Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
For a true breeding experince you'll need 100's of plants Greggory Mendel method.
Mr Nice still does this.

But we can get by with maybe missing individual. around 20 plants is the minimum id say you really need more .


Well-Known Member
Yeah I lurk at a lot of places and yeah I have learned you have to becareful were you post even on RUI. Although I will say i think most of the people here want to help others. I have learned alot by looking around and talking to people on here. DST was the first person I really conected with and even had the oppertunity to meet when i went to the Dam. Hell of a guy that DST. He knows his shit, but still has an open mind.
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Well-Known Member
ahh i see.

ok so i used a WW female and an OG cross daddy, the two seeds i popped were ww phenos, lmost identical to mom. could this be becausedaddy was a cross n mommy was a true breeding fem? should i expect to see much of the og come out ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks JL, your kind words are much apppreciated.

Well I have a clone of my fave male, the others were mainly f1 males so i will look for a keeper male out of the upcoming f2 bunch.

True Males Can take over another females genetics. If you have a dominate one keep its seeds around, Its 3-4 genarations form IBL instead of 5-6.


Well-Known Member
After dispointing yields with CFL's im going to be switching to a 600w cooltube soon.

And this thread has got me very excited for my next grow!


Well-Known Member
Hello Brotha! CFL can get you there but You need to be an expert and dialed in.
BUT the 600 Get you some tight nuggi nugs!! lots of them too!


Well-Known Member
Thankyou las for the info. That looks like a nice cross, love anything with lemonskunk haha. good shizznit.

DST nice gizzzz collection lol. It like a sperm clinic over there aint it hahaha jks bru. peace 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Hey las. I tried to rep you for the name you gave your cross but it wouldn't let me so +rep for Hazy Train. ALL ABOOOOOOOARD, HAHAHAHAHA! I'm going off the rails on this hazy train.


Well-Known Member
With the topic about what's going with Dutch politics regarding weed I'd like to tell you guys about what's going on here in Canada, because frankly I'm quite concerned. Many years ago I was one of many who helped our current Prime Minister get into office and now I'm seeing things in this man and he has to go. A couple of time's now his party has tried to push through a tough on crime bill and each time, just by sheer luck, it did not proceed far enough due to a forced election and such. Well now he's trying again and has somehow, without hardly any mention in the press or anything, has had it passed through Senate and the next step is the final to make it law. Part of the bill regards growing weed and he wants to take a U.S style "War on Drugs" approach and have mandatory minimum sentences of 6 months for growing more than 5 plants and even tougher if you make hash or edibles.

This is where it gets scary to me. Recently I learned about how U.S. prisons are being run privately. This set off an alarm in me that I can't shake. Immediately I thought about how any business needs to drum up business, and continue drumming up business, for the sake of business, and I wondered, when your business is housing criminals then how do you drum up that kind of business? This is like a plot to a freaky future Sci-fi story.Well then I find out that part of the tough on crime approach our leader is taking requires millions to built a whack of new prisons. Well I bet a new bill like the one he's proposing would insure that there is enough business to recuperate the money, which I highly doubt is all he's interested in doing. Anyway I'm really hoping the other parties are going to force an election here in the next couple of months, which it's sounding like, so that maybe it get's stalled and/or shelved long enough to prevent this proposed madness. How is it that these highly intelligent people can be so lacking in common sense is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I recently had my wifes Auntie and husband stay with us here in Amsterdam. They live near Toronto in Canada and where telling me about how people are getting caught growing weed, the whole houses are full of weed and due to what they are doing they are destroying the houses, etc, etc. Naturally I was unable to hide my 7 foot tall ganja tree that was sitting on my balcony, so I felt the need to try and educate them about the pain and suffering of some medical patients, and how really the whole system is set up wrong...I think it went on deaf ears but it's about time people realise that there are many ways to live your life. Criminalising weed smokers is as bad as the extreme Muslim believes that women should not work, etc, etc. People in Western civilisations need to start looking at their own systems before lambasting other ones....fuk wits.

With the topic about what's going with Dutch politics regarding weed I'd like to tell you guys about what's going on here in Canada, because frankly I'm quite concerned. Many years ago I was one of many who helped our current Prime Minister get into office and now I'm seeing things in this man and he has to go. A couple of time's now his party has tried to push through a tough on crime bill and each time, just by sheer luck, it did not proceed far enough due to a forced election and such. Well now he's trying again and has somehow, without hardly any mention in the press or anything, has had it passed through Senate and the next step is the final to make it law. Part of the bill regards growing weed and he wants to take a U.S style "War on Drugs" approach and have mandatory minimum sentences of 6 months for growing more than 5 plants and even tougher if you make hash or edibles.

This is where it gets scary to me. Recently I learned about how U.S. prisons are being run privately. This set off an alarm in me that I can't shake. Immediately I thought about how any business needs to drum up business, and continue drumming up business, for the sake of business, and I wondered, when your business is housing criminals then how do you drum up that kind of business? This is like a plot to a freaky future Sci-fi story.Well then I find out that part of the tough on crime approach our leader is taking requires millions to built a whack of new prisons. Well I bet a new bill like the one he's proposing would insure that there is enough business to recuperate the money, which I highly doubt is all he's interested in doing. Anyway I'm really hoping the other parties are going to force an election here in the next couple of months, which it's sounding like, so that maybe it get's stalled and/or shelved long enough to prevent this proposed madness. How is it that these highly intelligent people can be so lacking in common sense is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
With the topic about what's going with Dutch politics regarding weed I'd like to tell you guys about what's going on here in Canada, because frankly I'm quite concerned. Many years ago I was one of many who helped our current Prime Minister get into office and now I'm seeing things in this man and he has to go. A couple of time's now his party has tried to push through a tough on crime bill and each time, just by sheer luck, it did not proceed far enough due to a forced election and such. Well now he's trying again and has somehow, without hardly any mention in the press or anything, has had it passed through Senate and the next step is the final to make it law. Part of the bill regards growing weed and he wants to take a U.S style "War on Drugs" approach and have mandatory minimum sentences of 6 months for growing more than 5 plants and even tougher if you make hash or edibles.

This is where it gets scary to me. Recently I learned about how U.S. prisons are being run privately. This set off an alarm in me that I can't shake. Immediately I thought about how any business needs to drum up business, and continue drumming up business, for the sake of business, and I wondered, when your business is housing criminals then how do you drum up that kind of business? This is like a plot to a freaky future Sci-fi story.Well then I find out that part of the tough on crime approach our leader is taking requires millions to built a whack of new prisons. Well I bet a new bill like the one he's proposing would insure that there is enough business to recuperate the money, which I highly doubt is all he's interested in doing. Anyway I'm really hoping the other parties are going to force an election here in the next couple of months, which it's sounding like, so that maybe it get's stalled and/or shelved long enough to prevent this proposed madness. How is it that these highly intelligent people can be so lacking in common sense is beyond me.
That's the New World Order for you. USA and Canada/UK turning into a police state. A Global corperate take over on every level. Think 1984. :shock:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
scary thoughts but the systems in place and the man is pushing through the laws to make it so we cant even legally object. self amending policies in europe where changes to law are passed without even open vote of the parlaiment. everyone got their newspeak dictionaries handy?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think i have the starts of preflowers on my yins lol at least 1 male of each deep co and engineers dream, almost time.