Club 600


Well-Known Member
Heat is my main issue next to cash.
Under 50 bucks do it?

I don't think i need to zip it i just tuck it in for sleep working great so far.
Thankx though Id rep but I cant.


Well-Known Member
I assume you have no airflow, at least maybe get a cheap ass fan, even an oscillating one (perhaps you have one, a small one will do), stick it in a carboard box and fashion the box round the fan (perhaps using ducting, making an inlet hole for the air to be sucked in by the fan from outside the box, and an outlet hole that is based around the fan) so that you can then put it up against the opening of the tent, close the opening and have minimal light leakage, but air being drawn from outside into the all I can think of at the mo.


Well-Known Member
One of those is absolutely perfect. Okay, so you are basically constructing a ghetto inline fan/box fan. So you need a box that is fairly snug to the fan. One end needs to be open, or shaped around the oscillating fan, the other side you want a smaller hole so the air is being sucked into that hole. then you can either hang your tent flap over that so that air is being pulled in from outside, or custom cut a hole into the tent to actually fit the box. I saw a guy who done a vertical in the corner of his room, and he had done this with one of his fans and it seemed to work.....if you have any spare ducting you could attach that to the inlet side of the box to create even less light leakage.


Well-Known Member
I think ML's problem is that he needs to get air into the tent so he can close the door,.....correct me if I am wrong. widdnae be the first time.


Well-Known Member
hehe, I wasn't meaning it that

I had actually deleted a whole sentence about air flow and grates as I thought it sounded dumb, so please enlighten us on these vorticles, and feel free to talk about any old shite you want.

it's all gravy here bru;)
Sorry,:oops:. We will try to stay on topic. Me high.:mrgreen:
EDIT: Me high high i managed to drop a whole bottle of DOG in the snow, luckily the lid didn't open to much, haha. Hazzards of having an outside smoking room.


Well-Known Member
lol. I just read in another thread about a guy who dropped a thumb of hash in the snow and had to give up looking for it.

I've been alternating shoveling snow and coming back inside and hitting the chronic. the effect accumulates :D

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
The malawi 99 is a regular bean, I hope you get a female too. It was by far the nicest looking and smelling plant I have grown to date. I just scrape my jars too.

Outdoor, a question. I'm not a ppm guy but I have a meter. If 200 is relatively low, what is the 500-800 range considered? And, what is considered a strong dose of nutes in ppm? What if your tap water is already 250 ppm to start?

Jig, you guys are getting hammered out there, I would rather have the snow. Are you in any danger of being washed away or mudslid on?


shankman, I remember my first one very well too. A bunch of tops in party cups in the top of my closet under cfl's. I think I was getting three grams a plant and I was thrilled. Gonna' try to hit the links on friday morning, wanna' go?

Edit...I forgot, the malawi is also extremely vigorgous.


Well-Known Member
hey boys hope every one's well here, got a quastion, i hear some growers chop the top part of the plant and let the bottem go for abit longer, is that posible to do? hase any one done this?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey boys hope every one's well here, got a quastion, i hear some growers chop the top part of the plant and let the bottem go for abit longer, is that posible to do? hase any one done this?
yeah bro did that last time to let the bottom fluffy buds harden up for a week or so :)