For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

Hey there ebb and grow clan, looking for any last minute advice on my DIY bucket grow system. I've treid to read all 111 pages but christ man, I probably missed something along the way. I'm building a 12 site system out of 4 gallon square food grade buckets. I purchased this controller kit = and I have a 50 gallon drum rez. I made the following changes from the run of the mill ebb/flow kit. again, if you have any real world experience that would be great.

The main supply lines are 3/4 and there is a t at each bucket that feed individual buckets with 1/2" line. (changed to provide faster flood and drain).
I sealed the grommet hose junction with silicone (to fix some of the dripping/leaking that others have had.
All the buckets are raised an 1 1/2" higher than the control bucket (to allow it to drain back).
I have opaque lids for each bucket.
I am planning to but river rock in the bottom of the flood buckets to help prevent root clogging and roots in stagnant water (my buckets have about 3" of air beneath the bottom of the flood bucket and bottom of the plant bucket).
I painted all the flood buckets opaque.
I am making the connections between buckets (3/4) a little longer than needed for a little more flexibility in moving things around.

Any other tips? Thanks a bunch!!
I just did the AquaLab controller for my setup yesterday (signature has link to grow journal)........ It's post 180 or somewhere around there, the thread gets long fast lol...........

Good idea on the 3/4 to speed it up..............

Dont worry about buckets being too high so it all drains back. The H2O2 in your water will keep the roots that grow past the buckets hydroton through the bottom holes alive...........

That's all I can think of!
i would supply each bucket with 3/4 line, reduceing it to 1/2 at the bucket will negate having 3/4 feeds as you'll only drain what can flow out of 1/2".

IDK if you need the river rock or not if your planing to veg real long,like 2-3 months then maybe but under normal veg of 3-5 weeks there is no need, even in th 2g buckets. you can always trim the roots if there starting to get too crazy

when you say the buckets are opaque i hope that means no light gets in..... if light goes threw algee WILL grow.

Other than that sound like your on the right track good luck
Thanks for the tips. A little too late on the 1/2" inlets...already Bought them and cut the holes. I don't know if it will actually negate the 3/4 feed line though as I have 6 buckets per feed line so that's 6 1/2 running into one 3/4 which can carry alot more water than a single 1/2 could.

Yeah, the buckets are opaque now after two coats of paint :(. Big PIA but hell I got 42 buckets for $30 so a little elbow grease is not much of a bother. Total 12 site set up for under $200. Fairly happy so far but then again, it's not done yet.
you might try wrapping the outer buckets with reflective bubble wrap, they have it at all home improvment stores in the heat/ac area. it will insulate them too
LOL. THat bubble wrap shit is expensive (if your taking about the insulation stuff) I will say though that that shit is an AWESOME radiant heat barrier. I wrapped my heating ducts in the basement with it last year. They are cool to the touch, even when the heat has been cranking. Been thinking about making some covers for my hoods with it but they run so cool with am ducting that its probably not worth it.

Now if only they would create a non heat generating dehumidifier....
LOL. THat bubble wrap shit is expensive (if your taking about the insulation stuff) I will say though that that shit is an AWESOME radiant heat barrier. I wrapped my heating ducts in the basement with it last year. They are cool to the touch, even when the heat has been cranking. Been thinking about making some covers for my hoods with it but they run so cool with am ducting that its probably not worth it.

Now if only they would create a non heat generating dehumidifier....

They do, buy about 20 Lbs of Sillica Dessicant. You'll have to activate it in the oven at 250(f) for 12 hours every month, but it'll remove a lot of humidity. Need more humidity removed still? Buy another 5 lbs! Just blow the rooms air from a fan pointed at the dessicant.
Okay so if I recall reading though this correctly there are quite a few mentions of using H202 in this system but I don't recall what % and how many ml to litre? Thanks!
I toss in 150mL for every 55 gallon reservoir of mine............. Every Monday is nutrient change day, so I add it then and then usually Thursday or Friday again................ 2x weekly

You cant add too much H2O2, I used to just toss in 400ml each time and it did nothing different than the 150ml............
only my 2nd grow but i am using ebb and flow ststem (i assume this is what u on about u call it cap ebb and grow ) btw i am in uk and we talk diff :D lol

buddwasher do you have a 240v version of the ebb and grow? if so, please post a link to where you got it. I have been looking for a 240v version for a long time with no luck.
This is how I do it, no freak out at all. Actually pretty slick and space saving way to clone.

I have a question about that.... I have a DIY aeroponicis cloner/veg unit. No sure if your familiar with "Stinkbud" and his aeroponic units, but that's what it is. I have 12 plants that have grown out of control in this unit and all the roots are matted together. I was planning on transferring these plants into the Eb & Gro, but I don't know if it's possible to separate the roots without F*%king up the plants. Is there any way I can save these plants?

on a second note I was also thinking about doing a Scrog. is this what you did with the Ebb & Gro? I'll be reading your journal after this
yea ive been veggin in net pots in a 4by4 tay with hydroton for 3 weeks an then puttin them in buckets been workin great!! i was usin RW to veg but RW seems like a nightmare with bugs an they constantly hold moisture
I have a question about that.... I have a DIY aeroponicis cloner/veg unit. No sure if your familiar with "Stinkbud" and his aeroponic units, but that's what it is. I have 12 plants that have grown out of control in this unit and all the roots are matted together. I was planning on transferring these plants into the Eb & Gro, but I don't know if it's possible to separate the roots without F*%king up the plants. Is there any way I can save these plants?

on a second note I was also thinking about doing a Scrog. is this what you did with the Ebb & Gro? I'll be reading your journal after this

If the roots are matted together, you must be *very* careful when trying to "un-matte" them........ Soak them in water completely and then slowly, slowly, try to move them apart. You'll be guaranteed to shred some roots but after a few days the transplants should be fine. It may even take up to a week. It may also kill them, so I'd probably snip some new clones or plant some new seeds just in case............

I remember this often from my first grow in a grow box that used a rockwool/netpot situation, but they flowered this way so it wasnt a big deal................

Transplants to Hydroton are often very forgiving