I'm Thinking Soil


Well-Known Member
I think, since I'm a beginner, I could make my grow op easier for a start if I use soil as the medium. Does that sound logical? Also, how much might I expect to get in the first harvest? I'll be using CFL's, which I plan on buying many of. I'm getting 10 AK-47 seeds and 5 Thai Stick. It depends on the germination rate, but I hope to have at least 6 going. I'm not 100% clear on the change in efficiency between hydro and soil so just fill me in.


Well-Known Member
Soil sounds like a good choice to me. It's a little more forgiving than hydro is. Your going to need that in your first grow, everybody does. If you thinking about getting a bunch of CFL's I would strongly encourage you to look into getting an HPS light, even a 150 watt, or 250. Everyone on there is going to tell you yield totally depends on a bunch of factors. With 6 girls under an hps, you would probably yield around a qp for your first grow. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry! I forgot to mention, I'll also be ScrOGing the plants. However, an HPS just seems to be over my budget. All the fixtures are muy expensivo.