RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters


King Tut
Well, it's not truly suicide because a few members have accepted me for what I am. An ex-cop in Central Cali that is now(off and on in HS and for the last 10 years) a smoker. Also a grower(VERY small, just a couple patients). I don't know everything and I quit in 1998 so not all law will be up-to-date(disclaimer).

All I can offer is a bridge between two communities that already intermingle. I know basic training, principles, ethics, etc and am more than willing to be the conduit that helps bridge the gap.

LEAP.cc is an excellent start for anyone wanting to try to understand those that are LEO, those that aren't, and those that still ride the fence.

If you are, were, thought of being, or know someone who is LEO I'm sure you have a basic grasp of what I'm trying to do. If you hate bacon, well it is your choice.

I could go on and on about different experiences and theories, as well as ideas, that I have. But I hope this initial post will open the door to a relationship that will, in the end, be beneficial to all.
1-Do you know legal stuff or just cop stuff? would you have answers to legal questions?- oh and 2-should I be talking to cops online?
There is a good one, how easy is it for a law enforcement agency to track people off of this site? Is this done on a regular basis that you know of (for any type of site not just this one)?
i've got an uncle and cousin that are retired cops, a nephew that is, and my son is thinking about doing it if he doesn't reenlist in the marines. so i know some cops are good people, they all know about my hobby and told me the easiest way to get busted is by the company you keep. i get so damn nervous when a cop gets behind me even when i'm clean as a whistle and i've only been pulled over twice in the 30 plus years of driving. so what are you doing for a living these days?
Cheese it everybody!

The cops!

no but really.

How many potheads did you arrest? It's in the past I'm just curious.... whats the most weight of any drug that you caught someone with (granted you actually caught them)
@beardo: 1)I have some experience with legal issues, but have not studied law and obtained a degree. That being said, sometimes a little real-world common sense goes a long way. 2) I guess that would depend on which cops you talk to. In my former PD, I know that out of 31 active officers, 30 drank and 12 smoked.

@Trueno: I'm out of the loop on this q since I have never been super computer literate and my time on-duty was before 9/11. From the friends I have that ARE active LEO, I hear that it is pretty damn easy. One of my buddies said his 11 year old son could hack me. I declined the challenge. I DO know I have heard many stories related to arrests for MANY crimes based on activity online. I wouldn't think this site would be any different. I have been on other forums in which most users use secure or remote ISP's and the whole 9 yards. To sum up my answer, I would say that when in doubt(as you should always be), use the VERY FIRST lesson taught on my first day in the police academy. "Admit nothing, deny everything, and DEMAND evidence!"
i've got an uncle and cousin that are retired cops, a nephew that is, and my son is thinking about doing it if he doesn't reenlist in the marines. so i know some cops are good people, they all know about my hobby and told me the easiest way to get busted is by the company you keep. i get so damn nervous when a cop gets behind me even when i'm clean as a whistle and i've only been pulled over twice in the 30 plus years of driving. so what are you doing for a living these days?

I hear you! I get nervous too, sometimes. Isn't it wrong that that is the general public's reaction? They have many reasons(just youtube "police abuse") but it goes beyond even that, imho.

I work as a Land Survey crew chief now and have found it suits my personality MUCH better.
Recently I was looking forward to meeting a prominent member of LEAP, and getting the chance to talk with him. We were spending several hours together in a documentary filming, so I knew I would have an opportunity to pick his brain.

Well, I did talk with him, and to sum it up, the guy is a royal prick, really an actual ass, and he did not like talking with me, and told me that some things that I was saying made him tense. The guy could dish it out, but could not take it, and I could tell he was accustomed to being heard without any discourse.

Cheese it everybody!

The cops!

no but really.

How many potheads did you arrest? It's in the past I'm just curious.... whats the most weight of any drug that you caught someone with (granted you actually caught them)

The largest FIELD count I saw was on a vehicle stop(I was backup) in which we estimated 18-20lbs in the field. Since I was the rookie, I got to weigh and tag evidence. Despite my protests, the official weigh in was jus under 12lbs. It was MY sig on that form. I HATE discrepancies(hence I'm now a Land Surveyor who deals with math all day) and I was not happy with that since some reports had the estimated weight and I SIGNED for the official weight. Where did that 6-8lbs go? We didn't use scales in the field, but really?
Sorry to hear it potroast. I kind of got that vibe from the videos I've been watching because while they are speaking logic, they seem to sometimes see themselves over us. You know? They understand the failed economics and politics of the war on drugs, but MOST of them still do not smoke. One time I was eating at a local taco truck and had just stopped being the rookie since we had a new guy. Well, long story short, pepper spray on an unsuspecting person's Mexican food is unwise, at best.:twisted: I had to make up the time he missed. lol What I'm getting at is I wish, sometimes, it was acceptable/ethical to slip a buddy a little Green Dragon in that drink and see what happens.....
Is their any kind of statute of limitations on warrants? I know minor crimes have a time limit but what about warrants? what if their is a warrant and that's old but prevents you from getting a drivers license? what is the situation for someone with a violation of probation who was an asshole and violated probation but has since turned their life around? they didn't want to extradite but have hold on license in computer.
Is their any kind of statute of limitations on warrants? I know minor crimes have a time limit but what about warrants? what if their is a warrant and that's old but prevents you from getting a drivers license? what is the situation for someone with a violation of probation who was an asshole and violated probation but has since turned their life around? they didn't want to extradite but have hold on license in computer.

The statute of limitations, in my understanding, begins from the time the crime is commited. The crime determines the statute as you said. Murder= no statute of limitations in most states that I know of. Anything short of murder generally carries a statute of 7 years or less. So, if the person of which you speak commited the accused offense more than 7 years ago, I would think they would be pretty clear, subject to their state and local laws.

In the case of a person that has violated probation, it is my understanding that the situation generally ends in a bench warrant, Wiki it, being issued. To the best of my knowledge, a bench warrant is pretty much a permanent hard-on from the judge and this person would be well advised to steer clear. Because this person has violated probation(AFTER being convicted of x,y,z crime) there is no statute of limitations. The statute is basically a stopwatch for the prosecutors office.
In south africa you can become the minister of police without even completing highschool.
In Ca you are only required to be a HS grad and graduate from a state accredited academy. Some cities, such as LA have their own academy that you must graduate. I would guesstimate that 50% or more officers have no more than a 2 year degree.(I have 1 yr JC and 6 months academy).

That being said, the first town I worked in had a population of about 60,000 at the time. The second was closer to 20k.
In south africa you can become the minister of police without even completing highschool.

What or WHO do you have to do? LOL

I had an offer to work in a small La town where my cousin worked. Guaranteed job, sight unseen, on my cousins word that I was good folk. The pay sucked, the weather was worse, they wore blue jeans and polo shirts, provided their own weapons and VEHICLES TOO! I used to think they were backwood hicks, but the more I think about it the idea of completely local LEO doesn't sound too bad.
The largest FIELD count I saw was on a vehicle stop(I was backup) in which we estimated 18-20lbs in the field. Since I was the rookie, I got to weigh and tag evidence. Despite my protests, the official weigh in was jus under 12lbs. It was MY sig on that form. I HATE discrepancies(hence I'm now a Land Surveyor who deals with math all day) and I was not happy with that since some reports had the estimated weight and I SIGNED for the official weight. Where did that 6-8lbs go? We didn't use scales in the field, but really?

That was bud that was found btw. Well, Mex brick really.
Lol, no its more a case of who holds what dirt on who. Remember the current government are our ex-terrorists.


Our national police commisioner....

Yes folks, truth is stranger than fiction.
Good way to incriminate yourself.....by knowingly talking to and telling stories to an admitted cop. What better way to learn our info, questions and concerns.

This is a genius thread, and I really mean that. By acknowledging his statement, then talking to him is like passing on your right to remain silent. Interesting approach. I have noticed a change in tactics the last few years.

Definitely subscribed to this muthafucking thread.:shock:

Not saying this is a trick thread.....but what if???????? Just think about it.