Plot selection is above all else the most important step that is going to be taken when Guerilla cultivating. It cannot be stressed enough that the plot is going to be what makes or breaks the back of the cultivator. Any plot must be meticulously dissected to choose whether it is or is not a place suitable for Cannabis cultivation. There are multiple variables that need to be addressed when deciding whether or not a plot is suitable. The location, direct sunlight, human presence and pest control. These variables must be studied to successfully find a location in which Cannabis will thrive and will be free of threats to its ability to produce.
The first recommendation is to place the plot at the least a half hour walk from any kind of trail or road. The greater the distance between the plot and civilization will decrease the chances of it being discovered. When looking for a suitable location to cultivate Cannabis one must spend hours scouting and mapping multiple locations. I recommend when traversing land that is posted to have a back story. I usually take my dog for a walk in the woods when I am scouting. You could also take a pair of binoculars and a bird book. Most people do not tolerate the presence of unwanted people on their private property. If you have a back story you can ease tension with an explanation and most likely will be able to head out on foot and not under arrest for trespassing. The use of a back story is highly recommended to anyone when guerilla cultivating.
These locations must be scrutinized in every detail. Visualize walking down a trail or down a back road. Remember that it is always best to follow the path least traveled. When scouting the first thing to recognize is how often these trails and or road are traveled. Take a look around the area and the usual sign of the presence of people is garbage. Take into consideration the volume of garbage in the area and the age of it. It is easy to tell how old garbage is just by physical examination. When choosing a final plot one must make sure that there is no garbage within at least a half mile radius of the plot. If there is no garbage in an area than it is less likely that people will wander through the area. The half mile marker will also increase stealth of a cultivation plot. The odor produced by a plot is of less concern when cultivating outdoors. The trees, vegetation and wind will dissolve and mask the scent of the plot. The plot must also be scrutinized for the amount of direct sunlight that it receives on a daily basis.
The plot must receive in a minimum of at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. The best recommendation is for the plot to receive on average more than twelve hours of direct sun light. Success has been obtained by guerilla growers in areas that receive six hours of direct light a day, but yields will most likely suffer in decreased light situations. Plants will only average an Ounce of finished product in conditions that are less than optimum light. The best way to map the amount of direct sun light is to actually visit each possible grow site at three separate parts of the day these are sunrise, noon and sunset. If you record the position of these times of day than a sun map can be created. The time between the allotted sunrise and set will determine the number of hours of direct sun light a plant receives. Variables that must be taken into account are objects that may block sunlight during the sunrise and set. Time must be subtracted for any object that receives indirect sunlight during these times. The location of water is another important factor when choosing the location of a Cannabis plot.
When trying to plan the placement of a Cannabis cultivation plot one must choose a plot that is near either a creek, open source and or a plot with moist soil. The best place to plant a plot is in an area not located near an open water source or creek. The main reason is because these areas are known for a high volume of human and animal traffic. Open waterway or creek a locations where people frequent to fish and or swim. Animals such as deer or any other number of creature’s frequent water at all times of day and night. These factors increase the chances of the plants being discovered or pirated. The lure of an open water source may seem tempting, but will most likely result in failure. Locations chosen with moist soil are less likely to be disturbed by animals or humans and still provide a plant with ample water. In the end it will also result in the cultivator spending less hours carting water to the plot and will lessen the chances of a plot being discovered. When law enforcement are searching for Cannabis they usually follow stream, rivers and other water accesses because they are most likely to have marijuana growing around them. They also look for paths that have been walked into the vegetation by Cannabis growers who walk the same path repeatedly to carry water or supplies into a plot. The size of a plot can also determine its success and failure.
The size of a plot should not be beyond the size of a person’s capability to care for their plot. The recommended size of a plot should be between 10-15 plants. The larger the size of the plot the higher the likely hood is that the plot will be discovered by pirates or law enforcement. The law enforcement uses helicopters and even single prop planes to find the locations of large and small grows. The police are less likely to spot and enter plots that are smaller than 10-15 plants and spread over a large area. Law enforcement is looking for plots that are large and gives them the appearance of accomplishing something. The fact is that law enforcement will never be able to eradicate the Cannabis plant and I intended on making sure it does not happen.
These factors must all be taken into account when deciding on the location of a Cannabis plot. I cannot stress enough that a cultivator is in charge of their own security, you must never tell anyone where the location of your plot is. You must never show any person the location of your plot. If you want to brag about your plot do it on Do not tell even the closest friend you have in the world. Even if your closest friend who would never pirate your patch finds out where your plot is it could be ripped. A friend of a friend might not feel so bad if your 5 months of work and preparation ended up in an empty plot. You must take all of these factors into consideration when choosing a Guerilla cultivation plot. It is in your hands now to pick the most suitable location to grow Cannabis. `