Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!


Active Member
Leaves are curled bad and don't know why. Veg under t8 and recently put in the ac that runs for 12 hours a day. Plants were fine and just started to curl under. Now all new shoots are starting to curl under. Nervous about setbacks. Please help!


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
tell us more about your situation. medium u grow in, nutes, etc. if anyone cant solve your problom i would brew a tea, or go get some from a grow store. feed your next feeding. i would, but im no expert.


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't finish asking questions, What is your relative Humitity (RH) in the room Day & Night?
Can be many things but hopefully u can save them.


Well-Known Member
That looks like a classic N overdose.

But, if you didn't just add nutes, look to the AC.

The last thing changed is usually the first place to look when problems crop up.



Active Member
We live in Hawaii and the temp in the room is mid-high 80's everyday. Also have high humidity, really high. Probably warmer at night then during the day with the ac on. Haven't fed in awhile either.


Active Member
that is a late flower nitrogen deficiancy when you flower you need to give some form it N not much but you need some w/o it your leaves curl up very quickly most bloom booster have say a 0-30-30 ratio if you use this you could develop a late flower N deficiancy which can cause them to curl... my personal opinion im pretty sure thats the reason but that white stuff on your leaves kinda looks like mold though...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Nitrogen Toxicity.
Lockout of Iron as well. Could be a phosphate toxicity in addition.

Flush the soil. Apply a top dressing of crush dolomite lime. Water through it to help stabilize pH and rebuild micro-element buffer.

Watch for deficiencies to form. Feed in a week or two with a balanced nutrient, with like a 2-3-3 ratio, at 1/2 the suggested strength.

Keep an eye on the white, it's hard to say it isn't powdery mildew. Some Safer's Fungicide (sulfur water basically) could be a proper addition.


Active Member
the leaves arent white, its just the bright flash from the camera. i am currently using roots organic 707 soil and have used it with no problems before. the plants are ak-48's under a 18/6 light cycle. the older growth is okay still, its the new shoots that have the problem. so if it was a deficiency, i believe it would be an immobile nutrient. maybe calcium? i am using botanicare nutes right now but havent fed since the problem was noticed.


Well-Known Member
Rams horning of the leaves could also be low pH too. Measure the of your water before you give it to your plants and catch some of the run off and check that too.


Active Member
i believe the ph is okay. i havent calibrated my ph pen in a while but i doubt that is the problem. i will check the runoff and see what im working with. i also turned off the ac to see if that will help.


Well-Known Member
could the constant temperature change do that or would this be a deficiency?
No, your plants wont all of a sudden look like this in soil. Leave the AC on.Must be nute burn, flush soil very well ,no nutes for 2 weeks then bring back minus 1/3


Active Member
i read that if there is a calcium deficiency and humidity is maxed out, the leaves will claw under. does this look like a calcium deficiency?


Active Member
Leaves also can suddenly - we are talking hours - "claw" like that when they get more water than they bargained for.


Active Member
Does an A/c usually lower humidity? I feel my rooms humidity is high for having am ac in it. Will excessive humidity do this to leaves?


Active Member
nitrogen claw.... i gotta read up about that. but i havent fed any nutes in a while, only ph'd water. and still no improvements! the problem has only gotten worst! wtf??