What Am I To Make Of China?

jeff f

New Member

so they rub our nose in this. this is a completely aggressive weapon system. if you launch a stealth bomber, you have real, real bad intentions.

we didnt start world war I, but we won it. we didnt start world war II, but we won it. we wont start ww III, but i sure want to win it. this makes me worry. we are in no way capable of taking on china right now. and to have JESUS at the helm....hopefully the real jesus has mercy on our country.


Well-Known Member
You allready know what to make of it. The trouble is most people don't and won't even pay attention to any of this news. China is the biggest kid on the block and he's sick of listening to us and he's fixin to give us a big wedgie and tell us we better give him our lunch money every morning or it's on at recess. China has so many people and now they have all the industry and manufacturing we couldn't have a war with them and even if we could I don't think America has the stomach for that type of war with the casuilties that would ensue. Bottom line for us is a lower standard of living, higher costs lower pay and we will end up exporting our natural resources to them as payment on debt. I hope everything stays cool but all the time you see all this war shit everyone has and is building and everyone seems to think it couldn't happen here -pretty scary.

jeff f

New Member
You allready know what to make of it. The trouble is most people don't and won't even pay attention to any of this news. China is the biggest kid on the block and he's sick of listening to us and he's fixin to give us a big wedgie and tell us we better give him our lunch money every morning or it's on at recess. China has so many people and now they have all the industry and manufacturing we couldn't have a war with them and even if we could I don't think America has the stomach for that type of war with the casuilties that would ensue. Bottom line for us is a lower standard of living, higher costs lower pay and we will end up exporting our natural resources to them as payment on debt. I hope everything stays cool but all the time you see all this war shit everyone has and is building and everyone seems to think it couldn't happen here -pretty scary.
i truely believe that the only way to fight them is with an all out energy war. i think we should be mining drilling and building nuclear power everywhere. keep competition on because nobody can out produce us in this area. not only will we be able to pay off the dept but we will be able to build the war machines we are gonna need.

i bet you a dime to a donut that the average liiberal mind doesnt even understand that where obama said we cant drill, you know the moritorium, the chinese are drilling with the venezuelans in the same water. and those same putz think by doing the moritorium we are cleaning the environment. a

our enenmies used to quake in their collective boots when they thought we might strike, now they laugh themselves silly


Well-Known Member
i truely believe that the only way to fight them is with an all out energy war. i think we should be mining drilling and building nuclear power everywhere. keep competition on because nobody can out produce us in this area. not only will we be able to pay off the dept but we will be able to build the war machines we are gonna need.

i bet you a dime to a donut that the average liiberal mind doesnt even understand that where obama said we cant drill, you know the moritorium, the chinese are drilling with the venezuelans in the same water. and those same putz think by doing the moritorium we are cleaning the environment. a

our enenmies used to quake in their collective boots when they thought we might strike, now they laugh themselves silly
We are opening the first export center to ship Coal mined in Montana to China from a port in Washington state...millions of tons a year, to be burned for cheap energy in China to fuel their economy.+


Active Member
so they rub our nose in this. this is a completely aggressive weapon system. if you launch a stealth bomber, you have real, real bad intentions.
Well, Americans launched the first stealth bombers. So I guess Americans had really really bad intentions. I don't see what you're trying to get at here unless you're just sort of having a cry that the American century is well over. I guess we'd all better get used to that - things are going back to the way they always were, with everything flowing towards China.


Well-Known Member
i truely believe that the only way to fight them is with an all out energy war. i think we should be mining drilling and building nuclear power everywhere. keep competition on because nobody can out produce us in this area. not only will we be able to pay off the dept but we will be able to build the war machines we are gonna need.

i bet you a dime to a donut that the average liiberal mind doesnt even understand that where obama said we cant drill, you know the moritorium, the chinese are drilling with the venezuelans in the same water. and those same putz think by doing the moritorium we are cleaning the environment. a

our enenmies used to quake in their collective boots when they thought we might strike, now they laugh themselves silly
If you want to talk about energy and giving them oil off of venezuela how about the space race and the moon-the moon has H3 and were going to let them mine the moon instead of doing it ourselves. whats up with China taking the panama canal? and our ports and roads?

jeff f

New Member
We are opening the first export center to ship Coal mined in Montana to China from a port in Washington state...millions of tons a year, to be burned for cheap energy in China to fuel their economy.+
yet we are closing down our coal burners? this is not at all good. this is a goddamn taking down of an economy. it all makes perfect sense.

dear lord, we are FUCKED PLEASE SEND HELP.

jeff f

New Member
Well, Americans launched the first stealth bombers. So I guess Americans had really really bad intentions. I don't see what you're trying to get at here unless you're just sort of having a cry that the American century is well over. I guess we'd all better get used to that - things are going back to the way they always were, with everything flowing towards China.
well good sir you can kindly fuck off. we aint going out this way. we are gonna have to make this decision pretty soon. i would say the next president in midterm will have a catastrophic event. i hope its the right guy in charge. dear lowercrotch, we will rise again. we are in better shape than pre wwII and we did it then. i think we can still do it because there are too many nations that would completely collapsing our economy.

if it were to happen it would be a great way to clean out the government. all those epa, dpe, type jobs would be obsolete. you will change your attitude in a hurry when longrange stealth bombers are dropping bombs in your lawn. you get a whole new perspective on life

as for our stealths, aaahhh duh, yes we had very bad intentions. ever heard of shock and awe? we dropped bombs down stairwells and were 15 minutes down range before anyone knew we were there. they had no idea we were even comeing until the bombs exploded. go back and watch the tapes. with all their russian and chinese technology, any stealth system is the one you dont want to be on the receiving end of


Well-Known Member
whoah whoah guys.... take it easy...

jeff, what the hell would you know about long-range stealth bombers dropping bombs in your lawn??? didn't think so.

you can relax now.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
China ? I usually order the dinner #4 , it comes with Fried rice, chicken and crab rangoons. Sometimes I go with the buffet though.

You can worry about the end of United States global dominance, but that won't change it.

Fortune Cookie say, "what goes up, must come down".


Well-Known Member
Well my 2 senators know how safe I feel, our boy johnny iskason voted for the russia treaty reform, I let him know that I felt a lot safer knowing the russian were going to have missles in the Americas.


Well-Known Member
Well my 2 senators know how safe I feel, our boy johnny iskason voted for the russia treaty reform, I let him know that I felt a lot safer knowing the russian were going to have missles in the Americas.
What?? I missed that one. do you have a link

jeff f

New Member
whoah whoah guys.... take it easy...

jeff, what the hell would you know about long-range stealth bombers dropping bombs in your lawn??? didn't think so.

you can relax now.
well from time to time in the twenty years i spent in the air force, i paid attention. although i couldnt smoke weed there, i did pay attention


Well-Known Member
that doesn't mean your lawn was getting bombarded by long-range stealth bombers.... stop talking sh..................


Well-Known Member
WOW! China just built something using technology from 1981! Be afraid...You guys just can't live without having a threat, even if its nonsense.
Our military is the best in the world by more than a lot. God help the country that incites our draft. Another country advancing its military technology is logical, every country does it. We have an irrational and unfounded fear of China. They are powerful yes, but not dumb, note how they are very cautious not to even say peep about north korea, and put a squash on that in a heart beat. They would never jeopardize the lucrative trade and financial relationship with the USA or the west in general, they don't have the domestic market to support their industry and won't for a while, so until that time, they are completely dependent on good ol' America...


Well-Known Member
well from time to time in the twenty years i spent in the air force, i paid attention. although i couldnt smoke weed there, i did pay attention
I spent 22 years in the USAF..first duty station was at March AFB in Moreno Valley CA...just curious as to what job you had to be such an expert on long-range stealth bombers ...


Active Member
well good sir you can kindly fuck off. we aint going out this way. we are gonna have to make this decision pretty soon. i would say the next president in midterm will have a catastrophic event. i hope its the right guy in charge. dear lowercrotch, we will rise again. we are in better shape than pre wwII and we did it then. i think we can still do it because there are too many nations that would completely collapsing our economy.
And people wonder why the average American isn't know for his civility or wit. Also, I can't believe you just stuck "crotch" on the end of my username. Can't you come up with anything better than that? It doesn't even make sense.

if it were to happen it would be a great way to clean out the government. all those epa, dpe, type jobs would be obsolete. you will change your attitude in a hurry when longrange stealth bombers are dropping bombs in your lawn. you get a whole new perspective on life

as for our stealths, aaahhh duh, yes we had very bad intentions. ever heard of shock and awe? we dropped bombs down stairwells and were 15 minutes down range before anyone knew we were there. they had no idea we were even comeing until the bombs exploded. go back and watch the tapes. with all their russian and chinese technology, any stealth system is the one you dont want to be on the receiving end of
It's not helping you much in Afghanistan is it? Seven American troops died there last week alone and you're sitting at home fantasizing about how to blow up stairwells and fire bureaucrats. And come to think of it, I don't want to be on the receiving end of any weapons technology, but a club is the same as a stealth fighter to me because I don't have a radar. I don't give a flying fuck about your military. I hope you don't expect me to be scared of that shit.

I'm predicting that your grandkids will (if they're not already) be a bit embarrassed about your quaint yet slightly nauseating anti-everything rhetoric when they visit you in your crumbling inner-city old folks home. Then they'll just sigh and pass it off as the disgruntled, quaint patriotism of a bygone era where racism was a diplomatic policy and warfare good for business instead of bad, and then they'll hop onto the Chinese made and constructed light rail system and go to work at their Chinese-owned companies and continue thinking about the future instead of the long-gone past like their spittle-chinned and toothless old crank of a grandpaw.

And hey, speaking of the military...

Bradley Manning is a finer representative of what the Armed Forces mean to the States in the 21st century than any stealth bomber could ever be.