when to change light cycle


Well-Known Member
when you want it to flower, thats when i'd give it darkness

personally, i do 18/6 light schedule but i flower right around when the plant it 24-30" tall so i would flower if that plant was mine

flip to 12/12 whenever youre ready, it will still keep growing for a few weeks and then start to more intensely flower


ok its 2 ft. tall now so by the time its done fllowering it will be at least 4 ft.... Cannabis at least doubles in size during the flowering cycle.. so it depends on your space when to start flowering, but remember they will double in size..


Active Member
not giving any darkness at all for three months is why it is only 2 ft tall. I'd tie it over to one side so that it is bent slightly. Then start flowering.

If you wait longer, you will potentially "get more buds". But need to give it a rest. No darkness is ridiculous. At least darkness every other day.

If you want to do something balls to the walls, instead of switching to 12/12, go to 36/12 or 35/13 to be safe.

35/13 is setting the timer every other day. Nightfall will only come to the plant 3-4x a week, but if it's 12-13 hours long the plant will still flower. Example:

Monday Night ON
Tuesday Night OFF (13 HOURS)
Wednesday Night ON
Thursday Night OFF (13 HOURS)
Friday Night ON
Saturday Night OFF (13 HOURS)
Sunday Night ON
Monday Night OFF (13 HOURS)


Active Member
the best light schedule for a plant is 18/6 the dark is when most of the growing is happening and it will also go into true flowering quicker because the light switch will not stress them as much. what i would do is tie the 3rd or 4th node from the top down so that the top is facing the side with wire, zip ties, string what ever you have and switch to 18/6 let the go for a week or two then switch it to 12/12 new sprouts will grow and you'll get bigger budz guarantee


Well-Known Member
Ed Rosenthal says 24/0 is optimal for growth. Plants don't sleep.

Read Uncle Ben's Topping Technique for the botanical reasons for bending the plant.


24/0 is best. -Ed Rosenthal

This is a direct quote from Ed Rosenthal whom most of you know is a marijuana growing guru:

marijuana plants photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrum's) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.

Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.

The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields."


"The following information is straight from Greg Green's "The Cannabis Grow Bible"

Cannabis is a light demanding plant. Professional growers keep the light on their plants using the 24/0 photoperiod for this reason. Plants that grow under 24/0 flourish and do not need a quantity of darkness in order to rest and perform photosynthesis properly. Plants that are grown in optimal conditions under 24/0 light regime grow vigorusly and the benefits of a 24/0 photoperiod can be seen actively in the results. More nodes are formed, more branches are created, leaf numbers increase, the plant is growing at its finest.

Some growers opt to use 18/6 as their photoperiod. This is 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness light regime. Under these conditions the plant will grow quite naturally but not as vigorously as the 24/0 photoperiod.

The 18/6 photoperiod expels 3/4 the amount of light that a 24/0 photoperiod does. Although this does not mean that a plant produces 1/4 less leaves,branches and nodes under the 18/6 photoperiod, it certainly does show the correlation between light and cannabis growth. As we have said already, cannabis is a light demanding plant. There are no problems associated with 24/0 and although some have attributed cannabis sexual dysfunction (the hermaphrodite conditon) to 18/6 photoperiod these problems are actually the result of heat stress.

A 24/0 photoperiod requires that your grow room temperature be kept well monitored. The 18/6 option is cheaper to run. You use a quarter less electricity and this will have an impact on your electricity bill. Also the 18/6 photoperiod will generally extend the bulb's lifespan. During the 6 hours of darkness the grow room is allowed to cool down for this period but a well maintained good grow room setup should not require a cooling down period.

24/0 and 18/6 both share the same problem though. Once you start the photoperiod you should keep that way especially when the plants near maturity (the preflowering stage). An irregular photoperiod can cause more males than females to develop. It can also cause sexual dysfunction to appear. Whether you choose 24/0 or 18/6 as your vegetative photoperiod try to keep that photoperiod unitl your plants are mature enough to express their sex."

24/0 is superior insofar as plant growth
hmm now idk what to do again lol.. like i said im goin on 3 months now from seedling n the plant is just under 2ft tall, it looks healthy n all, i just didnt know if i should start giving it darkness because i have had it on a 24/0 light cycle from start. oh and should i still tie it down?0111112110-00.jpg


Well-Known Member
You should've switched, at least, 2 months ago. Do it now. If you top it, you'll double your yield.

Study a little botany so you know what's going on with your plant.

I suggest you start with Uncle Ben's Topping Technique. Don't listen to people who make assumptions about what plants like, there is a lot of misinfo out there. Also a lot of easy to find good info.

Also, it looks like you need more light. If you're using CFLs, consider switching to something like this:

Induction bulbs are much better, and the mercury in cfls is serious business.


Active Member
dont use cfl's there crap, if your looking for a nice yield then spend a little bit of money and get a hps. that is not an assumption its a fact. sure you can tie it down, its a little late but still would do good. about topping it, if you do that you will be chopping away the most pottent bud of the plant which is the top that is also a proven fact, but chit what do i know. if i were you i would do some research on whats best for your plant..... 3 months of growing and your plant is under 2 feet it does not take a genius to realize that maybe a light schedule of 24/7 is not good for your plant, it needs rest like you and me it is alive. like i said if i were you i would tie it down and veg it for at least 2 weeks on 18/6, learn from your mistakes. the only time you want to give your plant 24 hours of light is the first week or two....


Well-Known Member
dont use cfl's there crap, if your looking for a nice yield then spend a little bit of money and get a hps. that is not an assumption its a fact. sure you can tie it down, its a little late but still would do good. about topping it, if you do that you will be chopping away the most pottent bud of the plant which is the top that is also a proven fact, but chit what do i know. if i were you i would do some research on whats best for your plant..... 3 months of growing and your plant is under 2 feet it does not take a genius to realize that maybe a light schedule of 24/7 is not good for your plant, it needs rest like you and me it is alive. like i said if i were you i would tie it down and veg it for at least 2 weeks on 18/6, learn from your mistakes. the only time you want to give your plant 24 hours of light is the first week or two....
You know nothing.


Well-Known Member
what are your temperatures and humidity like. your plant looks very healthy but it is very small for 3 months. what size pot is it in? how long has it been in that pot?
temp is 70-75, humidity idk, its been in this pot since 2 weeks after germination. the pot is big not sure wut exact size is but its the size of a bucket


Well-Known Member
dont use cfl's there crap, if your looking for a nice yield then spend a little bit of money and get a hps. that is not an assumption its a fact. sure you can tie it down, its a little late but still would do good. about topping it, if you do that you will be chopping away the most pottent bud of the plant which is the top that is also a proven fact, but chit what do i know. if i were you i would do some research on whats best for your plant..... 3 months of growing and your plant is under 2 feet it does not take a genius to realize that maybe a light schedule of 24/7 is not good for your plant, it needs rest like you and me it is alive. like i said if i were you i would tie it down and veg it for at least 2 weeks on 18/6, learn from your mistakes. the only time you want to give your plant 24 hours of light is the first week or two....
This is exactly the type of advice to avoid on RIU.... Perfect example... 213 posts and near zero reputation points. It's obvious from reading this that the author has a long way to go on learning the ropes. It's amazing that they would even attempt to give advice.


Active Member
not giving any darkness at all for three months is why it is only 2 ft tall. I'd tie it over to one side so that it is bent slightly. Then start flowering.
Huh? That just isn't true. I use a 24/0 and have for nearly a decade and a half. I've grown HUGE mom's nearly 9' (3m) tall that gave up over 300 cuttings using that light cycle. The need for darkness has been overrated. I use it since I have found that the plants grow faster under 24/0 than under 18/6 and right now, I have one breading female who goes into bloom at 18/6.

So, you see.... The plant doesn't need darkness until you bloom it.


Active Member
well i wrote what made sense so what your saying is cfl's are better than a hps and you will get a better yield with them and that tieing it down will not do any good that the top bud is not the most potent bud on the plant? about 24 hour lighting its up to you to choose whats best but its just logical that a plant needs some darkness..... just because i only have 214 doesnt mean i know nothing look up what im saying and you will find that what im saying is true, but hey what ever 3 months and his plant looks like one that has been vegging for a month, i wonder why........ im not going to argue with you people over the internet just look it up my info is legit.