PC Grow - 12/12 FS - White Widow and White Russian


Well-Known Member
Hi there :) I just wanted to let you know that I'm running a germination experiment with some of the seed I got this summer. I'm using 21 seeds for the experiment and I made different groups that are going to be germinating in different environments :) Hopefully there will be some differences and I'll be able to learn some new stuff :D today is the first day and so far I think I already found out something but will have to wait a couple more days to be sure.

Will update with some details about the experiment, hopefully it won't be a waste of seeds and jiffy pellets.

Will have an update about the girls later today or tomorrow :)



Well-Known Member
Ok, having different threads going doesn't make that much sense anymore so I'm gonna make the updates a little bit easier, for now on this post will have everything I do about growing, both the pc box and the small closet and also the seeds experiment and the winter grow I've got going in the balcony. Will update with more info about everything when I get some time as I'm really busy trying to get everything done, I'm also building a new box...

The first pictures from the ak47, papaya and white siberian are in the following link: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/385853-cabinet-grow-12-12-fs.html

So here are my girls:

papaya, 75 days from sowing:

White Widow, 75 days from sowing:


White Russian, 45 days from sowing:


White Siberian, 45 days from sowing:


AK47, 45 days from sowing:


The grow is nice because I can clearly see the genetic differences between one strain and other. I'm really socked by the white siberian's growth because she is the smallest plant ever!!! she is just 24 cm tall and I did absolutely nothing, I don't know but it looks like one of those dwarf strains...

I still have some powdery mildew but it's less now, may get some chemical stuff to clean the box and see if it keeps improving :) Also by the yellowing of the leaves I'm thinking I may be a little low in nutes so will have to have a look into that.

And I'm really looking forward to harvest papaya and white widow to see if I get to the 10g per plant barrier but I guess I'll still have to wait another 30 days approximately.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've got a question for you today. I was reading a little bit about ventilation today because I was thinking how could I improve mine.

The result of this reading led me to think that it would be enough with a 2CFM exhaust fan for a pc case which means that my exhaust fan is way more than enough. So is that right ? and if so would a 40CFM fan running 24/7 be too much for the plants ? Because it would be changing the air around 40 times per minute and I read that the recommended values are once every 2-4 minutes.

I think I'm gonna get rid of my actual exhaust (very good but too noise) and use a new silence fan that moves much less air but is really quiet and should be more than enough if that information is correct.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to change the fans. I put a quieter fan for extraction which is only 17CFM but I think it will be enough, I hope the plants are fine :)

Inside the box I put two, one of them is 12cm (40cfm) and another one 8cm (adjustable speed). Much more quiet now :)

Oh! also the white siberian seems to be growing like crazy now, she has grown around 4cm in the last two days, this girl keeps surprising me, it's quite weird that it was growing really slowly and now it's growing like crazy all of a sudden (maybe some genetic trait?). I hope she stops growing like this.

Papaya and WW will be ready much earlier than I thought, I've checked the trichomes and I could see some amber already so may harvest in a week, I'll see how trichomes change during this days.


Well-Known Member
So here is a shot of the white widow's trichomes:


And here is another one of the white siberian, the main stem is the one stretching:



Well-Known Member
Lince you got a lot of good bud coming!!!
Thanks man :) I hope I can keep them going healthy until harvest.

I'm starting to get odour problems now, it even smells outside my flat and that's not funny anymore :( will have to look into some odour control as I've never used any before. Ideas are welcome if anybody wants to share :) I'm thinking about some gel or something like that, will have to see what's on the market.


Well-Known Member
So finally got a picture of them :) This are the seeds I've got in the balcony inside the greenhouse I built few weeks ago (winter grow). 3 purple #1, 3 blue hash and the ones on the right are actually a tomato, a broccoli and a romanesco plant :)

The purple and blue hash are all my seeds breed this summer and even if they are growing veeerrryyyy slow, I expect to see them flower at some point.


Also, I'll be harvesting papaya and white widow tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post some pics :)

White Siberian did really surprise me, she looks beautiful.

Papaya and white widow, harvested.

This are the plants from the seed experiment. I had 100% germination rate, the slowest seeds germinated at day 12. I got rid of 10 and I'm keeping 11 right now. I'm still not sure what to do with them so I'll keep them for awhile and see how they evolve.


This is the AK47:



Well-Known Member
So today is the girls 60 day birthday and here are the pics :)

The pistils of the three girls are starting to turn brown (too early I think) I hope they keep growing coz it's a little bit early and they still have plenty of space to fill :)

Leaves of the AK47 and White Russian are also a little yellowish, not sure why, if anybody has any idea why this could be, let me know :)



White Russian:


White Siberian:


This are the plants from the germination experiment:


And this are the plants for the winter grow in the balcony:


I was checking the papaya harvest today and it seems that I'm going to get to the 10g mark so that's great news. I'll clean and weight it tomorrow anyway. Also the white widow's harvest although I don't think it'll be as good.


Active Member
Hey Lince. Nice work Man ! I just have a quick question. You mentioned in your very first post that your llighting was 4 X 23W - 2700K Cfl's. Is that all the light you used throughout or did you suppliment with some more along the way. If this progress is with only 4 23W bulbs, YOU DA MAN !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Lince. Nice work Man ! I just have a quick question. You mentioned in your very first post that your llighting was 4 X 23W - 2700K Cfl's. Is that all the light you used throughout or did you suppliment with some more along the way. If this progress is with only 4 23W bulbs, YOU DA MAN !!!!!
Thanks wannasmoke :) well, actually the yield was a bit less than expected, it's a pity but still an improvement.

Papaya was 7.7g (getting closer to those 10g hehe)
White Widow was 5.4g (this poor girl had a few problems to fight with)

Actually papaya is the best harvest so far, before this one the maximum was 6g, it's almost 2g difference by adding 40W, half litre of soil and improved skills :)

I was looking at others grows and 7 seems to be the a common harvest for 1.5L and 92W so gotta be happy with it :) Anyway, I'm definitely going to keep changing things to get more yield.

About the light, seed to harvest without change:

White Widow: 92W (4x23W 2700k) shared with white russian
Papaya: 104W (2x23W 6500k + 1x22W 6500k + 2x18W 2700k) shared with ak47 and w. siberian


Well-Known Member
I was counting days and it'll be time to harvest ak47 and white russian in only 3 weeks!!! :D that's very good, I'll have a new harvest and it'll be time to improve the boxes for the next grow.

I already got a bigger pot for the pc box, it's a 3 litres (tapper-ware) pot and I'll probably grow only one plant this time. I'm thinking about going again with the same 4x23W 2700k bulbs start to finish but I'm thinking about giving the plant 20-30 days of vegetative growth before switching to 12/12. Let me know if you have any thoughts about this :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, here are a couple of pics of the plants in the balcony, the plant that is alone on the pic has shown pre-flowers today and she is a girl!!! great news :D I guess the other three will be showing pre-flowers soon :)


I'm really curious and exited about what's gonna happen with this winter grow, never tried this before :)


Well-Known Member
Finally ordered the lowryder #1 regular seeds yesterday :D will get them on friday or monday. I'm so looking forward to grow those tiny plants :) will also breed them and see what results I get.

Oh! an almost forget. I got rid of powdery mildew!!!!!!! finally!! so happy about it :)
I was counting days and it'll be time to harvest ak47 and white russian in only 3 weeks!!! :D that's very good, I'll have a new harvest and it'll be time to improve the boxes for the next grow.

I already got a bigger pot for the pc box, it's a 3 litres (tapper-ware) pot and I'll probably grow only one plant this time. I'm thinking about going again with the same 4x23W 2700k bulbs start to finish but I'm thinking about giving the plant 20-30 days of vegetative growth before switching to 12/12. Let me know if you have any thoughts about this :)
Hey bro... first off, GREAT GROW!
Your White Widow is making me drewl :)
I have a couple questions for you, as I just started my germ for WW today as my second grow. (I will be growing in PC case as well)
1) Did you go from seed to where you are now all on 2700k? (I'm thinking of veging under 6500k... if you've done both, what's the difference)
2) when did you start to LST her?
3) when did you switch to 12/12 (I was thinking of going about 14 - 21 days of veg and then making the switch)

Sorry for the questions, but my first grow was a PC autoflower (easy ryder). Not too much involved with growing those :)



Well-Known Member
Hey Lince, your recommendation with swapping my intake/outake for outake/outake with passive intake holes helped an incredible ammount. i had to add light to keep it to 75-80* :D

Sorry if any of this is repeat but i only read your update posts.

Also I saw that your WW and WSib were in clear pots and roots seem mainly towards the bottom.
Also i saw that your other pot wasn't clear. But I heard that clear pots effect the roots. I didnt think so either and swapped it after grows and the roots grow all up around the edges and shit.
Entirely watering and putting something over the soil should keep the top of the soil from drying out too fast and greater root developement.

Indeed your skills have improved though looking at that white Sib...ridiculous. also let me know how that russian goes cause both of those are strains I enjoy.

I like white strains. thinking about going White Castle next grow. WW x White Russian I think.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro... first off, GREAT GROW!
Your White Widow is making me drewl :)
I have a couple questions for you, as I just started my germ for WW today as my second grow. (I will be growing in PC case as well)
1) Did you go from seed to where you are now all on 2700k? (I'm thinking of veging under 6500k... if you've done both, what's the difference)
2) when did you start to LST her?
3) when did you switch to 12/12 (I was thinking of going about 14 - 21 days of veg and then making the switch)

Sorry for the questions, but my first grow was a PC autoflower (easy ryder). Not too much involved with growing those :)

Thanks man :) trying my best.

1.- Yes, I've grown with 2700k only in the pc box and yes, I'm also growing with mostly white 68W 6500k + 36W 2700k in the other box. I was doing only 2700k in the pc because it was kind of a perpetual grow and when one plant was flowering the other one was growing so ¿which spectrum shouls I use? I decided to use 2700k all the way trough. Also v12xjs (maybe you read about him) was growing with 125W red + 12W white. About the difference, there may be a difference but it's not that big, all the plants I've grown were more or less the same size and the yield didn't change that much either, 5.5 to 7.7 grams (will have more details when I harvest current grows). My advice, if you want more than 7g per plant go with 1 plant and a big pot, veg her for 20-30 days and use white light if you can, if not use worm and you'll be good.

2.- I start LST or trim at around day 20. I think she has to have at least 3 set of leaves.

3.- So far I've allways gone 12/12 from seed because is a good way to go perpetual growing in one box but for bigger yield, you can veg and switch to 12/12 around 7 days before you want her to start flowering. I haven't veg myself but I'll say 20-30 days is a good veg period (may try it next). It also depends on your space and your plans :)

and don't worry about the questions, I also ask a lot of questions myself :) and appreciate somebody stopping by the grow :)

In my case I've never grown an auto strains yet but I'll start growing auto strains in a few days when I get my lowryder #1 seeds. I'm so looking forward to it.