Club 600

My ? justlearning is are you using your bulbs vertical or horizontal....if using a vertical setup..make sure the bulb is vert. compatible...if not..they won't last long...hope this helps.

What's the issue with turning a bulb and what would make or not make a bulb Vert compatible?
Ok i decided to try and grow 2 plants per 5 gallon buckets and man this is the best grow i have had so far. Here are some of the pics. Due to my HPS going out they as of today are being lit up by MH. I use Riddleme's rain method and it has been working great!! The program i was using to keep track of my plants didnt keep the date i put them into flower so not sure maybe a little over a month.
These first three shots are up shots into the canopy..thought it was cool.
My son 067.jpgMy son 068.jpgMy son 066.jpg
Ok the first two pots are my G-13 and the pot in the back is Thai Tanic
My son 071.jpgMy son 070.jpg
My son 069.jpg
As far as the Dam trip goes, trust isn't the issue. It's that we don't go on vacations very often and she would just want to go if I went. She mentioned the red light district but I know she doesn't really think I'd be hitting up whores, lol. The thought never crossed my mind...unitl she mentioned it, hehe.

She also worries if I was to go with my brother we'd get into trouble and end up in jail in a foreign country or something. Nothing like that has happened in a very long time, more than 10 years, so I think we'd be fine. Besides, why would we be getting all fired up when we're baked? It's not like being drunk off your ass at all.
Ok i never heard about the vert vs hort thing. I will have to look into that. Thanks for the info about a surge protector. That does make sence. Thanks guys learn something new everyday. Man I love the 600 forum. Oh it is a horizontal set up.

Duchie I do not live in a Med state. I live in Texas. I am looking to move when my son grads high school in about 3 years. When i said the shop I meant hydro shop. I dont like going there though due to the fact the po-po like to watch them.

you might be just learning, but your garden says otherwise. Nice looking ladies.

I lived in Houston from '76 to '80 and it is a wonderful state, but I would order my hydro things online

What's the issue with turning a bulb and what would make or not make a bulb Vert compatible?

It has something to do with how it ignites the gasses inside the little pouch...the grow shop guy explained it all to me once but...Duh...I was high as hell....I get em that are stamped universal(that's what he recommended)so that I can put it at any angle I now my bulb is sitting somewhat horizontal but at a 45* angle(if that makes sense)LOL....some bulbs if you mount them within 5* of the recommended position you will lessen the life. Urban Garden had an article about different bulbs like a year or so ago...I'll try to find out what issue it was and post it.
Thanks Cof. You might say I am a little stubborn and love to learn new things. I have an open mind so i dont always follow the tradional routes to growing. I like to do things just to see what happens. I lurk alot on the forums and ask questions when i have them. I also try to help others when the oppertunities presents itself. I couldnt have gotten this far this fast with out the help of others on here. I have shared some of my harvest with friends and they say it is some of the best thay have had. They want me to get them some.....ha ha ha if they only knew. They wont though. You know Rule number 1 dont tell anyone.....
Thank you EC, I'll look into that, I am contemplating vertical. just, that is really nice, I'm getting anxious now. Dez, I'm now curious what might have happened in the past that would be like getting arrested in a foreign country? :lol:

So living around the 45th can be pretty, but she just looks that way. Mother nature puts on way too much foundation and say's there'll be no patios or backyards and definitely no lake, live with it.


Duchie-man beautiful pics. I miss the snow so much. Hell i miss seasons. texas only seems to really have 2. That is one of the reasons to head back to the rockies.
I'm not a snow and winter guy but I really have no choice. I spent 5 years up and down the Rockies from Prince Rupert, British Columbia, real close to the southern tip of Alaska, down to Sacramento. Never made it south of there. A great and fortunate experience, but I'll never do it again. Yes I've been to Weed!!!
So heres Most of my Ingredients for my Super Soil. Ill be ordering some Azomite offline then i will have everything i need to start my Super Soil Anyway heres some pics


I was born in Cali, lived in all the 4 corner states, florida, Pa, Mass, Arkansas, and tn. So i have seen most of the lower 48. To me the Rockies are where it at.
I miss Co. too.....used to live in right smack dab in the middle of Denver and Co. Springs....I left the year every stoner was screaming "Vote 4-20"....If I was there now I would def. have a card due to my bum kidneys.
End-sorry to hear about your kidneys. That sucks. I have migranes, insomnia, plus joint pains(too many years on a motorcycle, well that and going down).
Hotsauce - I used to live in Denver when i was a kid, long time ago since i am almost 38. Wow never thought i would live this long. Right now everything is about my son. Once he grads, I am out of Texas. Dont get me wrong texas is a pretty cool state, but it is time for me to go. I have been in texas since 89. Longest i have lived any where in my life. I got married, divorced and raised two kids. I think it is time for me to do for me. Besides I have no woman to hold me here. My kids will be on their own. It is a good ride from Co to Texas on my bike. Plus thanks to skype I will be able to see my grandkids. Yeah you read that right grandkids. I have 2. I love being a grandpa!!
I will never leave, you show me some where I can do me and I will go.
In the woods, no one telling you what to do, Minimal Taxes. We <3 guns.
Enough farmer supply to get you high for decades. Bikers welcome.
Whats the deal with Texas? theres enough room do what the fuck you want.
See how ridiculous this whole prohibition is. When a man has to leave his family behind in another State in order to have the medicine that allows him to live a better, more comfortable life then who's hurting who? Even notice how I said another "state", not country. Grandfather at 38, that's when your calendar age means squat, you are older in life and you should be proud.
Man, if your are in the middle of nowhere who are you bothering?
Maybe the forest creatures get annoyed and eat your plants.
All Im saying is every one is nice here(watch out for those Mormon though) and isnt going to get you busted.
fuck some people dont even know what we are even talking about.