Easy Ryder Grow # Auto Ak47 x Lowryder #2


Active Member
Breeder: The Joint Doctor's
Genetics: Auto AK47 x Lowryder #2
Harvest Period: 10-11 weeks from seed
Height: 60-80cm
THC Content: 14/16%

Grow Box and other information
My grow box specs are 2ft x 2ft x 2ft ; but during the construction of the box due to the placement of the reflectix sheets inside of the box, the size shrunk a bit smaller; to about 1.8ft I would say. So the box overall would be 7.2sq/ft which means that to ventilate my box I would need a minimum 36cfm fan but thats excluding the fact that there is 276w of cfl's producing heat and also going to be a carbon filter as a resistance for the exhaust fan. All of these are unknown factors to me and I wasn't sure how they were going to play out in such a small scale. Now what I do know is that my 70cfm computer fan is not enough to vent out my grow box; go figure, but that is only if I am using my carbon filter so I should be fine for the first 3 weeks until the beginning of flowering. Later next week I will probably purchase a 120mm pc fan I found on newegg which has a crazy 240cfm; only drawback is that its loud as shit whopping out at 60db. Both of my pots are quite noticably make shift, made out of a couple of boxes, some ductape, and some cheap new garbage bags; both equal containers at 2.5gallons. Now for all of my lights I am currently using 12x 23w 6500 spectrum lights for the vegetation stage and I as well have another 12 x 23w cfl lights with 2700 spectrum for the flowering stage.

I am currently using Pro-Mix as my base soil, and as well using DNF Gro and Bloom 2 part system. I am using a 2L container to store my feeding water and add a full teaspoon of part A and B; as well as 1 drop of pH down to level my pH at around 6; using my pH colour indicator lol :mrgreen:

Here are a few pictures of my grow on day 1!

Currently I am getting 80f in my box with my window closed and in the picture 68f; with the window open but the humidity stays relatively the same at around 40%.
Before I planted my seed; I placed the Pro-Mix soil into both containers and added both 1L of the nutrient solution into each container; then mixed the soil till all of it was moist. Now all I have to do is wait a bit!

New Grower, Common0ne :blsmoke:



Active Member
Day 2:
Grow Box Environment: Remaining quite constant at 80F and 40% humidity.
Still nothing; but I just sprayed the topsoil to keep it moist and left a small container of water in each pot to raise the humidity levels. As well I left a few Styrofoam plates on top of the pots to keep in the humidity, but it is not all air tight; but should it be?

New Grower, Common0ne :blsmoke:


Active Member
Day 3:
Grow Box Environment: Remaining at around 77-78F and humidity is sitting at approximately 38-40% in the growbox.
So finally 1 seed sprouted; but the other one remains in the soil; hopefully another day or so should fix this! Sprayed a little more water onto the top soil but only just a little :) yeyeye
I am now using the 24 hour timer and have it for 20/4; packages recommended cycle from seed to harvest.

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:

..that big joint guy is soo much cooler than Mr. Green !
day 2 (5).jpgday 2 (4).jpgday 2 (1).jpg


Active Member
Day 5:
Grow Box Environment: Dipped around 75-76F; which is still fine, and in the grow box the humidity increased to 41%.
Both my seedlings have sprouted now but my new sprout is a bit yellow which is odd but ill give it time to repair itself. The containers were beginning to feel a bit lighter and the topsoil was very dry until around 3-4inch deep soil I watered my plants with 500ml/each; of just pH adjusted water. Also new pictures! The first 2 are of plant 1; which is the one that is yellow, and the other 2 are of plant 2; which currently appears healthy.
day 5 (1).jpgday 5 (6).jpgday 5 (2).jpgday 5 (5).jpg

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:


Active Member
Day 8:
Grow Box Environment: Hanging around 82F; although for humidity I have 1 piece of equipment thats giving me 45% humidity atm and the other one giving me 25% so yeah..no too sure which one 2 believe, but it shouldn't make much of a difference. Ill probably get a new temp/humidity reader for the rest of the grow in a few days as a precaution.

Regardless my sprouts are pretty healthy as I cannot see anything really wrong with them so ill let them continue their work. Ill either water at the end of the day or the next morning depending on how light the containers are in the evening. I will be feeding them 500ml/each 2.5gallon with 1/4th the strength solution of my DNF Gro A and B; as well as a few drops from my pH down to achieve a final pH solution of around 6. Also New Pictures! :mrgreen:

day 8 (4).jpgday 8 (1).jpgday 8 (2).jpgday 8 (5).jpgday 8 (3).jpg

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:
I'm wanting to grow this strain, looking forward to see what the final dry yield is.
are you only doing 2 plants, or you going to add more in later ????


Active Member
I am only going to do 2 plants because thats how much my grow box can fit; at least when the plants fully mature during the middle of flowering. I feel that if I were to add more plants; I would not be able to yield as much per plant because of more space limitations. TBH I would be happy if I can get 4oz off both these plants combined with the amount of space limited. The grow box is only like 1.8x2x2 in size...nothing big at all. As long as I have some good smoke in the end I will be happy :) BTW here is a link to a very successful grow with this specific strain https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/5453/blog1984-page4.html#comments; nearly 5oz for an Easy Ryder, pretty damn good in my books :mrgreen: Just a sample of what CAN be done.

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:


Active Member
Day 15
Grow Box Environment: The temperature just right above my VERY small canopy is sitting around 80F and RH at 32%

Now is just the beginning of Day 15 and by the looks of it, things are going pretty good; at least I think so. Watered each pot with 500ml with 1/4th nutrient strength solution with 2 drops of pH down to achieve around 6pH using my pH colour indicator.
The first plant is kind of taking it's time but its coming around. As for the other plant it looks very healthy part from some leaf curling but I hear its no big issue at this stage. No necrotic/yellow spots; apart from the 2 bottom leaves on the first plant which was my fault I believe, but the damage was VERY minimal..part from that everything looks ok in my eyes. Let me hear your opinions!!

More pictures!! day 15 (10).jpgday 15 (6).jpgday 15 (2).jpgday 15 (9).jpgday 15 (3).jpgday 15 (4).jpgday 15 (7).jpg

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:
Hey Man... love the fact that you're posting this. And your girl looks GREAT, nice job!!
Believe it or not I started same strain, same soil, sprouted on the 19th.
If you don't mind... I can post a pic of how my girl is as well... if not I do have a grow log, but it isn't on this site.

I have not begun nutes at all. I don't think I am going to do so until week 3.5-4 or so.
I started on 18/6 lights, and moved to 20/4 after 10 days.

Anyhow, I'll follow one way or the other, since this is my first grow and I'd like to be able to see if I'm on the right track.


Active Member
Awesome that your doing the same strain!! I would love to see your baby girl as well :mrgreen: TBH I believe starting with no nutrients would have also been the best option for these plants as well. Starting into around week 2 I think you should start using nutrients; around 1/4 or 1/2 strength, but if you really want to be cautious just look at your plants. Your plants will tell you when they want more nutrients. Good luck with the rest of your grow!!

New Grower, Common0ne :bigjoint:
Here's my girl (Amber, 'A' for my first grow) Fresh after a watering :)
Sprouted on the 19th...
homemade PC growbox
FFOF soil
2gal container
CFL onlyIMG_1155.jpg