in the state but possibly in my area and I charge what the dispencery will pay. Typicly 250 flat. I don't make the rules but if they warrant a new car and a roof over my head I'll take it.

It's a gold rush right now and every small minded prick is taking full advantage.... Why shouldn't I? To an extent I won't push it as far as ripping my freinds off or stealing from actual sick ppl. My patients get half there harvest free (6-9 oz) and the rest discounted if they need more over the 2 months.

I also can't blame alot of new growers either I belived the hype my first grow and had no clue at one time since I had no mentor in this trade. But those who refuse to learn or learn and choose to ignore it for the sake of getting rich... Well these pigs should be hung.

I'm here for the long haul and will be a warrior in the woods come spring I have to fund my indoor crop one way or another and the other, my job, doesn't pay enough. believe me hic I'm on your side and I'll see you at the top.

Now that my rant is over and after much deliberation I've planed to snag up chemdawg from greenthumb. It's an S1 and fem'd so I'll have to find a male otherwise but I gotta find a good female with true chem/og roots and reserva privadas sour kush(sour d x og) may not be what I'm looking for. Cali connec I've heard doesn't compare to greenthumb but they offer reg seeds for a male.

I also just had another pAtient contact me to be a caregiver for them that would be 48 plant count and I think I'll need to push it to my old man until I have space. Things are moving along quickly all of a sudden 3 patents in 2 weeks. Rediculous

Sorry for the long read lol I can only get on so often but belive I'll always be here

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Hey guys
I think Dr Greenthumb has lost it
G13 seeds 2 for $200 bones WTF ,I bought the IRG13 for $150 for 10 and thought about getting some Thunderfuck 200 for 10 but
There is no way 200 for 2 WOW
And that doesnt come with lube


Well-Known Member
delstele - I did not start all the BW seeds. They were to hard for me to come by the first time around!. Got 5 f1's seeds stored if I ever need em.
I know your goig to throw up a pic of that med man when she is about done ain't ya delstele? you gotta bro - for michigan.lol


Well-Known Member
Na I ain't going to build a cabin. I am however going to have some sort of facility built a little after the outdoor harvest season is complete. Aint growing "just for me" this year, back to the ways of old for this years crop.


Well-Known Member
delstele - I did not start all the BW seeds. They were to hard for me to come by the first time around!. Got 5 f1's seeds stored if I ever need em.
I know your goig to throw up a pic of that med man when she is about done ain't ya delstele? you gotta bro - for michigan.lol
Ya mon I wil bro no worries.. I have access to more bro I can get any Mr N gear that Shantibaba is offering... ATM the man has like 90 some strains F\S some serious old school limited run genetics I'm gonna grab soon..


Well-Known Member
delstele let me know a bit before the old school limited shit is coming in! I may get a pack, if Shanti can hook up a strain that mostly his northern lights.

Still wanna get ssh sometime and I will. But I would roll over in shit if shanti came out with the true strait-up oldschool NL.


Well-Known Member
nice top GD, you are more then welcome to come smoke it with me when it is done.. Remember a slower cure is complete when your dope is no longer "green green".

The taste of trainwreck cured is so much diffrent then it is dried slow. I bet that -13 strain you have would benifit from a slowdry/cure.

GD I guess I think I read your post wrong.. what went down with DR.greenthumb 2 seeds 200 bucks? did I read that right?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Yea he got some bad acid or something and started
Took his Elite strains to 5 seeds for 200
And the NEW G13 2 seeds for 200 OUCH
Yea that was IRG13 in my avatar that was outdoors
The guy has Great gear but damn


Well-Known Member
anyone know about the laws for legal michigan residents being able to grow their crop outside ? i would love to learn more about this


Active Member
im growin, 2 labella strawberry, 1 twog, 1 cred, 1 jackie-o, go to my journal if you wanna know about these strains, but tellin ya now, im the only person in michigan that has em, lol. if you live near oscoda, you might get to try em