super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

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Well-Known Member
word i love cfls and t5's over hid's i wanna take my 400 mh out and put in t5's so i can get the light closer. so u dont have room for cuts? i have a pretty promising bagseed kush thats super frosty lemon kushy dankness that takes 45 days (believe it or not). it reminds me of lemon sour diesel mixed with something like og kush. i think they could be a sexy combo:hump:. she is very fast, resinous, tasty, resiliant to mites and roaches. but she is also not a great yielder she branches out well for and indi and fills out nice but her flowers were very airy not dense and she and could prolly use a boost in the effect department. i am purely speculating here but if i had to guess i would say she comes from the chem line cause of that alluring stank ass lemon/fuely smell. its not headband but maybe a headband that got hit wit some rouge pollen.i got a few pics only grew it out once but i still got the mom and i have 1 midget one in flower in my journal. and u can def build a litte room with panda n wood/pvc. i used plastic. and u could keep on 24 and not really worry about the light leaks just venting right?



Well-Known Member
smelly-- i love my cmh i run a 250 hps by eye hortilux side by side with a 250 cmh by philips and i throw in a uvb at flower

wbw --next time mist before put back in general population i normally leave out two days (but you dont have to ,few hours fine ) then i mist one going back and whatever in tent at replace time --but i dont mist nothing past 1/2 way of flower

it is ok to mist up to 1/2 of flower ive been doing it long time with dutch master liquid light but must have good air circulation
smelly-- i love my cmh i run a 250 hps by eye hortilux side by side with a 250 cmh by philips and i throw in a uvb at flower

wbw --next time mist before put back in general population i normally leave out two days (but you dont have to ,few hours fine ) then i mist one going back and whatever in tent at replace time --but i dont mist nothing past 1/2 way of flower

it is ok to mist up to 1/2 of flower ive been doing it long time with dutch master liquid light but must have good air circulation
Well we will see what hapens in a couple of days.If i start seeing brown hairs on my other plants this early i know somethings wrong..But i think it should be good.
word i love cfls and t5's over hid's i wanna take my 400 mh out and put in t5's so i can get the light closer. so u dont have room for cuts? i have a pretty promising bagseed kush thats super frosty lemon kushy dankness that takes 45 days (believe it or not). it reminds me of lemon sour diesel mixed with something like og kush. i think they could be a sexy combo:hump:. she is very fast, resinous, tasty, resiliant to mites and roaches. but she is also not a great yielder she branches out well for and indi and fills out nice but her flowers were very airy not dense and she and could prolly use a boost in the effect department. i am purely speculating here but if i had to guess i would say she comes from the chem line cause of that alluring stank ass lemon/fuely smell. its not headband but maybe a headband that got hit wit some rouge pollen.i got a few pics only grew it out once but i still got the mom and i have 1 midget one in flower in my journal. and u can def build a litte room with panda n wood/pvc. i used plastic. and u could keep on 24 and not really worry about the light leaks just venting right?
Since i took down my other tent i have nowhere to hang another light for cuttings.But i will get a little box for clones and to start seedlings in.Shit i may even try a rubbermaid build.


Well-Known Member
you dont need a tent --i use a little storage closet it is like 14 inches deep and 36 across and about 4 foot high one of those weird basment storage thingys

the top shelf has a heating pad and a double flouresent tube a 2 footer -bottom of closet has cfls wher i veg and do autos -this little closet is right next to my tent -you dont need much space for starters veg and clones -unless you veg for like 4 months


Well-Known Member
its nice to see some of these ppeople visit yo site that you have been so loyal to support

maybe just maybe some are not creeps after all
hell, as long a circulation is good u can mist all the way thru. i myself wou;da just misted it and threw it back in.
Yeah circulation is good so ill mist tonight but if there is any collateral damage it would be done already right?

you dont need a tent --i use a little storage closet it is like 14 inches deep and 36 across and about 4 foot high one of those weird basment storage thingys

the top shelf has a heating pad and a double flouresent tube a 2 footer -bottom of closet has cfls wher i veg and do autos -this little closet is right next to my tent -you dont need much space for starters veg and clones -unless you veg for like 4 months
Yeah i only veg for a max of 8 weeks or big enough to clone.So i will go to a couple of stores checking for a cheap storage closet.Like i said i could use one of those 20 dollar linen closets.That should be fine throw a clip on fan up top and a box fan at the bottom should be good.


Well-Known Member
is also good to have a place to grow a male in for a month or so after sex shown till you finish milking balls for sperm for yo sperm bank
is also good to have a place to grow a male in for a month or so after sex shown till you finish milking balls for sperm for yo sperm bank
Thats why i will pick up that linen closet..I could throw the males in there and milk em out with my t5 or like 4-42 watt cfls...
+ i need some where to veg for at least a month or month and a half.
use dittys cab yo. i been had one but i been usin it fa storage.. im bout to be usin it again tho .
?????What is that?I might try that out as long as it is cheap.I know the linen closet is made with pvc piping and vinyl cover.Thats why ill just use cfls or the t5s wouldnt want to start a fire using a hps in there lmao..


Well-Known Member
smelly-- i love my cmh i run a 250 hps by eye hortilux side by side with a 250 cmh by philips and i throw in a uvb at flower
Hell yea Dwezel, I would expect nothing but great things from that combo :)

Shit I'm actually just finishing up my first HID grow which suprisingly was only done with a 250 metal halide "for FLowering" and 200 or so watts of cfl's :)

Now I've seen what even a regular Mh can do, I could imagine a cmh or an hps! I'm getting ready to harvest my KK soon, you should drop by and give her a look before she's gone :)
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