Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, nice show everyone. Welcome Dropastone, the start of good things to come with your 600!

Got my Mum and her Man visiting me, both sleeping and snoring on the couch, hahaha. Wife has taken the opportunity to go for a snooze as well. Happy Sundays...think I'll head off for a bong.

peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Hey DST LOL everyone snoring and you be a puffing. I am jealous. I have been on a break now for 3 weeks. You know so i can pass that test. Only problem dont know when it is coming though. No call backs as of yet for a job. Well with the exception of Pizza delivery guy. Started last night. It was ok. There are some cheap ass people out there. I know times are hard but when a guy tells me there is a little something extra for you in the cash and it turns out to be only 7 cents. That kinda pissed me off. I mean I know times are hard. I get that better than most. But to me that was just a dick move. I delivered to a single mom that apoligized to me she didnt have anything for a tip. I told her no problem because i fully understand. Oh well such is life i guess. Take a big hit for me. Hopefully soon I will be able to be smoking again instead of just watching my plants grow.


Well-Known Member
i aint gon lie man, times are hard, i tip when i can. but i know the last two times i just left the change. i always feel bad when i dont tip cuz the pizza men always look sad.


Well-Known Member
you'll get there bru!!!!! That was out of order, I would have gone back and thanked him for his kindness and told him that you really couldn't accept such a generous offering, all the while holding your hand out insisting he take the 7 cents, whilst keeping a straight face.....what a prick man (being a delivery guy of old that would have def got to me). Keep yer chin up bru.
Hey DST LOL everyone snoring and you be a puffing. I am jealous. I have been on a break now for 3 weeks. You know so i can pass that test. Only problem dont know when it is coming though. No call backs as of yet for a job. Well with the exception of Pizza delivery guy. Started last night. It was ok. There are some cheap ass people out there. I know times are hard but when a guy tells me there is a little something extra for you in the cash and it turns out to be only 7 cents. That kinda pissed me off. I mean I know times are hard. I get that better than most. But to me that was just a dick move. I delivered to a single mom that apoligized to me she didnt have anything for a tip. I told her no problem because i fully understand. Oh well such is life i guess. Take a big hit for me. Hopefully soon I will be able to be smoking again instead of just watching my plants grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have no problems when people cant. It is the ones that act like they are doing you a favor and you get that kinda crap. Things will turn around for me I am sure. It just takes time. Hell it has been almost 3 months and I finally got the pizza job. I am a buyer/planner by trade but have done a ton of warehouse work too. It has suprised me with my experience that I hadnt heard any thing back yet. But all in good time i am sure. Its all good.
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Well-Known Member
I spent many years in the hospitality industry and know very well what customers can be like. And notice how I didn't say people, because frankly people can be very different when they are customers, especially in hospitality. I've seen friends behave very differently towards servers from what they normally will to other people. It's almost as though they think they have a right to be assholes because they're customers.

I have a question please. I'm not sure if this is N deficient or just foliage that is too new and hasn't greened up yet? If it is lacking in N can someone suggest a quick way to deliver some. I'm trying to head towards organic so that would help.


Thanks Duchie


Well-Known Member
looks like mine did for a while....I use FFOF and this is the first grow where I know there were def. not enough nutes in the soil for the first month....just add your reg nutes at a very lite dose...see what happens.


Well-Known Member
and now that I think about it I wonder if it had anything to do with my soil...I bought 3 bags of FFOF cause I thought I was gonna be getting 5 plants that my buddy was getting rid of...then he didn't come through so I just threw em in the garage.....It was a frozen bag block in the garage...I brought it inside for a few days to thaw before I used it to transplant into....think maybe the cold killed the nutes in the soil?????


Well-Known Member
That's funny you should mention that because I just bought Scott's Premium at HD and it was stored outside frozen solid, but I can't really see that happening, but I've been surprised more than once on this forum. I have been light on the nute's feeding mostly just water and molasses, and been kinda waiting to see when I'd see signs so I get an Idea of how long the nutes in this soil last. I will up them now, but the nutes I have right now are higher P and K. I'm getting ready to use my Schultz Bloom Builder, 10-54-10 so I'll start half strength and see. Funny thing, I have another product that's billed as a "plant starter fertilizer" and has an NPK of 10-52-10. What's up with that??? Anybody?


Well-Known Member
Hey Duchie-YeahI have friends i wont go out with because of that. Sorry but my opinion no body is better than anybody in those type of situations. They are working a job trying to get by just like everyone else. On the flip side if i get bad service i def let them know. I understand somethings are beyond a person control, but if i am thirsty and the waitress keep ignoring me to flirt with the other waiters or something along those lines....then well that is a different story. Or my biggest pet peev is being in a bar with friends (I dont drink) and not getting service man that pisses me off. I still tip even though most of my sodas or tea is free. So I just give them what the cost would normally be as a tip.

On the green tops, I know most of my new growth comes out light green at first then greens up really good. This is not just with pot either. I dont think the freezing would effect the soil. If that was the case then all the Northern areas would be a barren waste land. But i have been wrong before so who knows.


Well-Known Member
Hey DST LOL everyone snoring and you be a puffing. I am jealous. I have been on a break now for 3 weeks. You know so i can pass that test. Only problem dont know when it is coming though. No call backs as of yet for a job. Well with the exception of Pizza delivery guy. Started last night. It was ok. There are some cheap ass people out there. I know times are hard but when a guy tells me there is a little something extra for you in the cash and it turns out to be only 7 cents. That kinda pissed me off. I mean I know times are hard. I get that better than most. But to me that was just a dick move. I delivered to a single mom that apoligized to me she didnt have anything for a tip. I told her no problem because i fully understand. Oh well such is life i guess. Take a big hit for me. Hopefully soon I will be able to be smoking again instead of just watching my plants grow.
I delivered pizza for about 10 years (between 50,000 and 60,000 deliveries: Alaska, Colorado and Oregon), and you'll drive yourself nuts if you expect a tip from anyone (the richer they are, the smaller the tip. Kind of an inverse square equation).
That being said, if you remain calm, don't drive like an idiot (you save more time being efficient in the store and on the road, rather than rushing and getting worked up & possibly making mistakes), and have an economical car, you can do alright (I averaged about $17 an hour).
The absolute best thing you can do to increase your chances of getting tips is to always be friendly, always smile, have a short chat with the customer while they pay, and thank them very much and wish them a great night.
Most customers can tune in on your vibe and it does make a difference in how cheerful you are. They may not tip you that night, but they will eventually (90% of the time they will eventually tip, but it may take a few deliveries to them to warm them over).
Short term work as a driver is doable by most people, but pizza delivery isn't for everyone, especially if you're also called upon to do work inside the store (I've also made about 40,000 pizzas as a "driver"), or deliver in an area were drivers get robbed, or in snowy climates where you could get your car bashed up by some mook who's never even seen snow before, much less tried to drive in it.
But I'd rather deliver pizzas than wear a suit & tie to work (done it, hate it), any day of the week. Gave me the freedom to paint & play my bass & keep my hair hair rockstar long, and not have to wake up until 3-pm if I felt like it. Hang tough, and I hope you make enough to keep you going! :-)


Well-Known Member
Hey to me it is a job and better than sitting on my ass not making money. I don't expect tips. They are nice to have don't get me wrong. Times are tough all i get that. I don't drive like an idiot cause i don't want someone calling and complaining, i don't want to deal with the po po. It is the only job i got right now. Still looking for others. I believe in treating people how i want to be treated. Over all i had fun. It easy work. Plus I get 1.25 for every delivery on top of my hourly wage. So even if they don't tip i still get something. Hell i am just happy to be working again. I just need some more substantial and dependable on top of this. Most jobs like that drug test. So i get to wait. Everything in good time.....


Well-Known Member
A Doobie Brother on his ship the Rocinante heading for the black hole of Cygnus X-1. How's it going Rush fan? Welcome.
Hi duchieman!
Just sitting hear in my captain's chair, fighting the inexonerable pull of the spinning Black Death I see before me, wondering what's on the other side...
I'm a huge Rush fan. Classically trained musician who picked up the bass guitar in high school after listening to my first Rush album 28 years ago.
And got a new "toy" for x-mas: a Boss GT-10B bass effects processor that I *LOVE* :-)

Peace, and pass it on the left hand side my brother... :-)



Well-Known Member
Hey to me it is a job and better than sitting on my ass not making money. I don't expect tips. They are nice to have don't get me wrong. Times are tough all i get that. I don't drive like an idiot cause i don't want someone calling and complaining, i don't want to deal with the po po. It is the only job i got right now. Still looking for others. I believe in treating people how i want to be treated. Over all i had fun. It easy work. Plus I get 1.25 for every delivery on top of my hourly wage. So even if they don't tip i still get something. Hell i am just happy to be working again. I just need some more substantial and dependable on top of this. Most jobs like that drug test. So i get to wait. Everything in good time.....
I'm feeling you there. I wasn't trying to condescend, just imparting 10 years worth of watching 100's of short term drivers with the wrong expectations come & go. :-)
Sounds like you already have a good attitude about it, and a delivery job is way better than unemployment insurance, or no job at all. ;-)

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Excuse me, did I read someone mentioning some super silver haze? Is it possible someone could point me in the proper page direction, or even better, whoever the original poster of the pics repost a pic or two of her, it would be greatly appreciated.

Guess who?

Hello to all my long time brothers and...brothers. Do we have any sister growers yet or are we all just a bunch of sausage swingers here, still?

Hello doobie brother, which one are you? DST, you are making your claim to fame with this thread. Who else can say they have a doobie brother and a 'don' gotti on their thread? Man I miss this place. Just read the last two pages but I've missed a ton in the past week. I'm going to have to start checking in again for a few minutes in the evening to keep up with what's happening. Things have taken a wonderful turn in my life so I've been rather busy catching up on things this past week with a long lost friend, my best friend from twenty one years ago and yes endless, she is a she to answer you from a few days ago with your very astute speculation.

So the headbands x cali-o and 'the og18' met their maker yesterday and are now hanging and drying. I'm hoping to average a half ounce per plant from the half gallon grow bags. The headbands by far outproduced the og18 but what nuggets were at the top of the 18's are very nice and I'm looking forward to trying her. Unfortunately something splooged and even though the 18's were from reserva privada they too are seeded. Casey jones just finished her fifth week of flowering and is looking stellar, very frosty indeed. In another week or so I'm going to start my beans for my sativa scrog grow. I am stoked to try another method of growing and I'm shooting for a pound from either four or five plants, still haven't decided on the number but they will be in three gallon smart pots.

It's good to be back.


Well-Known Member
Glad life is on the up for you mate, good things come to those who deserve it HeadsUp.

Duchie, without going into it too much I doubt it's an N def as you would see that in the older leaves. Possibly a micro nute like Manganese. I recommend everyone to find some sort of micro nutrient that they can use to lightly flush their plants.

Peace peeps,



Well-Known Member
What's up my fellow growers. I just got my 600 watter a couple of weeks ago, so now I can officially join club 600. I started out with a 400 watter but felt the need to upgrade and I'm so glad I did. I got two clones going right now and this is the last day of veg so I'll be flipping a little later tonight. Here's some pics, enjoy.

what kind of pots r those.nd what do you have in them hydroten?