Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos


Well-Known Member
looks good man.. that humidity dome is the key for sure... i will always keep a humidity dome on mine for the first lil bit... seems to make a huge dif... takes alot of the challenge out.. your lineup sounds to be a fun one...


Well-Known Member
yea i think low humidity is what was killing me but o well live and learn. i can't wait to harvest these 2 and start more seeds. the blue mystic is starting to pop through the soil now


Well-Known Member
hey guys

things are going well. just had a blue mystic pop through the soil. i will do an update in a few days. not to much happening. rr has her first and starting to get ser second set of leaves.



Well-Known Member
hey guys

things are going well. just had a blue mystic pop through the soil. i will do an update in a few days. not to much happening. rr has her first and starting to get ser second set of leaves.

Sounds great Crazytrain :weed:

Have you had any time to look for a stealth dresser or cabinet for a flower cab?? Keep us posted when you do, would love to help you with it!!


Well-Known Member
man i really want to but dont really have the room for it at the apt. my box is in the study and there isnt much room for it. may be getting a house near nexy july, dad is moving out ha! so i may lay off til then. ive still been thinking heavily about it though. was looking at plans today i want a med sized 3 drawer dresser. would line it with mylar, get a carbon scrubber and hook it inline with a cooltube to exhaust out the back. 2 intake fans 80mm in each lower corner and a small faninside. still need to find the right dresser to. ive been looking but havent seen one i think is fits me perfect. if i wanna do it i wanna do it right the first time

later man


Well-Known Member
not sure if i would use the yo yo things or just fix the cool tube up top. but the design will all depend on the size of the box pending i find one i like alot. its to bad that guy would never contact me back that had the box kit on ebay.


Well-Known Member
in a box that small with HID, you dont need to worry about lowering the light or raising the plants because it is intense enough. that is what I am finding in my box, and I only have a 100 watt CMH.


Well-Known Member
DAY 7/1
Plant Stage: veg
Light Cycle: 18/6
Lights: 1 125w 6500k
Medium: ffof with seabird guano added
Ferts: none atm
Strain: Dinafem roadrunner auto, nirvana auto blue mystic fem

whats up guys

finally a formal update. day 7 for the rr. the bm is a day old. anyways the rr has some purple in it lol might be from colder temos at lights off. thats bout it for now.

commetns or suggestions are welcome




Well-Known Member
prolly in a week, maybe sooner. i am looking for decent size containers to use for pots. i have a large folgers thing but i need something that i can fit both plants under my main light


Active Member
So deeper rather than wide? You could buy two of those 3 liter coke bottles and just cut off the top for how tall you want it. You'd have to lightproof it of course but its an option.


Well-Known Member
get the Simply Apple or Simply Orange containers like i have. the square shape gives more soil volume than round containers, and they fit into the case better. they hold about 2 liters of soil. just a thought. and you get to drink some good orange or apple juice!!! they have other flavors to, if you are not sure what I am talking about. actually, i noticed a lot of juice containers are perfect size for micro grows, holding 1.5-2 liters of soil. go to the grocery store and look around :D


Well-Known Member
thanks for the suggestion gum and zenith

lince yea i'm gunna have a go at it. should be fun i will start another seed once these start flowering. my order i just placed seems like a good lineup